YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

The world's leading democracies hand much more control over to government than America has done traditionally, and still does.

Yes they do and we don't want to be like those other countries. That's the beauty of ours, we are not like all the others.

Those are what represent freedom Ray.
What else could you possibly have in mind?
Hate speech? Racism? Yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre?

The government telling me how I must eat, what I must weigh, how much alcohol I'm allowed to consume, how much I can smoke or what I'm allowed to smoke, how much time I can spend on the internet or television.

Most everything we do is associated with our health. If government can control our healthcare, then they can control our health which again, is nearly everything we do on a daily basis.
So??? Once I buy a house who cares, they cant arrest me just because Shady Pines Apartments says I owe them rent from 2 years ago can't buy a house either, idiot. You will have a judgement from the court AGAINST you. Until you pay that house.

Dayum, you are not only a bum and a leech, you are stupid to boot.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

Right, an a-hole.

But, you aren't. Your trolling and presenting, what we might call a "false flag". Whether this is true of false is irrelevant. Either way it makes you an a-hole. You are an a-hole for doing it or an a-hole for validating it.

The point of the program is as much to protect property owners during the recession as it is to help renters who cannot meet their obligations.

"SB 91 also establishes the State Rental Assistance Program to allocate the $2.6 billion in federal rental assistance California will receive. The program will target aid to income-qualified tenants most at-risk with unpaid back rent. Assistance will also be extended to property owners who agree to waive 20 percent of unpaid rent. By agreeing to this waiver, property owners will become eligible for 80 percent in rent reimbursements for amounts owed between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021."

The free market, as a foundation to the economic process, which is about the allocation of resources, is not perfect. Contrary to the idiots that spout "It's just ECON 101" and have never actually taken a course in economics, the model of supply and demand is the introductory chapter of micro-economics. The rest of Econ 101 is an analysis of all the ways that it is inadequate to fully describe economics. The free market and the ideal forces of supply and demand require that there be a large number of players. Monopolies and oligopolies, for instance, are a simple example of how the first chapter of ECON 101 presents an oversimplified model of the free market. Monopolies, natural or otherwise, control prices. Recessions are a failure, due to internal and external shock, of the economy running efficiently. In 2009, the credit markets failed due to speculation in the housing market. In 2020, COVID interrupted our ability to be in personal contact with each other.

The economy is a loop. Money has to flow around the loop for the economy to function. As it flows, the time spend by people, producing and distributing goods and services, is accounted for. To be clear, nature provides the resources for free. The cost of a product is not the cost of the materials which are sourced from the environment. The cost of the product is the time spent by people collecting, processing, and distributing those materials. The Sun provides energy for free. Land just exists. Trees grow. Someone cuts the trees, creates the wood, stores and ships the lumber, constructs housing, maintains property. That is time spent and that time is accounted for by money.

Unoccupied property is waisted resources. To account for time spent, accounting in the economy has rules. If you use a good, if you occupy property, that has to be accounted for and the time of the person that owns and maintains that property needs to be accounted for. He can evict, but then he has an empty building that he still needs to maintain. Except now that effort is no longer accounted for. It is time spent for no current economic benefit to anyone. At the same time, given a recession, the demand for rental property is down. The economy is feedback system and recessions are self-reinforcing. The owner is losing money on lost rents. He can't pay his mortgage. Credit markets tighten. He can't sell or is forced to sell at a loss. The flow of money is restricted, the recession deepens.

The entire point of the rental assistance is to prop up the market, to keep it from worsening, while the natural forces of supply and demand are able to recover. You are looking at it backwards, a myopic view. There are two sides to the coin in supply and demand. There is a buyer AND a seller. When demand falls, suppliers are left unable to sell. The flow of money is decelerates. Rental assistance is about maintaining that flow at a level that it is when the economy is functioning well. The economy is not money and money is not the economy. Money is a very lousy measure of value but it is the measure we have. The measure is not about the static quantity of money, it is about the flow of money. That flow represents the flow of goods and services in the opposite direction. When money stops flowing, unless we want to return to the inefficiency of a bartering economy and start from square one, then that flow needs to be maintained.

Yes, there will be cheaters, like yourself. And that is unfortunate. There always has to be someone looking for a way to game the system. But that's ECON 201. can't buy a house either, idiot. You will have a judgement from the court AGAINST you. Until you pay that house.

Dayum, you are not only a bum and a leech, you are stupid to boot.

And if you could buy a house, you'd be doing that, not becoming delinquent on your rent. Your talking to someone that can't hold two thoughts in their head at the same time.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing

I see, so you aren't "necessarily" doing it, whatever that means. But it's okay that your friends are. So your not as much of a criminal as your friends. You're a moral criminal. Your just picky about what criminal behavior you're willing to do. You leave the really immoral criminal behavior to your friends.

That makes sense.
The world's leading democracies hand much more control over to government than America has done traditionally, and still does.

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
Those are what represent freedom Ray.
What else could you possibly have in mind?
Hate speech? Racism? Yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre?
Never have had a desire to live in Canada, maybe Australia or Switzerlan, never Canada.
At 60 and the beginning of a huge recession there wasn't anyplace to work. That's besides the fact even without Dementia's buddies from China, nobody hires people that old with no experience anyhow.

Oh, Ray, you always have an excuse. It's kind of funny that you preach self-reliance all day on your way to pick up a welfare check.

When I started looking around all the jobs I was applicable for told me the same thing: we dropped our coverage when the ACA started.
Really? I've never applied for a job where they didn't offer health care. It was kind of a given.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with being on Medicare. I said most people in this country die on government coverage. But that's okay, you don't even understand it with your severe psychological disorders you refuse to get help for.

Sure there's nothing wrong with Medicare... It's aform of welfare you plan on collecting. Welfare becomes Good when Ray gets it.
Yes they do and we don't want to be like those other countries. That's the beauty of ours, we are not like all the others.
Ray is happy when Rich people screw him, but government taking care of him he's against.

Until it's time for his welfare check because no rich person would hire him.

The government telling me how I must eat, what I must weigh, how much alcohol I'm allowed to consume, how much I can smoke or what I'm allowed to smoke, how much time I can spend on the internet or television.

Most everything we do is associated with our health. If government can control our healthcare, then they can control our health which again, is nearly everything we do on a daily basis.

When does the government tell you that? You seem to be falling for the slippery slope argument.
Ray is happy when Rich people screw him, but government taking care of him he's against.

Until it's time for his welfare check because no rich person would hire him.

No rich person ever screwed me. Government screwed me multiple times doing the most damage. The rich gave me work so I could make a living.

When does the government tell you that? You seem to be falling for the slippery slope argument.

And you seem to be a little slow as always. Government can't do that to us now because they have no monopoly on healthcare. If they did, they would be doing things like that. It's kinda the point.
Oh, Ray, you always have an excuse. It's kind of funny that you preach self-reliance all day on your way to pick up a welfare check.

I never picked up a welfare check in my life. It's just you're too fucken stupid to understand what welfare is.

Sure there's nothing wrong with Medicare... It's aform of welfare you plan on collecting. Welfare becomes Good when Ray gets it.

Yes, I plan on collecting on that too because I paid into it as well. Just like I would collect from my auto insurance I paid into all my life if I got into an accident or my home insurance if I was robbed or had a fire. If you don't like the way we do things here, move to Cuba.
No rich person ever screwed me. Government screwed me multiple times doing the most damage. The rich gave me work so I could make a living.

If you call living in a slum a living...

I never picked up a welfare check in my life. It's just you're too fucken stupid to understand what welfare is.
Sure I am.

Welfare is what you pay people to keep them alive.
Not-welfare is you only pay people when they are producing something.

you are on welfare, Ray. You can call it an entitlement if you want, but it's welfare.

And you seem to be a little slow as always. Government can't do that to us now because they have no monopoly on healthcare. If they did, they would be doing things like that. It's kinda the point.

Except there are 100 million people on Medicare, Medicaid, etc. And no one is telling them to knock off their bad habits.

Meanwhile, private insurance is doing exactly what you complain about. They are charging people more if they smoke. They are making people go in for health screenings and getting letters telling them they are too fat.

Yes, I plan on collecting on that too because I paid into it as well. Just like I would collect from my auto insurance I paid into all my life if I got into an accident or my home insurance if I was robbed or had a fire. If you don't like the way we do things here, move to Cuba.

Guy, we do things like that here because LIberals you hate insisted on them. You think we'd have social security or Medicare if Republicans were left in charge?

Here's what would happen if you didn't have medicare. You'd have to get insurance on the private market. Except you can't get insurance now, apparently (Or you just won't take ObamaCare because you are too racist to do so.)


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Sure I am.

Welfare is what you pay people to keep them alive.
Not-welfare is you only pay people when they are producing something.

you are on welfare, Ray. You can call it an entitlement if you want, but it's welfare.

If it makes you happy. It makes me happy seeing you torture yourself over this every single day for over a year and a half. It advances your severe mental conditions and that's pretty enjoyable for me. The worse it gets, the closer you are to being institutionalized. Oh, they may let you on the internet, but not places like USMB or anyplace that causes your conditions to worsen. One day you will just disappear from USMB and everybody will know why.

Except there are 100 million people on Medicare, Medicaid, etc. And no one is telling them to knock off their bad habits.

Meanwhile, private insurance is doing exactly what you complain about. They are charging people more if they smoke. They are making people go in for health screenings and getting letters telling them they are too fat.

Had private insurance all of my life until Commie Care. Not once ever experienced anything like that. As for Medicare, the last figure for 2019 was 61 million Americans which is less than 1/5 of our population. Not nearly enough to have such control over the people.

Guy, we do things like that here because LIberals you hate insisted on them. You think we'd have social security or Medicare if Republicans were left in charge?

Here's what would happen if you didn't have medicare. You'd have to get insurance on the private market. Except you can't get insurance now, apparently (Or you just won't take ObamaCare because you are too racist to do so.)

Not too racist at all. I want to keep my doctors and facility that's been treating me all of my life which Commie Care offers no reasonable plans for. Don't believe me, go to their site yourself. The entire plot was a lie from beginning to end. You cannot keep your doctor. You cannot keep your hospital. The Cleveland Clinic was recently rated the second best healthcare facility in the nation by US News and World; the second best hospital in the world by Newsweek, and commie care has no plans for this facility?

It kind of shows you why we don't need government healthcare in our country.
If it makes you happy. It makes me happy seeing you torture yourself over this every single day for over a year and a half. It advances your severe mental conditions and that's pretty enjoyable for me. The worse it gets, the closer you are to being institutionalized. Oh, they may let you on the internet, but not places like USMB or anyplace that causes your conditions to worsen. One day you will just disappear from USMB and everybody will know why.

Sadly, Ray, you seem to spend a lot of time here proving yourself to be an unhappy person... and you get upset when anyone calls you on it. If I were to end my days living in a slum, collecting welfare when I could still work, and putting up cameras to spy on neighbors I hate, I would consider that a pretty pathetic existence.

Had private insurance all of my life until Commie Care. Not once ever experienced anything like that. As for Medicare, the last figure for 2019 was 61 million Americans which is less than 1/5 of our population. Not nearly enough to have such control over the people.

Okay, let's play. We have 61 million people on Medicare. We have 75 million enrolled in Medicaid. We have 7 million enrolled in CHIP. We have 9 million enrolled in the VA health system. I'm sure there are other programs I am missing. So really, 100MM was generous.

Oddly, the government isn't withhold care to anyone for lifestyle choices, for some reason. I mean, they could, I guess. Not sure how they would enforce it.

Not too racist at all. I want to keep my doctors and facility that's been treating me all of my life which Commie Care offers no reasonable plans for. Don't believe me, go to their site yourself. The entire plot was a lie from beginning to end. You cannot keep your doctor. You cannot keep your hospital. The Cleveland Clinic was recently rated the second best healthcare facility in the nation by US News and World; the second best hospital in the world by Newsweek, and commie care has no plans for this facility?

It kind of shows you why we don't need government healthcare in our country.

Okay, so the Cleveland Clinic didn't want to deal with poor people anymore. I guess it sucks to be you.

Oh, Wait.

Oscar Health and Cleveland Clinic will expand their co-branded insurance product into three more Ohio counties, the two announced Thursday.

The Cleveland Clinic + Oscar plans are available on the state’s Affordable Care Act exchanges, and first launched in 2018. The joint insurance plan is Cleveland Clinic’s first foray into health coverage with a plan branded under its name.

The plans offer 24/7 telemedicine, access to Oscar’s tech platforms and assistance from a care team to help members navigate the health system. Rates are still under review by regulators, with ACA open enrollment set to begin on Nov. 1.
Sadly, Ray, you seem to spend a lot of time here proving yourself to be an unhappy person... and you get upset when anyone calls you on it. If I were to end my days living in a slum, collecting welfare when I could still work, and putting up cameras to spy on neighbors I hate, I would consider that a pretty pathetic existence.

It may be, but ten times better existence than you have. At least I have all my marbles.

Oddly, the government isn't withhold care to anyone for lifestyle choices, for some reason. I mean, they could, I guess. Not sure how they would enforce it.

They don't have nearly enough power yet. When it's to the point there is nowhere else you can go but government to get healthcare, that's when the mandates will slip in one by one like the commies have done with everything else in this country.

Okay, so the Cleveland Clinic didn't want to deal with poor people anymore. I guess it sucks to be you.

Oh, Wait.

The Clinic treats poor people and the very wealthy. I had poor people in my family go there, one of them their life was saved because they were dying at Metro hospital. As for your link, sure, they take all kinds of insurance plans at the Clinic if you can afford the plans, but the fact is Commie Care has no reasonable plans for the Clinic.
It may be, but ten times better existence than you have. At least I have all my marbles.
Um. Yeah. You listen to police scanners all day and put in cameras to spy on your neighbors. And God knows how many guns you own.

They have a word for that, paranoid.

They don't have nearly enough power yet. When it's to the point there is nowhere else you can go but government to get healthcare, that's when the mandates will slip in one by one like the commies have done with everything else in this country.
OH, boo hoo.

Here's the reality. It's a lot harder to get a job and a private insurance plan if you are old and overweight than a government plan. You worry about "government mandates" that they probably can't enforce and wouldn't be popular. I worry about how insurance companies discriminate NOW, and how they cheat their customers NOW.

The one thing that cured me of the Republican Stupidity was my year long fight with Cigna to get my knee operated on. More infuriating when you hear they paid Ed Hanaway a $100MM bonus for cheating people out of coverage they paid for.

The Clinic treats poor people and the very wealthy. I had poor people in my family go there, one of them their life was saved because they were dying at Metro hospital. As for your link, sure, they take all kinds of insurance plans at the Clinic if you can afford the plans, but the fact is Commie Care has no reasonable plans for the Clinic.

Depends what you consider "reasonable". Given all your health problems, I find it hard to believe you are getting treatments out of pocket that are less than a plan.
Sure there is. The more control you hand over to government, the less freedom for you.
America's 'for profit' HC system COSTS your people their freedom. It's the biggest cause of bankruptcy.
We Canadians consider government providing our freedom from bankruptcy by providing higher quality HC for all.

HC is just one factor that provides us with the highest quality of life in the world. If that isn't 'freedom' then what is?

If being bankrupted isn't a loss of freedom then what is?
Um. Yeah. You listen to police scanners all day and put in cameras to spy on your neighbors. And God knows how many guns you own.

They have a word for that, paranoid.

OH, boo hoo.

Here's the reality. It's a lot harder to get a job and a private insurance plan if you are old and overweight than a government plan. You worry about "government mandates" that they probably can't enforce and wouldn't be popular. I worry about how insurance companies discriminate NOW, and how they cheat their customers NOW.

The one thing that cured me of the Republican Stupidity was my year long fight with Cigna to get my knee operated on. More infuriating when you hear they paid Ed Hanaway a $100MM bonus for cheating people out of coverage they paid for.

Depends what you consider "reasonable". Given all your health problems, I find it hard to believe you are getting treatments out of pocket that are less than a plan.
Ray and people like him need the younger people coming up to buy into the redbaiting tactic of creating a 'commie' under every bed.

Can that still be done in America, or are people coming to realize that the world's leading democracies aren't all commies but are well-functioning capitalist systems with social responsibility to the people?

Or stated a different way: Could Bernie have won the presidency if the D party hadn't hijacked his chances? can't buy a house either, idiot. You will have a judgement from the court AGAINST you. Until you pay that house.

Dayum, you are not only a bum and a leech, you are stupid to boot.
This is what happens when someone focuses only on the immediate with no thought for the future.
Ray and people like him need the younger people coming up to buy into the redbaiting tactic of creating a 'commie' under every bed.

Can that still be done in America, or are people coming to realize that the world's leading democracies aren't all commies but are well-functioning capitalist systems with social responsibility to the people?

Or stated a different way: Could Bernie have won the presidency if the D party hadn't hijacked his chances?

That's the problem. He probably did win for the Democrat party.

Red baiting tactic? The Democrat party went from Democrats to liberals, from liberals to progressives, from progressives to Democrat/ Socialist, whatever the hell that is. Soon it will be Socialists, then Socialist/ Communist, then just plain Communism. But given the Democrat party already easily has one foot in that pot, if we give Democrats the power, we will be Communist long before they tell us we've been.

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