YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

I thought I would toss this out there. It's a story somebody posted on FB.

Last week, BLACK ENTERPRISE reported a feel-good story about a young woman facing eviction in North Las Vegas who had started a GoFundMe account to help with her mounting expenses. The woman appeared on a CNN segment with her three children by her side, and her life changed after a wave of support came her way. She raised $233,770 out of a $2,000 goal as she received overwhelming support.

After the funds were raised and news started spreading, CNN retracted the story and changed the original title after the young lady, Dasha Kelly, admitted to not being the mother of the three girls that appeared in the CNN segment with her.

“Update: After CNN aired a story about her potential eviction, Dasha Kelly clarified to CNN that she is not the mother of the three children featured in the story. CNN has verified she takes care of the children in her home for periods of time. She says she originally described herself to CNN as a mother because she considers herself to be like one to them.

Gee, I wonder if she's a Republican? :badgrin:
Las Vegas?

A quick search of their local media brought up this story that I thought I'd toss out there:

A landlord who murdered two tenants over unpaid rent.

While laughing.

Gee, I wonder if he's a Republican? :confused:
Las Vegas?

A quick search of their local media brought up this story that I thought I'd toss out there:

A landlord who murdered two tenants over unpaid rent.

While laughing.

Gee, I wonder if he's a Republican? :confused:
Most likely not political at all, pays little attention to politics.
A landlord who murdered two tenants over unpaid rent.

While laughing.

Gee, I wonder if he's a Republican?

Gee, I wonder why you people post stories you didn't even read. The article stated they were living in his house so it was hardly a landlord/ tenant dispute. Wonder if he was Republican with a last name of Sanchez? Better think that one out for a few.
You mean the 200K deaths that are happening because Bubba the Redneck thinks getting a shot would be a denial of the One True God, Donald Trump? I call that "Natural Selection".

No, the 200,000 deaths because Dementia Fd up the vaccine process so badly; Democrats insisting we still need to wear masks so people became disinterested in getting the shot since nothing will change for them. Allowing tens of thousands of infected illegals into this country every week from over 100 countries and busing or flying them across our country coast to coast.

Oh, that's right, blame only takes place when we have an American President in charge. Commies get a free pass.

Not really. Most of it took place because of Trump Tax Cuts and Trump Plague.

Bullshit. Trump fought the commies until the day the government was going t shut down with their last pork spending bill.
And then they can't understand why they get in trouble when they get caught.

A big part of the problem, lately, is that too many don't get in trouble for bad behavior.

How many of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit who have participated in the Black LIES matter riots have faced any adverse legal consequences?

On another note, one wonders how Incel Joe is so familiar with the “happy ending” massage parlors in his community.
Most likely not political at all, pays little attention to politics.
Very possible.

I just thought that since a Sin City tenant was being smeared in an attempt to smear ALL vulnerable renters, perhaps a counter was appropriate.
Very possible.

I just thought that since a Sin City tenant was being smeared in an attempt to smear ALL vulnerable renters, perhaps a counter was appropriate.
That means that you made the unsupported assumption that most vulnerable renters are going to be democrats.
The problem...

The Fifth Amendment prohibits the government from commandeering private property for public use without just compensation.

" nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Thanks TemplarKormac
When the govt/Army Corps of Engineers made the last minute decision to release Reservoirs due to Harvey flooding in Houston, they calculated the loss of homes in the closest areas would cost less in damage than the larger downstream areas including greater business districts and populations.

The federal govt got sued for INVERSE CONDEMNATION. The class action is still pending for areas in Bear Creek that have the strongest clearcut case, while the Katy area has a weaker case because of some clause in writing the legal defense can use to argue the property buyers had some disclaimer in writing.

For business losses to the pandemic mandates of govt, there should be similar liability, where losses caused by govt actions are assessed and compensated. However, like Reparations, this should not be a burden to punish Taxpayers who didn't agree to the policy causing the damage.

Like reparations, it is best resolved voluntarily, where people have to agree to the terms of corrections. The people COSTING business revenue and rent should be held to account if they supported this govt policy.

I think it will be up to people to pursue this for ourselves, because everyone's beliefs about mandates, masks, vaccines and shutdowns are different. We have consensus in groups, but not organized enough to manage the different group beliefs without conflict.

I am not against any group doing things their way. In Texas at least, we have enough resources to manage different solutions, and CA is the same way.

Maybe we should organize the liberal political response out of CA and the Conservative approaches from TX.

And set up national networks to help people set up response by their natural way of doing things and not conflict with other groups doing it the other way.

We already have this happening in TX

The city/county level is pushing liberal mandates while the state level is banning unconstitutional mandates. We have both policies being pushed in TX by Democrats and Republicans.

Why not acknowledge this difference, reorganize along party lines and let taxpayers and leaders take financial and legal responsibility for the costs and consequences of their policy decisions?

Right now nobody is being held liable for the vaccines. But people are arguing anti or unvaccinated advocates shpuld be held liable. Why not hold all people liable for whatever mandates you push or you ban?
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Free stuff, free stuff, free stuff.

As long as someone else is paying for "free stuff" leftists like the OP are happy to take it.

And that's who you are OP, that's you to the core.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
the bum class rules
People ignore laws they don't like all the time. I live in an area where there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors within five miles of me.

And then they can't understand why they get in trouble when they get caught.

Actually, more like,

They get caught. They are given a court date and they pay a fine, and then they are right back in business...

Every once in a while, the cops do a sting on one of these places on the premise they are fighting "human trafficking" (The new go-to for self-proclaimed puritans) and they bust the place, only to admit everyone working there was working there of her own free will. Most of the time, they largely ignore them.

The absurdity of anti-prostitution laws is that we want to arrest people for doing for money something that is perfectly legal of they do it for free.

Which brings us back to the whole premise of this thread, of Biden extending the moratorium on evictions until we get TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) under better control. Kind of makes sense... a lot of people are unable to work or work as many hours, and evicting them from their homes will put them and others in danger, at least until we get everyone better vaccinated.
No, the 200,000 deaths because Dementia Fd up the vaccine process so badly; Democrats insisting we still need to wear masks so people became disinterested in getting the shot since nothing will change for them. Allowing tens of thousands of infected illegals into this country every week from over 100 countries and busing or flying them across our country coast to coast.

There's plenty of vaccine available now.. the problem is all the rednecks who refuse to get the shot.... Unlike Trump who promised 10 million vaccinations by December and didn't hit a million.

The places with the outbreaks now are the deep red states like FL and TX.

Bullshit. Trump fought the commies until the day the government was going t shut down with their last pork spending bill.

He fought them because they refused to waste money on his Ego Wall.
A big part of the problem, lately, is that too many don't get in trouble for bad behavior.

How many of the subhuman criminal pieces of shit who have participated in the Black LIES matter riots have faced any adverse legal consequences?

We lock up 2 million people in this country, we have another 7 million on probation or parole.... We have an entire prison-industrial complex that doesn't make us even a little bit safer, Mormon Bob. Maybe it's time we stop pandering to the nuts who just want to punish people for being poor and trying to fix the underlying problems.

On another note, one wonders how @Incel Joe is so familiar with the “happy ending” massage parlors in his community.

Well, they have these big signs outside saying what they are... It's not even like they try to hide it. But duly reported for accusing me of criminal activity, again, Mormon Bob.
There's plenty of vaccine available now.. the problem is all the rednecks who refuse to get the shot.... Unlike Trump who promised 10 million vaccinations by December and didn't hit a million.

The places with the outbreaks now are the deep red states like FL and TX.

You mean those states that are the most visited during vacation months? Wow, what a surprise. And how is CA doing these days? What about NYC? Florida's problem is it's such a great state thanks to Governor DeSantis that everybody wants to go there. Texas? You mean the same Texas where many of the illegals are crossing into, just like California?

Trump met his goal. He said we would likely have a vaccine out by the end of December. Well he was wrong. We didn't have a vaccine out by December. We had two vaccines out by December. Dementia failed in his goal and is still failing. And since when do we refer to blacks as red necks since they lead the country in vaccine hesitancy? Dementia lied, and people died and are still dying thanks to how you and other uninformed voters voted.

He fought them because they refused to waste money on his Ego Wall.

You mean the same ego wall that has worked everywhere in the world it's been tried? The wall is paid for by taking money from the military budget, and Dementia stopped it the day he got in. Now we are having such a fentanyl problem from that shit coming over the border they say we may even reach a new high death toll from OD's this year.
Which brings us back to the whole premise of this thread, of Biden extending the moratorium on evictions until we get TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) under better control. Kind of makes sense... a lot of people are unable to work or work as many hours, and evicting them from their homes will put them and others in danger, at least until we get everyone better vaccinated.

Yeah, evicting them from their homes may put them in danger, but to hell with the landlords who lose their homes because they can't pay the bills for the rental units with no rental income coming in.

The Communists could care less if you lose your apartment, just like they could give a shit about your healthcare. It's all about power for them. So they cater to their voters by unconstitutionally having this eviction moratorium because renters are more likely to be Democrat voters and landlords Republican voters. That's the only thing they care about.
Actually, more like,

They get caught. They are given a court date and they pay a fine, and then they are right back in business...

Every once in a while, the cops do a sting on one of these places on the premise they are fighting "human trafficking" (The new go-to for self-proclaimed puritans) and they bust the place, only to admit everyone working there was working there of her own free will. Most of the time, they largely ignore them.

The absurdity of anti-prostitution laws is that we want to arrest people for doing for money something that is perfectly legal of they do it for free.

Which brings us back to the whole premise of this thread, of Biden extending the moratorium on evictions until we get TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) under better control. Kind of makes sense... a lot of people are unable to work or work as many hours, and evicting them from their homes will put them and others in danger, at least until we get everyone better vaccinated.
It's simply not a good idea to allow a president to act outside of his Constitutionally granted powers. Doing that means we're a cult of personality, not a nation of laws. Face reality, you would have spit nails had TRUMP! done so with impunity, and screeched bloody murder long and loud had he simply written an EO that exceeded his power. Allowing Quid Pro to do it just means the next Republican president will assume the same authority and do the same thing. And you won't like it, but will have no recourse because, after all, you approved of Quid Pro doing it because you care more about your feelings on a matter, not the law regarding the matter.
Yeah, evicting them from their homes may put them in danger, but to hell with the landlords who lose their homes because they can't pay the bills for the rental units with no rental income coming in.

The Communists could care less if you lose your apartment, just like they could give a shit about your healthcare. It's all about power for them. So they cater to their voters by unconstitutionally having this eviction moratorium because renters are more likely to be Democrat voters and landlords Republican voters. That's the only thing they care about.
In all seriousness, a landlord has ways to make a non-paying tenet's life miserable, and should serve notice that anyone caught with the means to pay but refusing to do so will end up in civil court.
You mean those states that are the most visited during vacation months? Wow, what a surprise. And how is CA doing these days? What about NYC? Florida's problem is it's such a great state thanks to Governor DeSantis that everybody wants to go there. Texas? You mean the same Texas where many of the illegals are crossing into, just like California?

Trump met his goal. He said we would likely have a vaccine out by the end of December. Well he was wrong. We didn't have a vaccine out by December. We had two vaccines out by December. Dementia failed in his goal and is still failing. And since when do we refer to blacks as red necks since they lead the country in vaccine hesitancy? Dementia lied, and people died and are still dying thanks to how you and other uninformed voters voted.

You mean the same ego wall that has worked everywhere in the world it's been tried? The wall is paid for by taking money from the military budget, and Dementia stopped it the day he got in. Now we are having such a fentanyl problem from that shit coming over the border they say we may even reach a new high death toll from OD's this year.
They do like to pretend that the black and Hispanic communities are immune from criticism for refusing vaccinations.
They do like to pretend that the black and Hispanic communities are immune from criticism for refusing vaccinations.

Correct. I did get the two shots. On neither occasion do I recall them asking me what my political affiliation was. But oh! They have polls. I think we on the right all know how polls work.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland

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