YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

And once you eventually do move out and pay the break contract fee, if you played it smart you’ll have $15,000-$20,000 you saved from not paying rent, plus $5,000 or so in stimulus, DOWN PAYMENT on a house!!!

Free market fellas. We didnt make these rules, we’re just living in it, same as all you MAGAs have done for centuries to manipulate your way thru

A friend of mine had two properties with tenants like you. He worked around it by cutting their electricity, cable, and water. They scattered like roaches. Padlocked the doors and got new tenants.
Not advisable. That is illegal and would lead to lawsuits costing much more by the tenant.
I knew that was basically your position Ray, but you've ignored the important question.

Will young Americans continue to buy into the redbaiting and your promoting the idea that there's a 'commie' under every bed?

If the tactic begins to fail then that will be the beginning of the remaking of America into a 'socially' acceptable country for it's people.

And along with that will come a universal HC system run by government, that provides higher quality HC for all at an affordable price.

I think America is in a period of flux where it could go either way. But if change for the people doesn't come then the fighting can't end.

If Biden can't deliver then maybe Trump will be given another chance! But Trump won't be able to get by on broken promises the next time.
I knew that was basically your position Ray, but you've ignored the important question.

Will young Americans continue to buy into the redbaiting and your promoting the idea that there's a 'commie' under every bed?

If the tactic begins to fail then that will be the beginning of the remaking of America into a 'socially' acceptable country for it's people.

And along with that will come a universal HC system run by government, that provides higher quality HC for all at an affordable price.

I think America is in a period of flux where it could go either way. But if change for the people doesn't come then the fighting can't end.

If Biden can't deliver then maybe Trump will be given another chance! But Trump won't be able to get by on broken promises the next time.
Are you willing to entrust your health to the same people that have given us failing public schools, incompetent DMVs, a State Department that looks out for the welfare of every country except the USA, a postal service that constantly raises prices while delivering substandard service and police that you distrust? I’m not. Government programs always underproduce at a higher cost than private enterprise.
HC in Cuba is roughly judged to be the equivalent of the US system, based on several factors used to judge HC quality.

One very big reason for Cuba being on par with America's is that Cuba's system doesn't bankrupt the poor and needy.

Quality affordable HC in Cuba puts a different light on the meaning of poverty.

If you're poor in America and you get seriously ill or injured, you're fucked!
In simplified terms that is!
You mean that “quality” health care system of Cuba that lacks medicine, clean linens, even toilet paper for its hospitals and pays doctors the same as auto mechanics? If you are rich, a powerful party member or a foreign tourist with hard currency to spend Cuba’s health care system is good. For anyone else, it’s horrible,
I would say that it's fortunate that states lost the ability to act like individual countries.

That only allowed some states to promote extremist values that were not in the best interests of the country. America is full of examples of such.

Many of the southern states are still requiring force applied on them for the common good. Racism and their promotion of racism is one of the major examples.

This sort of promotion of autonomy is severely crippling America, while China practices quite the opposite with its central authority.

America chooses capitalism to the extreme, when 'socially' modified capitalism is the only way forward that can compete with China's 'communist' system that permits capitalism with necessary limits.
Fifty different solutions to a problem has a much better chance of finding the optimal solution as opposed to one solution imposed on fifty states by DC.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
How do you buy a house with a $10, $20, $30 thousand dollar judgment or more against you? Do you not think that a landlord will file suit against you and place a judgment against you?

When you make that choice, to not pay rent due to COVID-19 and the moratorium, you have to complete and sign several forms. One form is basically a note. You acknowledge that you understand that you still owe the unpaid rent.

Not only will you not be able to buy a home, it will also make it impossible for you to rent anything decent. Want to buy a car? You'll be buying from the "buy here, pay here" places. Furniture? Garage sales or the "Rent to Own" places.

Enjoy yourself!
You mean that “quality” health care system of Cuba that lacks medicine, clean linens, even toilet paper for its hospitals and pays doctors the same as auto mechanics? If you are rich, a powerful party member or a foreign tourist with hard currency to spend Cuba’s health care system is good. For anyone else, it’s horrible,
Even in America, do doctors drive nicer cars than auto mechanics? Should they? Or do dentists still have all their teeth?

It's rather absurd and hypocritical to claim America's corporate/government healthcare system is any better than Cuba's at any rate.
How do you buy a house with a $10, $20, $30 thousand dollar judgment or more against you? Do you not think that a landlord will file suit against you and place a judgment against you?
Bankruptcy allows you to keep your home or primary residence.
No, that's wrong.
The Scotus is obliged to hear cases that are brought to that court.

Don't start making statements that aren't true, based on the fact that they can refuse to 'hear' some cases. It's not worthy of debate Ray.
You need to do some reading. SCOTUS turns down far more cases than it deigns to accept.
Even in America, do doctors drive nicer cars than auto mechanics? Should they? Or do dentists still have all their teeth?

It's rather absurd and hypocritical to claim America's corporate/government healthcare system is any better than Cuba's at any rate.

And I think if you had a serious heart problem while visiting Cuba and they needed to perform an emergency procedure, you would be much more assured if it happened here in the states.
And I think if you had a serious heart problem while visiting Cuba and they needed to perform an emergency procedure, you would be much more assured if it happened here in the states.
Shy of a bullet in my heart I can't really anticipate such problems. And why should I expect gun-grabbing communist doctors in the U.S. to treat me any better than those in Cuba or other communist countries? They never have yet. There's a coroner or a medical examiner to check the COVID box on the death certificate and cover the doctor's ass from murder charges in any case.
Uh, nobody had a shit fit, guy, and nobody is shipping Mexicans to Florida. you need to stop watching Fox News.

Typhoid Ron is killing thousands of people in his own state.
Bankruptcy allows you to keep your home or primary residence.

Totally unresponsive to the post you quoted. The OP ignorantly suggested she was going to buy a house with the withheld rent. The post you quoted pointed out that the OP wouldn't be able to buy a house after the landlord secured a judgment against her for that withheld rent, and he is absolutely correct.
Shy of a bullet in my heart I can't really anticipate such problems. And why should I expect gun-grabbing communist doctors in the U.S. to treat me any better than those in Cuba or other communist countries? They never have yet.

Because of the fact we pay our physicians more than anyplace across the globe. That means we draw the best from the bunch. Trust me, I'm a lifelong patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic that was recently rated as the second best hospital in the world. When you go to their downtown campus, you are the one who feels like a foreigner. Not only do patients come here from around the world, but so do healthcare providers.
Because of the fact we pay our physicians more than anyplace across the globe. That means we draw the best from the bunch. Trust me, I'm a lifelong patient at the world famous Cleveland Clinic that was recently rated as the second best hospital in the world. When you go to their downtown campus, you are the one who feels like a foreigner. Not only do patients come here from around the world, but so do healthcare providers.
Then you aren't telling the truth because the damned docs don't ever let anybody pack a pistol or own a gun of any kind out of that damned slaughterhouse of a hospital. Foreign doctors are invited into municipal court to revoke the gun rights of U.S. citizens.
Yours is the side that created this fake “pandemic”, and yours is the side that has done everything to prolong it.

Um, okay Magic Underwear, the Pandemic is fake, and those 600K people who died are just faking it?

If the people would all, in unity, stand up to the criminals who infest positions of public power, and simply refuse to submit any more to lockdowns, shutdowns, mandate, and so on; and for good measure, lynch a few of the worse examples, and leave them hanging as a warning to others, I guarantee you this “pandemic” would end almost immediately.

Wow... aren't you the guy who screams when black people use violence to express their anger over police brutality?

But you think that we should lynch people to show your anger over having to wear a mask?

Hell hath no fury like a white person slightly inconvenienced.

The only reason that this “pandemic” ever existed in the first place, and the only reason that it has been allowed to continue, is that too many of us are stupid enough to believe it, and too cowardly to stand up against it.

I've had family members who have caught Covid.. It's no joke.

The real problem is that too many people didn't take it seriously, because taking it seriously would have been admitting Trump fucked up.

This is what a cult looks like... but already being in a cult, Mormon Bob, you probably never noticed the difference.
Welfare Ray trying to justify himself.

Wait a minute. The BP says at this rate we will have over a million more illegals in by the end of the year, many of them not tested, and those that were still allowed come into this country, and we are prolonging this thing?

We would be doing much better today under Trump because none of this would be going on since he would have continued his successful border policies. One group tested by the BP had a 40% infection rate.

Uh, no, there's no link between the delta variant and the very small number of undocumented immigrants, most of whom are being sent home.

I'm sure the BP will keep screaming the sky is falling to get more money, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to go along.

You guys really want to end illegal immigration, go after the white people who hire them.

Don't worry about what's on this board with the less than half-dozen blacks here. Read the news, and I mean the real news. Blacks lead the country of any group that are not getting the vaccine.

Then why are all the outbreaks in the Red States?

As I explained to you a hundred times (sorry folks, I know OCD Joe is boring you with this already) The government took my livelihood away, nobody would hire a person at my age with no experience at anything on top of my medical problems, and our government (unlike you) is well aware of it which is why they take age into serious consideration when making a determination of disability.

You aren't crippled.. No one took away your livlihood. They just made sure you weren't endangering others on the road.

You choose to simmer in hatred (which I really enjoy BTW) instead of educating yourself on our social programs,

Again, guy, you are the one who HATES social programs. I'm fine with them. Maybe a little disappointed when someone abuses them, but generally okay with them on principle.

You can't complain about socialism and then cash in on a social program.

how they are used and what their standards are. Instead, you make your own standards in that demented mind of yours and expect other people to adhere to them. You claim you went to college. HTF did you go to college if you are a person that refuses to learn anything? Imagine the dichotomy created if one government doctor determined I could not work and another government doctor said I could.

Guy, I got a pretty good taste of how fucked up the disability system is when my late sister tried to get it after her retina's detached, and she legitimately couldn't work. The office was full of able bodied people actually scamming the system.

Did you go into the office with a walker and whine a lot?

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