YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Yeah, screw the SC when they rule against Republicans but you're all for them when they rule with the commies.
I can't think of anything specific that your scotus has ruled on that I would or wouldn't support.

But in general I can at least say that any decisions they make based on political demands or on the demands of religious superstitious beliefs, I would oppose.

If you're trying to make a point, you'll have to be specific.

I will say though, any decision that rejects religious beliefs and accepts science wouldn't be ruling with your imagined commies.

Religions and forcing superstitious beliefs on children is tending toward fascist policy.
The Fraser Institute is a rightwing think tank that has been intent on destroying Canada's HC for many years.
Joe has posted a link that is much closer to the truth.

To the main point, there's just no way the US 'for profit' system can be held up and compared to the world's universal HC systems.
Not even the most jaded Americans hold it up as being adequate to serve the needs of the people.
Even Trump claimed he had a new plan! He didn't. It's impossible to introduce a better plan when it would of necessity cut into the huge profits being made off the backs of the people.
The Frasier article backed-up your assertation that few Canadians seek outside help for healthcare, .05%, it is true that .04% of US citizens seek medical treatment out of the US, so your stupid idea that people leave the US in droves for healthcare is stupid and idiotic. The only reason you think Joe's article is any good is because it agrees with your point of view. I am not concerned about what said, did or didn't do, he isn't in office and I didn't vote for him. I am satisfied with our healthcare and you like the Canadian system. I am good with that. Enjoy your healthcare and I'll enjoy mine. Not sure what evictions have to do with healthcare but you geniuses seem to believe it does.
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The only socialism that was to take place in our federal government is listed in the US Constitution.
No Ray, and far from it!
You've already been made aware of the many forms of socialist policies contained in a capitalist system.
But I would still be interested in hearing what you imagine would be the 'socialism' listed in the US constitution.

You're still trying to make out that the world's leading democracies are 'communists'. You're either going to have to elaborate on which ones or you're going to have concede that they aren't communists at all. No progress can be made until you do!
Yeah, screw the SC when they rule against Republicans but you're all for them when they rule with the commies. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. The Constitution has an amendment process that takes a super majority of Americans to change. It was written like that for a reason. If a strong majority supports any changes, it gets changed, but that hasn't happened in many many years. The Constitution was not written for whoever has a simple majority at a time.

That aside, the President has to take an oath which includes they will defends and support the US Constitution. Our Constitution states that only Congress can pass legislation--not bureaucrats. You won't find the word bureaucracy in the entire document. Therefor Dementia is guilty of violating his oath of office and should be thrown out.
Quid Pro is counting on any SC challenge to take long enough for him to be out of office before his edict gets slapped down. It's clearly an overreach, but unless Congress moves against him (HA!, like that'll happen with the sycophants in the House) it'll stand long enough for the democrats to get political mileage out of it.
I can't think of anything specific that your scotus has ruled on that I would or wouldn't support.

But in general I can at least say that any decisions they make based on political demands or on the demands of religious superstitious beliefs, I would oppose.

If you're trying to make a point, you'll have to be specific.

I will say though, any decision that rejects religious beliefs and accepts science wouldn't be ruling with your imagined commies.

Religions and forcing superstitious beliefs on children is tending toward fascist policy.
I think the SCOTUS rules fairly, in many instances they stay in the middle, which is what seems to be the norm for a long time. I am not concerned if Canadians like or justice system or not, if they don't like it, it doesn't matter.
The Frasier article backed-up your assertation that few Canadians seek outside help for healthcare, .05%, it is true that .04% of US citizens seek medical treatment out of the US, so your stupid idea that people leave the US in droves for healthcare is stupid and idiotic. The only reason you think Joe's article is any good is because it agrees with your point of view. I am satisfied with our healthcare and you like the Canadian system. I am good with that. Enjoy your healthcare and I'll enjoy mine. Not sure what evictions have to do with healthcare but you geniuses seem to believe it does.
Poor Americans also travel to Mexico in large numbers for dentistry.
And we shouldn't not include Americans who attempt to buy pharmaceuticals from Canada.

No information coming from the Fraser Institute can be trusted. I choose to believe the information coming from Joe's link. You could say though that I like that link because it agrees with my POV, among other reasons to like it. However, it still doesn't expose the lack of HC being suffered by Americans and it doesn't speak of medical outcome statistics that result from the failed system. That suggests that many Americans don't travel but just go without!

Any American trying to uphold the US health care system has chosen a losing argument.
Poor Americans also travel to Mexico in large numbers for dentistry.
And we shouldn't not include Americans who attempt to buy pharmaceuticals from Canada.

No information coming from the Fraser Institute can be trusted. I choose to believe the information coming from Joe's link. You could say though that I like that link because it agrees with my POV, among other reasons to like it. However, it still doesn't expose the lack of HC being suffered by Americans and it doesn't speak of medical outcome statistics that result from the failed system. That suggests that many Americans don't travel but just go without!

Any American trying to uphold the US health care system has chosen a losing argument.
Whatever, you are talking about .04% of our population so no one is leaving in droves over our medical, stop your stupidity. I'll take my healthcare and you can have yours, I am good with that, there is nothing to argue, your opinion of my country means nothing to me. You have nothing vested here and I do.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

Wow. You're a true scumbag.

As long as it doesn't hurt you, right? Fuck your landlord. You know, the guy you made a promise to? The guy who you signed a contract with?

Landlords should immediately cease doing any and all upkeep to their properties. After all, without rent payments coming in, it would be simple to justify. They should start having utilities cut to their building under the guise of "testing" to make sure gas, water and electrical systems are operating properly. They should schedule that utility work from 4pm until midnight every day, as to be as big a disruption in a tenants day as possible.

Finally, and I don't know the answer to this because I don't rent, does the eviction moratorium relieve you from having to make good on the rent that you're currently not paying?

Are you essentially now a squatter?
I think the SCOTUS rules fairly, in many instances they stay in the middle, which is what seems to be the norm for a long time. I am not concerned if Canadians like or justice system or not, if they don't like it, it doesn't matter.
Yes, in a sense it doesn't matter what Canadians think of your Scotus. You're free to demonstrate that personally at any time.

No doubt the Scotus can get it's rulings right some of the time. All courts do.
But that's not the issue. It's about when the Scotus decides based on political priorities or religious superstitious beliefs.

As a general rule, the Scotus is heavily corrupted by the political system in America.
America is turning toward fascism and the Scotus is being asked to accommodate that political preference. If it decides against 'abortion' then it will have taken a major step in that direction. Sadly, many states already have sided with fascist dictatorship on the issue.

It's either god or freedom for half the population. Conservative America won't allow it to be both.

fwiw, I'm opposed to abortions. I'm totally for 'socially' responsible government that works to eliminate the need.
Whatever, you are talking about .04% of our population so no one is leaving in droves over our medical, stop your stupidity. I'll take my healthcare and you can have yours, I am good with that, there is nothing to argue, your opinion of my country means nothing to me. You have nothing vested here and I do.
I think the .04% doesn't represent the truth and the reason being is that there's a huge propaganda effort at work that is trying to uphold America's failed HC system. But I can still grant you that many Americans are too poor to even travel for HC and so do without.
Medical outcome, life expectancy, infant mortality, and other inconvenient facts that are regularly revealed by the WHO.

If my opinions mean nothing to you then you're free to ignore me when that becomes the case.
I'm not going to start whining about hearing your opinions.

It's always a delight to be able to hook one of ya'all into a HC discussion.

Highest spending, Worse outcomes!
Notice how Peach45 has ran off after getting her ass kicked? She is a crook and slime to take advantage of others the way she wants to. She is a thief.
A great many Americans have become crooks and slimes, for political reasons.
It crosses political boundaries, as does America's racism.
Yes, in a sense it doesn't matter what Canadians think of your Scotus. You're free to demonstrate that personally at any time.

No doubt the Scotus can get it's rulings right some of the time. All courts do.
But that's not the issue. It's about when the Scotus decides based on political priorities or religious superstitious beliefs.

As a general rule, the Scotus is heavily corrupted by the political system in America.
America is turning toward fascism and the Scotus is being asked to accommodate that political preference. If it decides against 'abortion' then it will have taken a major step in that direction. Sadly, many states already have sided with fascist dictatorship on the issue.

It's either god or freedom for half the population. Conservative America won't allow it to be both.

fwiw, I'm opposed to abortions. I'm totally for 'socially' responsible government that works to eliminate the need.
You are free to think whatever you want to think about my country but I disagree with you. I don't care about your view on abortions, it matters not to me in this case.
I think the .04% doesn't represent the truth and the reason being is that there's a huge propaganda effort at work that is trying to uphold America's failed HC system. But I can still grant you that many Americans are too poor to even travel for HC and so do without.
Medical outcome, life expectancy, infant mortality, and other inconvenient facts that are regularly revealed by the WHO.

If my opinions mean nothing to you then you're free to ignore me when that becomes the case.
I'm not going to start whining about hearing your opinions.

It's always a delight to be able to hook one of ya'all into a HC discussion.

Highest spending, Worse outcomes!
So the propaganda showing .05% of Canadians is from Frasier is BS and the site that shows only .05% in America is also BS. Got it, you only believe what you want to believe.
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Wow. You're a true scumbag.

As long as it doesn't hurt you, right? Fuck your landlord. You know, the guy you made a promise to? The guy who you signed a contract with?

Landlords should immediately cease doing any and all upkeep to their properties. After all, without rent payments coming in, it would be simple to justify. They should start having utilities cut to their building under the guise of "testing" to make sure gas, water and electrical systems are operating properly. They should schedule that utility work from 4pm until midnight every day, as to be as big a disruption in a tenants day as possible.

Finally, and I don't know the answer to this because I don't rent, does the eviction moratorium relieve you from having to make good on the rent that you're currently not paying?

Are you essentially now a squatter?
My understanding is the rent continues to accrue, which makes the moratorium not so great. At the end you get kicked out and still owe.
A great many Americans have become crooks and slimes, for political reasons.
It crosses political boundaries, as does America's racism.
A great many? WTF does that mean? I only saw one crook and that was Peach, the rest didn't support her view but to an anti-American that is now a "great many." :rolleyes-41:

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