YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Nope. We've got the votes to fix this country, and that's what we're going to do.

Deal with it... your America is going away, and good fucking riddance.
you, Biden, etc are destroying the country---and you will have to wallow in the shithole--and you don't even realize it
The number of "commies" is probably in the hundreds. Socialism is not found in america as it's a capitalist country basically ruled by wealthy capitalists. We don't have a whiff of socialistic policies. Never had never will.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
In the Carboniferous epoch, we were promised abundance for all, by robbing selective Peter, to pay for collective Paul. And although we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, and the gods of the copybook headings, said if you don’t work you die.

Then the gods of the market tumbled, and their smooth tongue wizards withdrew. And the hearts of the meanest were humbled, and began to believe it was true, that not all is gold that glitters, and two and two make four, and the gods of the copybook headings, limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of man, there are only 4 things certain, since social progress began. That the dog returns to his vomit, and the sow returns to her mire, and the burnt fools bandaged finger, goes wobbling back to the fire. And that after this is accomplished, and our brave new world begins, where all men are paid for existing, and no man must pay for his sins, then as surely as water will wet us, and as surely as fire will burn, the gods of the copybook headings, with terror and slaughter return.
After 40 years of giveaway to the rich and screwjob for everyone else, it is time to tax the rich their fair share and invest in Americans and America again cheap college in training to start with an infrastructure spending. And a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave and great vacations like every other modern country. There's 50 billion dollars out there that should be paid out to both landlords and renters. And we'll see what should be done but of course you have the God damn lying cheating GOP and it's brainwashed Base. Now mainly busy totally screwing up the pandemic reaction.
blm-antifa destroying the infrastructure as Americans were being distracted while being eaten by the commie virus.
Awesome. You talk like this is a bad thing.
It is, because typically, what's good for democrats is not good at all for the nation. And, it's nice to see the true colors come out as people support Quid Pro openly breaking the law and his oath of office. Now it only remains to be seen if there are sufficient numbers in Congress to call him on it. If not, you're going to be weeping and wailing when the next Republican president with a Republican Congress does what he wants.
Nope. We've got the votes to fix this country, and that's what we're going to do.

Deal with it... your America is going away, and good fucking riddance.
You have a very short period of time to wreak your havoc. Better get to it.
Nope. We've got the votes to fix this country, and that's what we're going to do.

Deal with it... your America is going away, and good fucking riddance.

Yes it is going away. Lower fuel prices, secured border, girls being girls and boys being boys, low inflation rate, it's all going away. What I don't understand is if you want something other than real America, WTF don't you just move to some socialist/ communist country and try it out for a few years to see how you like it first instead of changing this great country?
Yes it is going away. Lower fuel prices, secured border, girls being girls and boys being boys, low inflation rate, it's all going away. What I don't understand is if you want something other than real America, WTF don't you just move to some socialist/ communist country and try it out for a few years to see how you like it first instead of changing this great country?
I believe they are far more interested in forcing everyone else to live their preferred way than they are to simply live how they want to and leave everyone else alone.
Once the moratorium ends, these freeloaders are on the hook for everything they owe in back rent. This wasn’t a “no rent, free living space” bill. Just an eviction moratorium.
They won't pay up because they still won't have the ability to pay.
Biden has started something that's not reversible.
From a Canadian's apolitical perspective, Biden has started to give away free money. That's not a suggestion that's either supportive of Biden or opposed to Biden. It's objectively saying I couldn't really care! For me it hasn't translated into whether that's good or bad for America?

Some will say it's quite justified and others will say it's simply horrible. In truth it's a move away from stagnation.

Regardless, it's one way of beginning to balance the scales back to giving working Americans a leg up.

It's one symptom of income inequality taken to the extreme.

Most interesting though is seeing how Americans will handle the developing situation. There was an indication of that on Jan.6th. when Trump convinced his mob that they were fighting against bad government. Had they taken the time to think they would have realized that they were only acting for Trump's personal narcissistic gain.
Yes it is going away. Lower fuel prices, secured border, girls being girls and boys being boys, low inflation rate, it's all going away. What I don't understand is if you want something other than real America, WTF don't you just move to some socialist/ communist country and try it out for a few years to see how you like it first instead of changing this great country?
Would you be thinking of Canada as a socialist, communist country Ray?
You seem to be able to readily invent socialist, communist countries but you never name them.

That's because socialism, communism is only in your head.
Disagree because religion was not the issue when it came to abortions. It was won over the right to liberty.
Of course it's a right to liberty, but it's opposed on religious principles.
So we can at least agree on women's liberties and freedoms.

I suspect that on principles of liberty that America's Scotus will never take away a woman'd right to choose.
This is where your notion of each state being it's own country, leads to the loss of liberty for women, due to extremist religious priorities in the less civilized states.

America can still call itself the land of freedom and liberty but it will now have to become with qualifications, according to the wishes of each small country within the greater.
If you want to base the abortion decision on science, biology clearly states that a developing baby is a human being. When, how, and why to kill a human being is a matter the state has authority to decide. It can decide that killing humans on the field of battle is acceptable while killing your neighbor is not. The police are authorized to kill while you are not, and so on. You can argue that such restrictions are religion based (and thank God that many are), but everyone agrees that the state has the right and responsibility to declare some killings acceptable and others not. The state can, therefore, restrict or ban abortion based on biological science.

The only question remains, is that a human being or not? Science says yes.
I can reduce it down to a smaller question:

The American system allows stated to claim the right to strip women of their right to choose in some states. While other states will maintain women's rights to liberty and freedom.

I think that the Scotus will never dare taking away a woman's right to choose on a country wide level. That would fly directly in the face of America's claims to liberty and freedom for all!

Each of the 50 countries are going to need to take away a woman's freedom on an individual basis.
That will leave the 'larger' country's claims intact at least on paper.
Then you'd better get cracking trying to change it. Good luck with that. And as for religious freedom, no one can make a credible argument that people have to hew to the current proclamations of the scientific priests in order to have their beliefs protected. You want to talk abortion, it's quite simple and religion doesn't have to be involved. The only question is this. Is what is growing inside a woman a human being or not?

If not, then we are free to kill, just as we would be free to destroy a bald eagle's egg. Oh, wait, can't do that. Uh, free to shoot a stray dog. Oops, no, might have a collar on, can't do that. Darn it!!! I'm sure there's something out there we're as free to destroy as a non-human growing inside a woman. Maybe Zebras? Who needs them?
If, OTOH, that IS a human, then the state has ample standing to restrict and control the circumstances under and means by which a developing baby can be killed and destroyed.

Let's ask Biology. Biology, is that which is growing inside a woman a human being or not?
Biology: Of course that is a human being growing inside there. He/she has full blown, unique human DNA, a functioning circulatory system, working heart and brain, and if left alone, will develop further and be born a full-blown human, just like all the other humans walking around on the earth.

Let's ask politics. Politics, is that which is growing inside a woman a human being or not?
Politics: You can't say that, because science and my body and stuff. It's not a human unless the birth vessel says it's human. Until then, it might as well be a Zebra and we can kill Zebras because they creep us out. All those stripes and moving around and science stuff. No, it is only human if the birth vessel says it is, or until it is born and the lawyer fairy sprinkles his invisible magic dust on it, then POOF! it becomes a human. You know, because science and stuff.

No, if you want to argue abortion, you're not going to be able to use science, at least not biology.
It's not a human being with full rights and freedoms until it's out and on the hoof.

The US as the 'country' will never strip away a woman's right to choose. That would fly directly in the face of everything America claims for itself on rights and freedoms.

But each of the 50 smaller countries within can do it without contradicting the greater country's principles.

This is a large problem with the American system of individual states' rights. The less civilized states are free to corrupt the country's greater good.
Oh and what about your landlord that has to pay taxes on the building you live in and upkeep that same building?? Where do you think he will get the money for that you fucking dumbass.

What an idiot you are.
I can reduce it down to a smaller question:

The American system allows stated to claim the right to strip women of their right to choose in some states. While other states will maintain women's rights to liberty and freedom.

I think that the Scotus will never dare taking away a woman's right to choose on a country wide level. That would fly directly in the face of America's claims to liberty and freedom for all!

Each of the 50 countries are going to need to take away a woman's freedom on an individual basis.
That will leave the 'larger' country's claims intact at least on paper.

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