YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

America's 'for profit' HC system COSTS your people their freedom. It's the biggest cause of bankruptcy.
We Canadians consider government providing our freedom from bankruptcy by providing higher quality HC for all.

HC is just one factor that provides us with the highest quality of life in the world. If that isn't 'freedom' then what is?

If being bankrupted isn't a loss of freedom then what is?

First off people don't go bankrupt because of healthcare costs. When people become seriously ill, they are out of work for a very long time. Ill or not, you still need to pay your rent or mortgage, still need to buy food, still need to keep the utilities on, still have to pay on that car. When the money runs out people turn to credit. When the credit debt becomes overwhelming and maxed out, they turn to bankruptcy.

Living up north I got to talk with Canadian drivers all the time. While we sit back waiting to get loaded or unloaded, I always brought up healthcare with those guys. The younger and middle-aged drivers told me the same story you're telling, how great their healthcare is in Canada. All the older drivers warned me to keep what we have, or we'll be sorry later on in life. A few years ago I read an article where insurance companies were selling HC policies to Canadians who didn't want to wait for weeks and months to get needed care. With private insurance, they get to choose their doctors and hospitals just like we do in the states.

So don't try to sell me that your healthcare system is flawless when it's not. Healthcare is a worldwide problem, not just a US problem. My sister has worked at the Cleveland Clinic for over 30 years. She tells me their beds are loaded with Canadian citizens every single day.
That's the problem. He probably did win for the Democrat party.

Red baiting tactic? The Democrat party went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat/ Socialist, whatever the hell that is. Soon it will be Socialists, then Socialist/ Communist, then just plain Communism. But given the Democrat party already easily has one foot in that pot, if we give Democrats the power, we will be Communist long before they tell us we've been.
I knew that was basically your position Ray, but you've ignored the important question.

Will young Americans continue to buy into the redbaiting and your promoting the idea that there's a 'commie' under every bed?

If the tactic begins to fail then that will be the beginning of the remaking of America into a 'socially' acceptable country for it's people.

And along with that will come a universal HC system run by government, that provides higher quality HC for all at an affordable price.

I think America is in a period of flux where it could go either way. But if change for the people doesn't come then the fighting can't end.

If Biden can't deliver then maybe Trump will be given another chance! But Trump won't be able to get by on broken promises the next time.
Um. Yeah. You listen to police scanners all day and put in cameras to spy on your neighbors. And God knows how many guns you own.

They have a word for that, paranoid.

No, the word for that is preparation, something you leftists don't know how to do. There is nothing wrong with helping to watch over your community, working with the police department, and everybody who has the capabilities to help police fight crime do so. It's community involvement. Living on a main street there seems to always be things going on that cameras in the past would have been helpful, and perhaps lead to a few more lowlifes ending up in jail or prison. Oh, and if you think that's bad, some streets have formed neighborhood watch groups. How paranoid and awful, huh?

OH, boo hoo.

Here's the reality. It's a lot harder to get a job and a private insurance plan if you are old and overweight than a government plan. You worry about "government mandates" that they probably can't enforce and wouldn't be popular. I worry about how insurance companies discriminate NOW, and how they cheat their customers NOW.

The one thing that cured me of the Republican Stupidity was my year long fight with Cigna to get my knee operated on. More infuriating when you hear they paid Ed Hanaway a $100MM bonus for cheating people out of coverage they paid for.

It's not the healthcare companies responsibility to make sure you read and understand your plan, what's covered, what's not. That's up to you. If they didn't cover something that was contracted, then they know they can be sued, and it's something they avoid due to the expense.

Depends what you consider "reasonable". Given all your health problems, I find it hard to believe you are getting treatments out of pocket that are less than a plan.

At times yes and times no. For the cheaper stuff, I pay cash. For the more pricey procedures the few times I've needed them, they have a private fund setup that those evil rich people contribute to in order to help out people like myself. You see when government fails you, it's the rich people that step up to the plate to help their fellow man. On the other side of that coin, when I was covered before Commie Care, I too sent some money to that fund when I had a little extra money to give. In exchange, I have enough return address labels to last me a lifetime.
First off people don't go bankrupt because of healthcare costs. When people become seriously ill, they are out of work for a very long time. Ill or not, you still need to pay your rent or mortgage, still need to buy food, still need to keep the utilities on, still have to pay on that car. When the money runs out people turn to credit. When the credit debt becomes overwhelming and maxed out, they turn to bankruptcy.

Living up north I got to talk with Canadian drivers all the time. While we sit back waiting to get loaded or unloaded, I always brought up healthcare with those guys. The younger and middle-aged drivers told me the same story you're telling, how great their healthcare is in Canada. All the older drivers warned me to keep what we have, or we'll be sorry later on in life. A few years ago I read an article where insurance companies were selling HC policies to Canadians who didn't want to wait for weeks and months to get needed care. With private insurance, they get to choose their doctors and hospitals just like we do in the states.

So don't try to sell me that your healthcare system is flawless when it's not. Healthcare is a worldwide problem, not just a US problem. My sister has worked at the Cleveland Clinic for over 30 years. She tells me their beds are loaded with Canadian citizens every single day.
Canadians don't talk down our HC system Ray.
You've gone too far with your talltales this time!

Americans travel out of country for HC nearly 2 1/2 times as do Canadians, per capita adjusted.

I've already warned you not to try to go there with a Canadian Ray. It's your last chance of critiquing Canada's system and it's been shattered.
It's no secret that America's HC system is broken. Even Trump had to pretend that he had a new plan to fix it. But of course that would be impossible without cutting into the profits of Trump's wealthiest supporters.

It's a failure!

But what Canadian wouldn't delight in a conversation in which the US system is compared to ours?

Only foolishly patriotic Americans will even try!
I knew that was basically your position Ray, but you've ignored the important question.

Will young Americans continue to buy into the redbaiting and your promoting the idea that there's a 'commie' under every bed?

If the tactic begins to fail then that will be the beginning of the remaking of America into a 'socially' acceptable country for it's people.

And along with that will come a universal HC system run by government, that provides higher quality HC for all at an affordable price.

I think America is in a period of flux where it could go either way. But if change for the people doesn't come then the fighting can't end.

If Biden can't deliver then maybe Trump will be given another chance! But Trump won't be able to get by on broken promises the next time.

I hope people listen to us warning about a commie under every bed in order not to see the Great Experiment end. Yes, they are commies. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website, read their agenda, and compare it to the Democrat agenda. You'll see very few differences. Look at what happened last week. A bureaucracy extended eviction forgiveness in spite of the Supreme Court ruling that a bureaucracy has no legal authority to make regulation. That's what our Congress and President is for. So what did the Dementia administration do? They said screw the Supreme Court. Communists don't believe in a higher authority or the Constitution.
Canadians don't talk down our HC system Ray.
You've gone too far with your talltales this time!

Americans travel out of country for HC nearly 2 1/2 times as do Canadians, per capita adjusted.

I've already warned you not to try to go there with a Canadian Ray. It's your last chance of critiquing Canada's system and it's been shattered.

Americans don't leave the country for better treatment, they leave because of costs. In Canada, they leave because they don't want to live on pain pills for three months before something gets done. They want out of pain yesterday. Trust me, Canadians (at least the elderly ones) do cut down on their healthcare system consistently. I've talked with these Canadians for years on this subject.
I hope people listen to us warning about a commie under every bed in order not to see the Great Experiment end. Yes, they are commies. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website, read their agenda, and compare it to the Democrat agenda. You'll see very few differences. Look at what happened last week. A bureaucracy extended eviction forgiveness in spite of the Supreme Court ruling that a bureaucracy has no legal authority to make regulation. That's what our Congress and President is for. So what did the Dementia administration do? They said screw the Supreme Court. Communists don't believe in a higher authority or the Constitution.
Yes Ray, the fight is on! But still the question is whether enough people will still believe that there's a 'commie' under every bed?
Never use the terms 'commie' and 'socialist' together. The 'socialist' label no longer has the power to frighten people.
The power of the very wealthy is in need of the people continuing to accept the 'commie' redbaiting.

We just see it differently. You see 'commies' as a real threat to America and I see it as a manufactured demonization tactic against 'social' change.
Americans don't leave the country for better treatment, they leave because of costs. In Canada, they leave because they don't want to live on pain pills for three months before something gets done. They want out of pain yesterday. Trust me, Canadians (at least the elderly ones) do cut down on their healthcare system consistently. I've talked with these Canadians for years on this subject.
Ray, you're simply making up stories to sustain your own beliefs.

Trust me, 2 1/2 times more Americans travel out of country for HC as do Canadians.

But at least you're right in saying that cost is a major reason.

Americans don't leave their country for better treatment, they leave for treatment that is within their ability to pay, without having to face huge freedom robbing costs.

But to turn to the 'quality' of HC debate, suffice to say that America's is rated the poorest on that factor too.

No American should ever get into defending his country's HC system Ray. It's already roundly condemned as a failure by BOTH political parties.

We can go on about this for the next week Ray! You've walked yourself into a position that can't be defended!
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Move to Cuba.
I hope people listen to us warning about a commie under every bed in order not to see the Great Experiment end. Yes, they are commies. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist Party website, read their agenda, and compare it to the Democrat agenda. You'll see very few differences. Look at what happened last week. A bureaucracy extended eviction forgiveness in spite of the Supreme Court ruling that a bureaucracy has no legal authority to make regulation. That's what our Congress and President is for. So what did the Dementia administration do? They said screw the Supreme Court. Communists don't believe in a higher authority or the Constitution.
If I still have you on the hook Ray, I'll next introduce 'medical outcomes' as being the worst in the US system.

Do you know what 'medical outcomes' even means? On that too the US system is a failure and a complete fukking mess.

What now Ray? Claim they're all lying 'commies' trying to steal your wallets?
Move to Cuba.
HC in Cuba is roughly judged to be the equivalent of the US system, based on several factors used to judge HC quality.

One very big reason for Cuba being on par with America's is that Cuba's system doesn't bankrupt the poor and needy.

Quality affordable HC in Cuba puts a different light on the meaning of poverty.

If you're poor in America and you get seriously ill or injured, you're fucked!
In simplified terms that is!
Ray and people like him need the younger people coming up to buy into the redbaiting tactic of creating a 'commie' under every bed.

Can that still be done in America, or are people coming to realize that the world's leading democracies aren't all commies but are well-functioning capitalist systems with social responsibility to the people?

Or stated a different way: Could Bernie have won the presidency if the D party hadn't hijacked his chances?

Actually, I don't think so.

Bernie's popularity in 2016 was less 'We love socialism" and more "We really don't like Hillary any more in 2016 than we did in 2008". In 2020, Bernie underperformed in every state compared to his 2016 numbers, he only got momentum because "everyone else" split the vote until it narrowed down to "We think Joe Biden is safe."

That said, I can see why a lot of young people DO find Socialism appealing. They see what a shit sandwich Capitalism is for their parents now. And the best Ray and his ilk can come back with is, "People called socialists did bad things in other countries before you were born". (This is right before Ray collects his socialist welfare check.)
They said screw the Supreme Court. Communists don't believe in a higher authority or the Constitution.
All Americans should be saying, 'screw the totally corrupt Scotus. It's now a political panel that makes decisions based on extremist political views.
Blame the 'commies' for that too Ray.

And fwiw, who should support an outdated constitution that needed to be based on the racist demands of the southern states?

America's racist swine were still building monuments to honour slavery, while the rest of the world's modern countries had moved on.
No, the word for that is preparation, something you leftists don't know how to do. There is nothing wrong with helping to watch over your community, working with the police department, and everybody who has the capabilities to help police fight crime do so. It's community involvement. Living on a main street there seems to always be things going on that cameras in the past would have been helpful, and perhaps lead to a few more lowlifes ending up in jail or prison. Oh, and if you think that's bad, some streets have formed neighborhood watch groups. How paranoid and awful, huh?

Yeah, usually "neighborhood watch" is George Zimmerman stalking any darkie he thinks shouldn't be there.

Funny thing. I live on a main street in my town... I don't need to put cameras outside my home, or spy on my neighbors (a lot of whom are minorities) or any of the other crazy shit you do.

It's not the healthcare companies responsibility to make sure you read and understand your plan, what's covered, what's not. That's up to you. If they didn't cover something that was contracted, then they know they can be sued, and it's something they avoid due to the expense.

First, as Nataline Sarksiyan's family found out, the contract between health care companies and employers mean that individual families have no standing to sue health care companies for not providing treatments they promised.

Secondly, you are making the argument that we should all be lawyers and read over a health care plan we have no real control over. When I worked at Evil Packaging in the Aughts, they changed health care plans about three times. The Jews in Houston never asked the employees what they thought about it, not once.

At times yes and times no. For the cheaper stuff, I pay cash. For the more pricey procedures the few times I've needed them, they have a private fund setup that those evil rich people contribute to in order to help out people like myself. You see when government fails you, it's the rich people that step up to the plate to help their fellow man. On the other side of that coin, when I was covered before Commie Care, I too sent some money to that fund when I had a little extra money to give. In exchange, I have enough return address labels to last me a lifetime.

Again, ray, you need to keep your story straight. Either you are a fucking wreck who needs constant medical attention, or you would pay more on a ACA plan than actual treatment, which just isn't credible.
Americans don't leave the country for better treatment, they leave because of costs. In Canada, they leave because they don't want to live on pain pills for three months before something gets done. They want out of pain yesterday. Trust me, Canadians (at least the elderly ones) do cut down on their healthcare system consistently. I've talked with these Canadians for years on this subject.
Why do Canadians come to the US for healthcare if it is so bad? It seems to me the expense of American healthcare send Americans to other countries like Mexico. Canadians are finding longer and longer wait times and then they usually come to the US to get their healthcare.

Expense vs wait times seems to be the issue.

Actually, I don't think so.

Bernie's popularity in 2016 was less 'We love socialism" and more "We really don't like Hillary any more in 2016 than we did in 2008". In 2020, Bernie underperformed in every state compared to his 2016 numbers, he only got momentum because "everyone else" split the vote until it narrowed down to "We think Joe Biden is safe."

That said, I can see why a lot of young people DO find Socialism appealing. They see what a shit sandwich Capitalism is for their parents now. And the best Ray and his ilk can come back with is, "People called socialists did bad things in other countries before you were born". (This is right before Ray collects his socialist welfare check.)
Thanks for your answer and I accept most of it with some caution.
The D party chose Biden, and it was obviously the right choice if holding onto power is the most important consideration or factor. They were blessed with having a mad psychopath as their opponent. Biden was blessed.

If young people are choosing 'socialism' then they are completely out of tune with reality.

Those with an understanding of political preferences will be choosing capitalism that is modified to include necessary 'socialist' policies. I don't need to tell you that, you've already demonstrated that you're fully aware.

Are you still saying that the young people have moved all the way to choosing 'socialism'?
That's a serious question!
If 'yes' then is there any evidence to back it up?
I would suggest that they're more aware of what is needed in government.

As for Ray? I think he's been reduced to making up stories on what his truck driver friends say and think. He blew the cover when he suggested that Canadians talk down our HC system. At least in comparison to his own.

But a peculiar beast for sure! Still defending a system that's fucked him over one day and is the greatest the next.
Yeah man, any of you losers want to "rent" my house? Want to kick my dogs too, you're entitled to it, know what I mean?
Only snowflakes can celebrate a President intentionally ignoring the USSC to sign an illegal bill giving the Marxist govt the right to tell Americans what they can and can't do with their private property / businesses, that allows irresponsible squatters to stay in American property owners' homes for free.
Why do Canadians come to the US for healthcare if it is so bad? It seems to me the expense of American healthcare send Americans to other countries like Mexico. Canadians are finding longer and longer wait times and then they usually come to the US to get their healthcare.

Expense vs wait times seems to be the issue.

Why do Canadians go to America for HC if it is so bad?

Why do 2 1/2 times more Americans travel out of country for HC?

America's HC system is 'so bad' only overall. It's not bad in some categories that combined make it roughly equal to Cuba's.

Cuba's HC system is rated as good as America's overall and that's not spelling out categories in which it is inferior or superior.

America's high quality treatment of Cancers brings it up to the highest level, only to be brought back down by several factors in which it's dismally failing.

I'm not going to provide the details. You'll have to research that yourself.

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