YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Not unless you can give me a reasonable explanation how a country with a near 6% unemployment rate can have a huge labor shortage at the same time.
I already have. The 6% unemployment rate isn't reflecting reality. There are several reasons why.

1. Most unemployed don't qualify to be counted as unemployed.
2. Employment of 4 hours a day flipping hamburgers are still counted as employed.

There's lots of information on the 'real' unemployment numbers being much higher than the gov's released figures.

Can you demonstrate an honest interest in learning about it?
I already have. The 6% unemployment rate isn't reflecting reality. There are several reasons why.

1. Most unemployed don't qualify to be counted as unemployed.
2. Employment of 4 hours a day flipping hamburgers are still counted as employed.

There's lots of information on the 'real' unemployment numbers being much higher than the gov's released figures.

Can you demonstrate an honest interest in learning about it?

The unemployment rate is calculated as people who say they are looking for work and are not employed. It's the way we've been calculating it for decades.

No, there is only one possible reason we have a now 5.4% unemployment at the same time of a labor shortage: government paying people more to stay home than work. I've lived through several recessions. Trust me, this has never happened before.
We are a free country. We don't force our industry or citizens to stay. We don't have an iron curtain.

This is a simple philosophy that you on the left hate called Action/ Reaction. When somebody takes an action regarding another, there will most likely be a reaction. But it gets more complex than that because there are positive and negative actions.

If we ever met at a bar and I extend my hand to shake yours, you will likely do the same. Positive action gaining a positive reaction. Now if I push you against the wall, you are going to push me right back. Negative action and negative reaction.

So why do liberals hate this philosophy so much? Because a liberal believes a negative action will result in a positive reaction, and it never works out that way, particularly where business is concerned.

Can government help? Yes they can if Republicans are in charge. Under Trump, the Republicans reduced their taxes so we were more in line with our worldwide competitors. He got rid of Commie Care mandates, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place. Because he supported US fuel production, businesses also gained as well as citizens because all businesses use fuel, and many much more than the individual.

The result? Positive action/ positive reaction.
When you talk about 'commie care mandates' you become irrational and not worthy of my time.

Trump got rid of 'social' policies and regulations. That's a great way of cutting taxes but is it acceptable in the world's leading countries?

Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life | News

What is acceptable to the majority of the people, and what will cause them to rise up to fighting bad government, as on Jan.6th?
When you talk about 'commie care mandates' you become irrational and not worthy of my time.

Trump got rid of 'social' policies and regulations. That's a great way of cutting taxes but is it acceptable in the world's leading countries?

Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life | News

What is acceptable to the majority of the people, and what will cause them to rise up to fighting bad government, as on Jan.6th?

I could care less what any other country thinks about how we do things here. Don't like the way we do things, don't come here. Worry about your own country. I'm sure they have plenty of problems as well.
The unemployment rate is calculated as people who say they are looking for work and are not employed. It's the way we've been calculating it for decades.

No, there is only one possible reason we have a now 5.4% unemployment at the same time of a labor shortage: government paying people more to stay home than work. I've lived through several recessions. Trust me, this has never happened before.
You're refusing to learn. Some studies say that US unemployment is over 20%.

I can lead a horse to water Ray but ................................
Uh, no one claimed that the ACA solved all the problems. It reduced the number of uninsured until Trump spent the last four years undermining it before TRUMP PLAGUE hit.

Frankly, I've never been a big fan of the ACA. Single Payer, health care as a right. Everything else is just tinkering.
Of course the Republicans destroyed most of Obama's good intentions by limiting his plans to just tinkering.

Trump never did have a HC plan that would have worked because there's no plan that can work if it's not a government funded, single payer, universal HC plan for all the people.

How many more years will Americans continue to accept what they have now?

It's all about learning to understand that 'socialism' has to play a part in a capitalist system. Prospects are dim if Americans continue to see that as 'communism'.
Well sounds like we have a wage problem.
Yes, the wage problem then creates the 'real' unemployment problem, that some studies say is over 20%.

How does government do that? People will never know unless they have an interest in finding out.

I could care less what any other country thinks about how we do things here. Don't like the way we do things, don't come here. Worry about your own country. I'm sure they have plenty of problems as well.
And again you resort to the "I could care less" argument.
It's always predictable when you're asked to face up to reality Ray.
Forgetting to include I am entitled because for one, I didn't want to stop working. Government stopped me from working. And two, I am entitled because I paid into the system my entire life.

The government stopped you from endangering other people on the road. They didn't stop you from working anywhere.

Too old to start my own business otherwise I would have looked into buying his since I know of all the problems there and how to correct them. No, before Commie Care, nobody could drop their coverage because their employees would leave for another company that had coverage since most everybody at the time provided it before the commies Fd everything up. After Commie Care started, a ton of companies dropped coverage so there were few places to go.
Except I don't know of one business that dropped coverage, except for the ones who were buying shit plans that didn't qualify, and they were happy to fob their employees off on the ACA.

I'm not taking money from anybody given that I paid into the system my entire life.

You don't know what welfare actually is; you don't possess the intelligence. We explain it to you over and over again but it's like talking to a brick wall. The Communists are in charge now. They're your people. So tell them to get rid of these programs already. Speaking of lack of intelligence, longevity and infant mortality rate has zero to do with private healthcare. Most of the people who die in this country are on government healthcare--Medicare.

Um, yeah, they are on medicare because after a certain point, private insurance won't cover them... Duh.

I mean, private health care is kind of like a condom, it covers a bunch of pricks and gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

But it's okay, you are on welfare now.
I mean, private health care is kind of like a condom, it covers a bunch of pricks and gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.
But not very persuasive.
I'm sure you are aware too that nobody is going to be persuaded to adjust their thinking and especially not LeRoy. To begin with he's a walking/talking contradiction. Pointing that out to him could be the only purpose worth trying.

There is no honest position in upholding 'private' and 'for profit' HC!

Nearly 2 1/2 times as many Americans travel out of country for HC as do Canadians, per capita.

That was the last remaining argument they had so it's worth adding it as a sidenote proactively.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Wrong. Once you are served with a 3 day pay or quit and you don't do either, you are served with eviction notice. Housing Authority keeps that record for 10 years, sparky. If you get that record, and it is stored in data bases ALL OVER THE USA, you will NOT get another place to rent. Nobody will rent to you. NOBODY. Unless it's a dump.

Shame on you for giving bad advice. Landlords are good..and bad. They also have to pay taxes, water, trash, etc on properties if the tenants do not. Plus they have to FIX stuff YOU fucked up, if you fucked anything up. Then try to recoup their loses on the next tenant.

Wish your "friends" were my tenants. I'd get them out in 3 days. And not very nicely either. There ARE ways, ya know. Plus I would bust ass to get their names on that eviction list so EVERY credit reporting agency and EVERY landlord will see it immediately as soon as they do a background/credit check.

Sure there is. The more control you hand over to government, the less freedom for you.
The world's leading democracies hand much more control over to government than America has done traditionally, and still does.

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality
  • Politically stable
  • Safety
  • Well-developed public health system
  • Well-developed public education system
Those are what represent freedom Ray.
What else could you possibly have in mind?
Hate speech? Racism? Yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre?
Free market right??? I didnt pass the eviction law. Im just saying those who suffered under this system now can make it work for us.

Right now OUR president says i dont have to pay rent, and theres a way to avoid the eviction label once this moratorium comes to an end (hopefully not til 2022 or 2023)
No. You are passing on WRONG INFORMATION. Your "friends" will pay the price for your idiotic knowlege (which means squat) of tenant/landlord laws.

You are a fool..and like someone else said..a leech.
Remember VERY important

SAVE that rent money
DONT take the eviction whenever that day comes, hopefully its extended more thru 2022
BREAK the lease in the final weeks before eviction is filed, pay the lease break fee

You walk away with a large sum of cash for a house down payment, vacation, whatever.
The lease is broken when the 3 day pay or quit is issued. Again, you are a fool. Give them back their property, asshole. Or pay up.

I hope you get reamed.
The government stopped you from endangering other people on the road. They didn't stop you from working anywhere.

At 60 and the beginning of a huge recession there wasn't anyplace to work. That's besides the fact even without Dementia's buddies from China, nobody hires people that old with no experience anyhow.

Except I don't know of one business that dropped coverage, except for the ones who were buying shit plans that didn't qualify, and they were happy to fob their employees off on the ACA.

When I started looking around all the jobs I was applicable for told me the same thing: we dropped our coverage when the ACA started.

Um, yeah, they are on medicare because after a certain point, private insurance won't cover them... Duh.

I mean, private health care is kind of like a condom, it covers a bunch of pricks and gives you a false sense of security while being screwed.

But it's okay, you are on welfare now.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with being on Medicare. I said most people in this country die on government coverage. But that's okay, you don't even understand it with your severe psychological disorders you refuse to get help for.

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