YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

In all seriousness, a landlord has ways to make a non-paying tenet's life miserable, and should serve notice that anyone caught with the means to pay but refusing to do so will end up in civil court.

It can and will go to court anyway. All of my tenants are working and paying rent. But if I had one taking advantage of this nonsense, that doesn't mean I can't sue them. In fact I don't even have to wait until the moratorium ends. I can sue them once a month for back rent if I like.

Now thankfully, I only had to do that once in the near 30 years I've been doing this. But the court allowed me to sue for all my legal expenses, my time off of work and court costs. If the tenant is working and just being an asshole by not paying rent and me not being able to kick them out, I can have their wages garnished for however long it takes until they repay me in full.
It can and will go to court anyway. All of my tenants are working and paying rent. But if I had one taking advantage of this nonsense, that doesn't mean I can't sue them. In fact I don't even have to wait until the moratorium ends. I can sue them once a month for back rent if I like.

Now thankfully, I only had to do that once in the near 30 years I've been doing this. But the court allowed me to sue for all my legal expenses, my time off of work and court costs. If the tenant is working and just being an asshole by not paying rent and me not being able to kick them out, I can have their wages garnished for however long it takes until they repay me in full.
They don't seem to understand that, while you can't kick them out, you CAN take steps to collect the rent they owe. It's a typical liberal thing, never look beyond the headlines or consider the consequences.
You mean those states that are the most visited during vacation months? Wow, what a surprise. And how is CA doing these days? What about NYC? Florida's problem is it's such a great state thanks to Governor DeSantis that everybody wants to go there. Texas? You mean the same Texas where many of the illegals are crossing into, just like California?
Yup, Florida is so awesome it needs to do this.

Trump met his goal. He said we would likely have a vaccine out by the end of December. Well he was wrong. We didn't have a vaccine out by December. We had two vaccines out by December. Dementia failed in his goal and is still failing. And since when do we refer to blacks as red necks since they lead the country in vaccine hesitancy? Dementia lied, and people died and are still dying thanks to how you and other uninformed voters voted.
Actually, his goal was to have 10 million people vaccinated by the end of December.. He didn't get to a million.

You mean the same ego wall that has worked everywhere in the world it's been tried? The wall is paid for by taking money from the military budget, and Dementia stopped it the day he got in. Now we are having such a fentanyl problem from that shit coming over the border they say we may even reach a new high death toll from OD's this year.
Dude, you need to stop watching Fox News all day, you are going to worry yourself to death.

The military budget wasn't for a wall... it was for the military. As an old Army Supply Sergeant, there's some troop out there not getting what he needs because Trump built an extra 20 feet of wall that some Mexican can cut through with tools from the Home Depot.

Yeah, evicting them from their homes may put them in danger, but to hell with the landlords who lose their homes because they can't pay the bills for the rental units with no rental income coming in.

Money was set aside for that. If your state isn't getting it to people, that's their problem.

The Communists could care less if you lose your apartment, just like they could give a shit about your healthcare. It's all about power for them. So they cater to their voters by unconstitutionally having this eviction moratorium because renters are more likely to be Democrat voters and landlords Republican voters. That's the only thing they care about.

Actually, it's more like, you throw people out of their homes now, they are more likely to go somewhere and infect other people.
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It's simply not a good idea to allow a president to act outside of his Constitutionally granted powers. Doing that means we're a cult of personality, not a nation of laws. Face reality, you would have spit nails had TRUMP! done so with impunity, and screeched bloody murder long and loud had he simply written an EO that exceeded his power. Allowing Quid Pro to do it just means the next Republican president will assume the same authority and do the same thing. And you won't like it, but will have no recourse because, after all, you approved of Quid Pro doing it because you care more about your feelings on a matter, not the law regarding the matter.

Actually, it's quite the opposite. The next Republican (assuming the electorate has a brain tumor and elects one again because they miss recessions, for some reason) is going to break the law and do shitty things anyway. It's not like anyone holds them accountable for putting kids in cages or starting wars over lies or selling weapons to terrorists.

I'd rather have someone break the law to do the decent thing, you know, just for a change.
Yup, Florida is so awesome it needs to do this.

You are so stupid it's incredible. You post links that defies you own intention. WTF don't you try reading them sometime before posting so you don't continually make an ass out of yourself.

First of all the Governor said nobody in his state ever requested any ventilators. Secondly, he had no knowledge of any ventilators from the federal government going to Florida. If they shipped them (which apparently they didn't) then it would have to go to another government entity first which apparently didn't happen.

So if the commies did ship ventilators to Florida, they spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars for a political stunt show. I know that doesn't bother you since you support the commies promoting Big Brother even at all our expense. Nobody asked for any ventilators, and nobody got any ventilators.

Actually, his goal was to have 10 million people vaccinated by the end of December.. He didn't get to a million.

Maybe it's something in the water in the White House.

Dude, you need to stop watching Fox News all day, you are going to worry yourself to death.

The military budget wasn't for a wall... it was for the military. As an old Army Supply Sergeant, there's some troop out there not getting what he needs because Trump built an extra 20 feet of wall that some Mexican can cut through with tools from the Home Depot.

You're telling me to quit watching a real news station with a comment like that????? Try over 460 miles of replacement wall and 30 miles of new wall until Dementia stopped it. Yes, Trump got the money out of the military budget because the commies refused to give him a dime for the wall.

Money was set aside for that. If your state isn't getting it to people, that's their problem.

Apparently it's a problem across the entire country since Dementia violated his oath of office by extending the illegal moratorium. Yes, that's what you call a real impeachable offense--violating your oath of office.

Actually, it's more like, you throw people out of their homes now, they are more likely to go somewhere and infect other people.

What about the landlords they are throwing out of their homes because they can't pay the bills?
First of all the Governor said nobody in his state ever requested any ventilators. Secondly, he had no knowledge of any ventilators from the federal government going to Florida. If they shipped them (which apparently they didn't) then it would have to go to another government entity first which apparently didn't happen.

So if the commies did ship ventilators to Florida, they spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars for a political stunt show. I know that doesn't bother you since you support the commies promoting Big Brother even at all our expense. Nobody asked for any ventilators, and nobody got any ventilators.

I'm sure Typhoid DeSantis didn't want any ventilators... he's shown a remarkable disregard for all the people dying in his state. But you'll love him until Trump tells you not to.

Maybe it's something in the water in the White House.
Naw, it's something in the Red States where all you Cleetuses are proving Darwin right.

You're telling me to quit watching a real news station with a comment like that????? Try over 460 miles of replacement wall and 30 miles of new wall until Dementia stopped it. Yes, Trump got the money out of the military budget because the commies refused to give him a dime for the wall.
That's not what the military budget is for... and if he only built 30 miles of new wall and did some minor repairs on existing wall, that's kind of pathetic. Has Mexico paid for it yet?

Apparently it's a problem across the entire country since Dementia violated his oath of office by extending the illegal moratorium. Yes, that's what you call a real impeachable offense--violating your oath of office.

Yeah, so keeping people in their homes so they don't spread a deadly disease is impeachable, but inciting a riot that kills half a dozen people isn't? Interesting.

What about the landlords they are throwing out of their homes because they can't pay the bills?

Actually, there was a moratorium on foreclosures as well. True, it's only on single homes, but banks are willing to work with people.
I'm sure Typhoid DeSantis didn't want any ventilators... he's shown a remarkable disregard for all the people dying in his state. But you'll love him until Trump tells you not to.

Why would he want ventilators he didn't need? If he needed them, he's a great leader and would have gotten them. Florida is the second most visited state during normal vacation season. The first is California, and they are masking and working on closing even more of their businesses.

Naw, it's something in the Red States where all you Cleetuses are proving Darwin right.

What I proved is that you criticize Trump for a new vaccine that just came out, and Dementia had them all along and couldn't get to his claimed goal in six months. What did Trump have after the FDA gave it their EUA, like less than a month?

That's not what the military budget is for... and if he only built 30 miles of new wall and did some minor repairs on existing wall, that's kind of pathetic. Has Mexico paid for it yet?

No, a lot of it was vehicle barriers. Do you know what a vehicle barrier looks like? This:

vehicle barriers.jpeg

In other words totally useless unless you're driving a car or truck. Even then leave the vehicle behind and an 85 year old lady could get over one of these.

Yeah, so keeping people in their homes so they don't spread a deadly disease is impeachable, but inciting a riot that kills half a dozen people isn't? Interesting.

Nobody incited a riot. Again, watch real news for a change. WTF makes you think that squaters have covid in the first place? More cheap leftist excuses for actions by the Communists. They don't have covid any more than any other group of people. If the commies were so worried about "spreading" the covid, then WTF are they letting in tens of thousands of these illegals in every month from over 100 countries to waltz right in, jump on a bus or plane untested, and spread out through the entire country? Yeah, real concerned about spreading covid, huh?

God you people don't think for a moment when you post something.

Actually, there was a moratorium on foreclosures as well. True, it's only on single homes, but banks are willing to work with people.

That lasted a few months. We are almost two years into this thing now, and we are facing a labor shortage. It doesn't say anything about people who are working and can pay their rent, it says everybody, even if they are making 60K a year.
Why would he want ventilators he didn't need? If he needed them, he's a great leader and would have gotten them. Florida is the second most visited state during normal vacation season. The first is California, and they are masking and working on closing even more of their businesses.
yes, they are taking appropriate action, meanwhile, Florida is a Covid Hot Spot because Typhoid Mark doesn't want to deny the One True God and admit Covid is a problem.

What I proved is that you criticize Trump for a new vaccine that just came out, and Dementia had them all along and couldn't get to his claimed goal in six months. What did Trump have after the FDA gave it their EUA, like less than a month?
And then he fumbled the roll out, where Biden had to pick up the slack.

As of this morning, we have 60% of the population vaccinated. We'd have more if you rednecks would get your shots.

Nobody incited a riot. Again, watch real news for a change. WTF makes you think that squaters have covid in the first place? More cheap leftist excuses for actions by the Communists. They don't have covid any more than any other group of people. If the commies were so worried about "spreading" the covid, then WTF are they letting in tens of thousands of these illegals in every month from over 100 countries to waltz right in, jump on a bus or plane untested, and spread out through the entire country? Yeah, real concerned about spreading covid, huh?
That's the point. They don't have Covid because they are staying home. They did the responsible thing and didn't spread it, and now they are behind on their rents. Now we have to fix it...

That lasted a few months. We are almost two years into this thing now, and we are facing a labor shortage. It doesn't say anything about people who are working and can pay their rent, it says everybody, even if they are making 60K a year.

Is 60K a year worth dying for?
Towns and cities should simply create large campgrounds where working people can live in a tent or small trailer. Imagine the money they could save and we'll how many bad landlords could be put out of business.
Is 60K a year worth dying for?

The question you should be asking is whether it is worth giving up your ability to earn a living, and winding up homeless and starving, to avoid catching a disease with a 99.7%+ recovery rate.

How many people do you want to kill, to keep them from getting sick from a disease that the vast majority of them would survive?

Virus-linked hunger tied to 10,000 child deaths each month
The question you should be asking is whether it is worth giving up your ability to earn a living, and winding up homeless and starving, to avoid catching a disease with a 99.7%+ recovery rate.

How many people do you want to kill, to keep them from getting sick from a disease that the vast majority of them would survive?

Except no one in this country needs to starve... as long as we keep paying them until the crisis has passed.

The death rate from TRUMP PLAGUE is 1.7% of people who catch it. If everyone in the US caught it, the death total would be 5.1 MILLION Americans. That would be a catastrophic dent in our population.
Except no one in this country needs to starve... as long as we keep paying them until the crisis has passed.

The death rate from TRUMP PLAGUE is 1.7% of people who catch it. If everyone in the US caught it, the death total would be 5.1 MILLION Americans. That would be a catastrophic dent in our population.

Do you not understand that in order for food to be available, people have to be working to produce it and distribute it?

And in order to pay money to people for not working, other people have to be working, earning that money, and having it stolen from them to give to the deadbeats.

No matter how bad you may think a disaster is, that you think you need to shut down the economy over it, doing so is not sustainable.

Not yet here in this country, but in other parts of the world, due to unemployment, poverty, and disruption of production and supply lines, we now have more people dying from starvation as a result of the #CoronaHoax than the virus itself could ever directly cause.

And if we continue down this path, this •WILL• happen here as well.
yes, they are taking appropriate action, meanwhile, Florida is a Covid Hot Spot because Typhoid Mark doesn't want to deny the One True God and admit Covid is a problem.

Nobody said it's not a problem there, but it's a problem in a lot of places including commie states that did all these shut-in things and had just as bad of results. And Florida did better than those states with schools fully open, masks optional, leaving it to people to make their own choices before delta came along. What changed? Tourism and Dementia sending infected illegals to the state. That's about it.

And then he fumbled the roll out, where Biden had to pick up the slack.

As of this morning, we have 60% of the population vaccinated. We'd have more if you rednecks would get your shots.

The commies promoted this BS that Biden increased the vaccines, yet the chart shows the exact same trajectory when Trump was in charge as when Dementia took over until the J&J vaccine came out and then we had three suppliers, plus the fact the J&J vaccine could vaccinate twice as many people since it only required one dose.

It's so pathetic that you leftists want to steal Trump's success and give it to a guy that can't even leave his bathroom without hurting himself and did absolutely nothing.

That's the point. They don't have Covid because they are staying home. They did the responsible thing and didn't spread it, and now they are behind on their rents. Now we have to fix it...

Bullshit. People are working all over the place and have been since the start of this thing. What's next, paying people to not work over the flu this season? How about so they don't catch a cold?

Is 60K a year worth dying for?

Ask the people who are making 25K a year and working every day.
Do you not understand that in order for food to be available, people have to be working to produce it and distribute it?

And in order to pay money to people for not working, other people have to be working, earning that money, and having it stolen from them to give to the deadbeats.

No matter how bad you may think a disaster is, that you think you need to shut down the economy over it, doing so is not sustainable.

Actually, only a very small percent of the population is involved in food production, Mormon Bob.

But going back to my famous point about White People Welfare, we spend a lot more on middle class entitlements- you know, paying people like Welfare Ray not to work, than we do keeping poor people from starving.

We don't have to shut down the economy, just manage it a bit better. This wouldn't be a problem at all had Trump not fumbled the response to Covid for nearly a year.

Not yet here in this country, but in other parts of the world, due to unemployment, poverty, and disruption of production and supply lines, we now have more people dying from starvation as a result of the #CoronaHoax than the virus itself could ever directly cause.

And if we continue down this path, this •WILL• happen here as well.

Get back to me when it does, Mormon Bob.

That's what people in the third world do, Bob, they starve. You want to help, send them birth control and pay for their abortions...
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

In reality, this is all going to backfire:

1. Rental supply will shrink as landlords cannot afford to provide free housing.
2. Rent prices will increase.
3. Landlords will require several months of additional prepaid rent to protect themselves from deadbeats.

There is no "Free Rent". You are being gaslighted.
Hopefully the Democrats duplicate free rent housing for battery operated cars. Either the dealers can take it or the government can do it for free. Vehicles are just as important as housing, especially battery operated vehicles, because people need cars to shop and travel.
Nobody said it's not a problem there, but it's a problem in a lot of places including commie states that did all these shut-in things and had just as bad of results. And Florida did better than those states with schools fully open, masks optional, leaving it to people to make their own choices before delta came along. What changed? Tourism and Dementia sending infected illegals to the state. That's about it.

Um, yeah, Florida leads the country in new Covid Cases right now, that's what a bang up job Typhoid Mark is doing.

And the schools aren't even open yet.

Florida not only has more new cases in this month than any other state, they have more than the entire country of Mexico.

Check out the map, and look how dark red Florida and Louisiana are right now.

The commies promoted this BS that Biden increased the vaccines, yet the chart shows the exact same trajectory when Trump was in charge as when Dementia took over until the J&J vaccine came out and then we had three suppliers, plus the fact the J&J vaccine could vaccinate twice as many people since it only required one dose.

It's so pathetic that you leftists want to steal Trump's success and give it to a guy that can't even leave his bathroom without hurting himself and did absolutely nothing.

Except it wasn't Trump's success, was it? He failed to get the vaccine out in a timely manner.

Bullshit. People are working all over the place and have been since the start of this thing. What's next, paying people to not work over the flu this season? How about so they don't catch a cold?

Actually, the stupidest thing I saw when I used to go into the office was people who SHOULD have stayed home coming in sick, and getting everyone else sick, because they were afraid their bosses might think they were slackers.

Ask the people who are making 25K a year and working every day.

I'm sure there are... you aren't one of them. I wonder why.

Oh, shit, here will come the pile of excuses from Welfare Ray.

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