YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

They are passing stuff right now, your bologna line of crap has gone on too long. Even some Republicans are figuring it out. Obama was totally obstructed probably because he was black lol. At any rate President Biden knows how to do this stuff and I love the guy, JFK regime starting up again finally.
The problem is that you are incorrect. Journalism and court rooms around the world know you are nuts..
You know you've lost the argument before it started when you have to drag out the stupid race card.
It is, because typically, what's good for democrats is not good at all for the nation. And, it's nice to see the true colors come out as people support Quid Pro openly breaking the law and his oath of office. Now it only remains to be seen if there are sufficient numbers in Congress to call him on it. If not, you're going to be weeping and wailing when the next Republican president with a Republican Congress does what he wants.

Naw, guy, the problem is, his move is very popular, because there are more people renting than landlords. That's why no one will call him on it.

You have a very short period of time to wreak your havoc. Better get to it.
Actually, Democratic victory is pretty much inevitable... There aren't enough mean-spirited old white people and you fucks are dying off... No one will miss you.

Well guess what, just the opposite happened this time.
Really? Frankly, most people I know are far better off than they were a year ago...

Yes it is going away. Lower fuel prices, secured border, girls being girls and boys being boys, low inflation rate, it's all going away. What I don't understand is if you want something other than real America, WTF don't you just move to some socialist/ communist country and try it out for a few years to see how you like it first instead of changing this great country?

Because this country isn't great. A country that would allow Donald Trump to be president is sick to its soul and needs to be cured.

And if you really think the world is ending because there's dude in a dress, you clearly have your values fucked up.
Naw, guy, the problem is, his move is very popular, because there are more people renting than landlords. That's why no one will call him on it.

Actually, Democratic victory is pretty much inevitable... There aren't enough mean-spirited old white people and you fucks are dying off... No one will miss you.

Really? Frankly, most people I know are far better off than they were a year ago...

Because this country isn't great. A country that would allow Donald Trump to be president is sick to its soul and needs to be cured.

And if you really think the world is ending because there's dude in a dress, you clearly have your values fucked up.
When "popular" becomes more important than legal, we have a problem.
Really? Frankly, most people I know are far better off than they were a year ago...

You do? You mean most people are better off than they were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that was killing people by the thousands, no jobs around, not even toilet paper? Gee, don't I feel like a fool. :eusa_shhh:

Because this country isn't great. A country that would allow Donald Trump to be president is sick to its soul and needs to be cured.

And if you really think the world is ending because there's dude in a dress, you clearly have your values fucked up.

Yeah, we allowed Donald Trump to be President and it gave us the best economy in 50 years, a secured border, a million more jobs than people who could do them, a new median household income high, got us out of that commie Paris Accord and the phony kick the can down the road Iran deal. What could we have been thinking of? I mean, look at us today! Thousands of untested people crossing the border every week from well over 100 countries bringing us new mutations of covid, and busing them across the country coast to coast, out of control inflation, fuel 30% higher than under Trump, with predictions it's going to go up even more, a dementia patient who violated his oath of office in six months, a labor shortage with 5.5% unemployment. Yeah, we are doing great today, aren't we? To top it off, they conned us into getting these shots and now want us to continue to wear these stupid masks.
That's not a science based position. Essentially, your position has the lawyer fairy sprinkling his invisible magic dust to confer humanity. Biology says there's a human being in there.
The thing is inside a human being that has rights. Religious Americans have to start to recognize women as being equal humans too.
The Supreme Court only hears cases it wants to. They are under no obligation to take any cases.
No, that's wrong.
The Scotus is obliged to hear cases that are brought to that court.

Don't start making statements that aren't true, based on the fact that they can refuse to 'hear' some cases. It's not worthy of debate Ray.
You vastly underestimate the other side of this issue.....most of your legislators are also landlords.....I wouldn't be too sure about that. I have always been ready for this kind of thing. I never purchased any property that needed the rent to make it work...the rent was always extra.....I always bought with that in mind. I don't like it but at least I can survive it. IMO rent should not be allowed as an income source when tabulating a loan liabilitiy.
I always thought that was foolish.

I wonder how many politicians are already planning to buy up rental properties cheap at foreclosure auctions...
The only question remains, is that a human being or not? Science says yes.
No, far from the only consideration, by your own admission. America murders it's own as well as millions of other humans in foreign lands.

What is the real reason why you think America must decide to exclude a fetus from it's lawful and justified kill list?

Are 'some' abortions permissible in your opinion?
A friend of mine had two properties with tenants like you. He worked around it by cutting their electricity, cable, and water. They scattered like roaches. Padlocked the doors and got new tenants.
That will get him arrested in many places.
Owning is a major part of the solution, especially when one can dismantle their tiny home, put it in storage, and/or go elsewhere. The first thing you can do about moratoriums ending is to end dependence on the rent pimp by all means possible.

You made a mistake: you never thought to mutate the definition of housing that the Pimp relies on to keep you locked into economic automatonism.
What in the name of Jesus Christ and a pair of fuzzy dice are you babbling about?
Even women who haven't been born yet.
America has decided what human beings can be justifiably killed and which ones can't be killed, supposedly based on it's constitution. Is there any reason why a fetus can't make the kill list in some circumstances?
Are some abortions justified in your opinion.

In my opinion some are, but all abortions need to be considered as the result of undesirable consequences. Reducing those is Canada's priority. No abortion is a desirable outcome to a liberal or a socialist.

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