YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Only snowflakes can celebrate a President intentionally ignoring the USSC to sign an illegal bill giving the Marxist govt the right to tell Americans what they can and can't do with their private property / businesses, that allows irresponsible squatters to stay in American property owners' homes for free.
It depends on how much support that president can get out of supposedly ignoring the Scotus.

Squatters in other people's homes is an endangerment to the system. The number of people who take advantage of the opportunity could become overwhelmingly large! Most landlords could become so insecure with their holdings that they abandon their holdings as losing propositions, and then be forced to sell cheap.

Yes, America is in danger of 'fascism'.
But the danger is coming from all sides now.
Listen to a few of Chris Hedges' speeches on the topic!
Are you still saying that the young people have moved all the way to choosing 'socialism'?
That's a serious question!
If 'yes' then is there any evidence to back it up?

As for Ray? I think he's been reduced to making up stories on what his truck driver friends say and think. He blew the cover when he suggested that Canadians talk down our HC system. At least in comparison to his own.

All I can tell you is what happened, I don't care if you believe me or not. However my only point was you have your healthcare problems like everybody else including the US.
First, as Nataline Sarksiyan's family found out, the contract between health care companies and employers mean that individual families have no standing to sue health care companies for not providing treatments they promised.

Secondly, you are making the argument that we should all be lawyers and read over a health care plan we have no real control over. When I worked at Evil Packaging in the Aughts, they changed health care plans about three times. The Jews in Houston never asked the employees what they thought about it, not once.

Where do you get this crap that you can't sue an insurance company because it's a company plan? Of course you can and people do since most Americans with private plans got them from their employers. A contract is a contract. You don't need to be a lawyer to look at the coverage of any insurance plan.

Again, ray, you need to keep your story straight. Either you are a fucking wreck who needs constant medical attention, or you would pay more on a ACA plan than actual treatment, which just isn't credible.

Your mental problems are getting worse and worse. I just explained to you that commie care offers no realistic plans for the Clinic, and you act like you didn't see a word. They have only one insurance company, and they sell over a half-dozen plans for different areas of the clinic. That only works okay if you can afford seven or eight plans, or you have the ability to see in the future to know what kind of treatment you will be needing coverage for. But THERE IS NO PLAN in commie care that covers all Cleveland Clinic services. See what I mean about reading your plans?

All I can tell you is what happened, I don't care if you believe me or not. However my only point was you have your healthcare problems like everybody else including the US.
You've pulled in your horns Ray.
Let's see if you've learned a lesson to not try to attack Canada's HC system? At least not in comparison the your country HC goatfuck.
All Americans should be saying, 'screw the totally corrupt Scotus. It's now a political panel that makes decisions based on extremist political views.
Blame the 'commies' for that too Ray.

And fwiw, who should support an outdated constitution that needed to be based on the racist demands of the southern states?

America's racist swine were still building monuments to honour slavery, while the rest of the world's modern countries had moved on.

Yeah, screw the SC when they rule against Republicans but you're all for them when they rule with the commies. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. The Constitution has an amendment process that takes a super majority of Americans to change. It was written like that for a reason. If a strong majority supports any changes, it gets changed, but that hasn't happened in many many years. The Constitution was not written for whoever has a simple majority at a time.

That aside, the President has to take an oath which includes they will defends and support the US Constitution. Our Constitution states that only Congress can pass legislation--not bureaucrats. You won't find the word bureaucracy in the entire document. Therefor Dementia is guilty of violating his oath of office and should be thrown out.

All I can tell you is what happened, I don't care if you believe me or not. However my only point was you have your healthcare problems like everybody else including the US.
Americans who hold a negative view of capitalism aren't politically informed. It's likely a poll that's being slanted for political purposes.

It's much more complicated than just condemning capitalism.

But there would be no doubt that many Americans don't feel supportive of America's brand of 'greedy' capitalism.

Socially responsible capitalism would find great favouring if the question was asked correctly.
Yeah, screw the SC when they rule against Republicans but you're all for them when they rule with the commies. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. The Constitution has an amendment process that takes a super majority of Americans to change. It was written like that for a reason. If a strong majority supports any changes, it gets changed, but that hasn't happened in many many years. The Constitution was not written for whoever has a simple majority at a time.

That aside, the President has to take an oath which includes they will defends and support the US Constitution. Our Constitution states that only Congress can pass legislation--not bureaucrats. You won't find the word bureaucracy in the entire document. Therefor Dementia is guilty of violating his oath of office and should be thrown out.
I don't have anything negative to say about the scotus if they act appropriately on questions of justice or the law. But I still think they aren't capable of doing that.
Matters of religious beliefs could serve as a great example for further discussion.
Why do Canadians go to America for HC if it is so bad?

Why do 2 1/2 times more Americans travel out of country for HC?

America's HC system is 'so bad' only overall. It's not bad in some categories that combined make it roughly equal to Cuba's.

Cuba's HC system is rated as good as America's overall and that's not spelling out categories in which it is inferior or superior.

America's high quality treatment of Cancers brings it up to the highest level, only to be brought back down by several factors in which it's dismally failing.

I'm not going to provide the details. You'll have to research that yourself.
Money is the issue when doing procedures outside the US. Canadians leave because of wait times, the rest of your post is your usual BS.

217,000 of 38 million Canadian jumped to other countries for healthcare in 2019 and 1400000 of 328 million choose to leave the US for medical procedures. So a .005% of Canadians and .004% Americans sought medical procedures out side their perspective countries. This is a big deal to you and Canada had more per capita than the US and Canada is went from 64,000 in 2016 to 217,000 in 2019. Seems you may bigger problems than admit to.
I don't have anything negative to say about the scotus if they act appropriately on questions of justice or the law. But I still think they aren't capable of doing that.
Matters of religious beliefs could serve as a great example for further discussion.

I don't want to derail or participate in a derail of the subject. What we are talking about here is Dementia's refusal to abide to a ruling about a bureaucracy making laws in this country instead of Congress. We can have a discussion on the Supreme Court in general another time.
Americans who hold a negative view of capitalism aren't politically informed. It's likely a poll that's being slanted for political purposes.

It's much more complicated than just condemning capitalism.

But there would be no doubt that many Americans don't feel supportive of America's brand of 'greedy' capitalism.

Socially responsible capitalism would find great favouring if the question was asked correctly.

I've been hearing and reading these polls for quite a while now. The percentage of those who favor Socialism over Capitalism grows with each and every one conducted.

Here is what's scary: Any American is free to go to any Socialist/ Communist/ Dictator country they desire and live there for a couple of years. If they find out it was not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come back to the good ole USA. But if they change this place, find out they were wrong, there will be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever.
One thing...on IMPORTANT thing I have learned from this thread is.....the OP is a leech, a bum, is stupid and a thief.

Remember this and treat him accordingly.
Why do Canadians come to the US for healthcare if it is so bad? It seems to me the expense of American healthcare send Americans to other countries like Mexico. Canadians are finding longer and longer wait times and then they usually come to the US to get their healthcare.

Expense vs wait times seems to be the issue.

Medical Tourism is a myth.

The authors of the study started by surveying 136 ambulatory care facilities near the U.S.-Canada border in Michigan, New York and Washington. It makes sense that Canadians crossing the border for care would favor places close by, right? It turns out, however, that about 80 percent of such facilities saw, on average, fewer than one Canadian per month; about 40 percent had seen none in the preceding year.

Then, the researchers looked at how many Canadians were discharged over a five-year period from acute-care hospitals in the same three states. They found that more than 80 percent of these hospital visits were for emergency or urgent care (that is, tourists who had to go to the emergency room). Only about 20 percent of the visits were for elective procedures or care.

Next, the authors of the study surveyed America’s 20 “best” hospitals — as identified by U.S. News & World Report — on the assumption that if Canadians were going to travel for health care, they would be more likely to go to the best-known and highest-quality facilities. Only one of the 11 hospitals that responded saw more than 60 Canadians in a year. And, again, that included both emergencies and elective care.

Finally, the study’s authors examined data from the 18,000 Canadians who participated in the National Population Health Survey. In the previous year, 90 of those 18,000 Canadians had received care in the United States; only 20 of them, however, reported going to the United States expressively for the purpose of obtaining care.

, there is some medical tourism going on. Americans getting operations in Mexico because the costs are too high in the US.

The government stopped you from endangering other people on the road. They didn't stop you from working anywhere.

Except I don't know of one business that dropped coverage, except for the ones who were buying shit plans that didn't qualify, and they were happy to fob their employees off on the ACA.

Um, yeah, they are on medicare because after a certain point, private insurance won't cover them... Duh.

I mean, private health care is kind of like a condom, it covers a bunch of pricks and gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

But it's okay, you are on welfare now.

Shut up asshole. Plans that didn't meet the 10 basic requirements were forced to be drop by Obambi's plan.
I've been hearing and reading these polls for quite a while now. The percentage of those who favor Socialism over Capitalism grows with each and every one conducted.

Here is what's scary: Any American is free to go to any Socialist/ Communist/ Dictator country they desire and live there for a couple of years. If they find out it was not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come back to the good ole USA. But if they change this place, find out they were wrong, there will be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever.

Here's the thing. If you have enough money to travel to another country, then Capitalism doesn't suck for you like it sucks for 80% of us.
I've been hearing and reading these polls for quite a while now. The percentage of those who favor Socialism over Capitalism grows with each and every one conducted.

Here is what's scary: Any American is free to go to any Socialist/ Communist/ Dictator country they desire and live there for a couple of years. If they find out it was not what it was cracked up to be, they can always come back to the good ole USA. But if they change this place, find out they were wrong, there will be no USA to move back to. It will be gone forever.
You're still refusing to understand how capitalism needs to include some (a great deal) socialist policies. Joe has elaborated on what they are for you.

So let's follow up on your socialist/communist/dictator countries. Are you imagining those countries to be the world's leading democracies?

I think you're desperately trying to paint those leading countries with the 'communist' label. It's a well known strategy and it's worked for many years. Can it continue to work or are the American people ready to see the light?
Money is the issue when doing procedures outside the US. Canadians leave because of wait times, the rest of your post is your usual BS.

217,000 of 38 million Canadian jumped to other countries for healthcare in 2019 and 1400000 of 328 million choose to leave the US for medical procedures. So a .005% of Canadians and .004% Americans sought medical procedures out side their perspective countries. This is a big deal to you and Canada had more per capita than the US and Canada is went from 64,000 in 2016 to 217,000 in 2019. Seems you may bigger problems than admit to.
The Fraser Institute is a rightwing think tank that has been intent on destroying Canada's HC for many years.
Joe has posted a link that is much closer to the truth.

To the main point, there's just no way the US 'for profit' system can be held up and compared to the world's universal HC systems.
Not even the most jaded Americans hold it up as being adequate to serve the needs of the people.
Even Trump claimed he had a new plan! He didn't. It's impossible to introduce a better plan when it would of necessity cut into the huge profits being made off the backs of the people.
You're still refusing to understand how capitalism needs to include some (a great deal) socialist policies. Joe has elaborated on what they are for you.

So let's follow up on your socialist/communist/dictator countries. Are you imagining those countries to be the world's leading democracies?

The only socialism that was to take place in our federal government is listed in the US Constitution. Now, that doesn't prevent states from doing as they please. Our Constitution also gives states ultimate authority in such matters. In other words if we didn't have SS and my state of Ohio wanted to start a retirement system, it was withing their authority.

So why did our founders create such a system? Because of the fact the more social programs we have, the more people become dependent on the federal government, and that's not why our founders created a federal government. They didn't want the people to rely on the federal government at all.

But here we are, now many of us reliant on all these programs we were forced to pay into, and that gives the federal government power, the exact opposite of what our founders wanted.

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