YES! No evictions!! How we benefit from Bidens move

Even out of college or trade school, you're still a rookie and won't make the big money until you get experience. The problem is kids choose the easiest courses to take and prepare themselves for jobs that there are few if any of. My nephews ex went to college for advertising. She works at a bank helping to process loans today. I knew one girl I had the hots for years ago that went to college for two years of photography. She got a job as a receptionist at a television repair place. My niece was at the top of her class when she graduated with a biology degree. She ended up waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.
Again, Ray, we've established you live in a Scooby-Doo ghost town. Yes, good jobs aren't out there for people today... because those Dressage Horses and Dick Rockets aren't going to buy themselves if you have to pay working drones a living wage.

Then you scratch your big monkey head and wonder why so many of them like Bernie Sanders.

It has nothing to do with taxes. Younger and middle-aged people just don't want to deal with the problems of home ownership: what to do if the roof is leaking, replacing a hot water tank, large tree limb coming down right across the drive from a major storm. With our divorce rates, single women too don't want the headache. Most are not handy at fixing much of anything and home ownership requires you to buy a bunch of tools and learn how to do these things.

Or they just can't afford them.

The two main reasons why home ownership is declining is that there's no tax benefit to owning one anymore, and because the middle class has so declined a lot of young people can't afford them.

My sister had a beautiful home my father built for her. All quality material, natural wood fireplace in the family room, her backyard overlooked a wooded ravine where she could watch the deer and wild turkeys from her screened in patio. She sold it and moved to a townhouse, not nearly as beautiful as the house she left. She didn't have time to tend to the yard, to deal with snow removal, fixing things because my father is too old to help her any longer.

My dad left me a property like that.

Now, here's the thing. We've managed to keep this property in the family because there are six of us paying into it to keep it afloat.

My dad bought the land in 1949 for $800, and built a cabin on it and was able to maintain it because he had a good job with good benefits. I couldn't do that today. Neither could any of my siblings, including my MAGAt brother who works in the same union my dad did. We certainly couldn't have done this in our 20's just starting out like my dad did.

But you couldn't live in such a place. Nowhere near jobs or industry or places you'd want to work.
You know very little about America. If parents elect to send their kids to private school, they still have to pay the same taxes. Hell private school isn’t even a tax write-off and never has been. That’s one reason people are trying so hard for a school voucher system. Then your tax dollars would follow your kids. The high performing schools would get more money, the failing schools would die on the vine. The only students going to bad schools would be the ones whose parents don’t care about education. Rewarding performance is how you achieve excellence, not by rewarding failure.

Actually, I went to private schools in America. The reason why private schools work is they can throw out the troublemakers and because parents are invested in their children's performance.

A voucher won't fix that.... Yeah, the parent might not make sure little Jamal does his homework, but you try telling them little Jamal isn't good enough for your school, and you will have a lawsuit on your hands.
Ok so not that I necessarily am doing this but friends are. They wont cancel student loans so whatever.....

They cant evict you. DONT pay rent. I haven’ in like a year. SAVE that money. An eviction is bad on credit. SOOOOO just ride it til the final month then just move out voluntarily, pay the original break contract fee.

You bank thousands of dollars and no eviction on record. Thank you President Biden, landlords have abused and oppressed us for centuries, its past time we have universal housing
Even Jesus honored private ownership. Remember Thou shalt not steal.
Can government help? Yes they can if Republicans are in charge. Under Trump, the Republicans reduced their taxes so we were more in line with our worldwide competitors. He got rid of Commie Care mandates, and instituted a policy that for every new business regulation created, two had to be removed in it's place. Because he supported US fuel production, businesses also gained as well as citizens because all businesses use fuel, and many much more than the individual.

Uh, yeah, guy. About that.

Trump posted a five million job loss when he left. Riots in the street, millions of jobs lost, thousands of businesses shuttered, 600,000 dead and many more left with permanent health problems with no insurance.

But the rich got their dick rockets, that's the important thing.
Uh, yeah, guy. About that.

Trump posted a five million job loss when he left. Riots in the street, millions of jobs lost, thousands of businesses shuttered, 600,000 dead and many more left with permanent health problems with no insurance.

But the rich got their dick rockets, that's the important thing.

What are you talking about? Commie Care solved all our uninsured problems. Don't you remember? Oh, that's right, he too was a Democrat so he lied like shit.

I have to ask this because it's so funny: Do you really believe by telling the lie it's Trump's fault we lost these jobs instead of a worldwide pandemic, one person will believe you outside of a fellow commie?
What are you talking about? Commie Care solved all our uninsured problems. Don't you remember? Oh, that's right, he too was a Democrat so he lied like shit.
Uh, no one claimed that the ACA solved all the problems. It reduced the number of uninsured until Trump spent the last four years undermining it before TRUMP PLAGUE hit.

Frankly, I've never been a big fan of the ACA. Single Payer, health care as a right. Everything else is just tinkering.

I have to ask this because it's so funny: Do you really believe by telling the lie it's Trump's fault we lost these jobs instead of a worldwide pandemic, one person will believe you outside of a fellow commie?

Oh, Ray, you hated ACA because the black guy did it, and you wouldn't have much of a life if you couldn't blame black people for all your problems.
Again, Ray, we've established you live in a Scooby-Doo ghost town. Yes, good jobs aren't out there for people today... because those Dressage Horses and Dick Rockets aren't going to buy themselves if you have to pay working drones a living wage.

Then you scratch your big monkey head and wonder why so many of them like Bernie Sanders.

They like Sander's because they believe he will create socialism/ communism where nobody has a chance at wealth. Any wealth created goes to Big Brother. Much like the young people on unemployment today, they believe government will provide everything and they won't have to lift a finger.

There are plenty of good jobs around as I explained before. The construction field is very short workers. My former profession needs tens of thousands of workers they can't find. But try getting a young person today to do any physical work. They all want to go to college and sit behind a desk at a job that doesn't have drug testing requirements. My fathers union is offering their retirees $500.00 if they can find people to join the bricklayers union. My father did very well, retired at 62, and is still collecting his pension today at the age of 90. It pays $50.00 an hour and you collect unemployment all winter long because you can't lay brick in snow. Can't find these people to do the work.

Or they just can't afford them.

The two main reasons why home ownership is declining is that there's no tax benefit to owning one anymore, and because the middle class has so declined a lot of young people can't afford them.

Joe, I've been doing this over 25 years. I've interviewed people from every walk of life. There are a lot of people that have the option to buy a house, but don't want the work or problems. This became prominent after the housing collapse. Everything changed after that.

When my tenants come home, they have a beautiful freshly mowed lawn to look at. In the winter, they are in their nice warm bed while I'm out there at 4:00am clearing the snow from the parking lot and drive. When they want to go on vacation, they don't have anything to worry about. Just pack their van and go. I'll watch the place. When they have plumbing problems, electrical problems, a window or door is stuck, I'm there in five minutes to solve the problem or figure out a way to get it solved.

That's why many people don't want a house today, and it's also why there is a huge rental shortage all across the county.
My dad left me a property like that.

Now, here's the thing. We've managed to keep this property in the family because there are six of us paying into it to keep it afloat.

My dad bought the land in 1949 for $800, and built a cabin on it and was able to maintain it because he had a good job with good benefits. I couldn't do that today. Neither could any of my siblings, including my MAGAt brother who works in the same union my dad did. We certainly couldn't have done this in our 20's just starting out like my dad did.

But you couldn't live in such a place. Nowhere near jobs or industry or places you'd want to work.

Not everybody is dependent on a job. People work from home, especially today, people who made a good buck and sold their business, if somebody could pay cash for the place, even your average retired worker could live there on SS. Can the average person do that? Not likely, but that's pretty much been the case my entire life. In our family, they had a family trailer at Lake Chautauqua. When our relatives weren't using it, we went up there. Sometimes we stayed with our relatives as well. Beautiful lake and great fishing. It was like paradise.
Oh, Ray, you hated ACA because the black guy did it, and you wouldn't have much of a life if you couldn't blame black people for all your problems.

I would hate it no matter who thought of it. I had insurance my entire life until that commie ruined our system. You got a job, your employer provided it as a benefit, and while not perfect, it was satisfactory for most people.

Taking from one group of people and giving it to another group is not problem solving, it's problem shifting. You solve nothing that way, but it pandered to his voting base and screw the rest of the country.
They like Sander's because they believe he will create socialism/ communism where nobody has a chance at wealth. Any wealth created goes to Big Brother. Much like the young people on unemployment today, they believe government will provide everything and they won't have to lift a finger.

Or these young people look at their elders, who spent their entire lives working hard to make someone else rich, and they may only be saved from complete destitution by social security.

Here's the thing. 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth. Captialism does NOTHING for them.

the next 20% of the population has 4% of the wealth. They maybe own their own home and have a little savings. Capitalism is largely as shit sandwich for them, as well.

The next 20% (which is probably where I fall) has 8% of the wealth. They are doing okay, have nice houses, some savings, but most of them know they are maybe one serious illness away from destitution, and are grateful medicare exists to take care of them when they can't work.

So then you have the top 20% who have 83% of the wealth... They are doing well... but frankly, they aren't enough so sustain a system.

Eventually, the 80% on the bottom are going to get fed up with it, and that's why a guy like Bernie is so popular.

There are plenty of good jobs around as I explained before. The construction field is very short workers. My former profession needs tens of thousands of workers they can't find. But try getting a young person today to do any physical work. They all want to go to college and sit behind a desk at a job that doesn't have drug testing requirements. My fathers union is offering their retirees $500.00 if they can find people to join the bricklayers union. My father did very well, retired at 62, and is still collecting his pension today at the age of 90. It pays $50.00 an hour and you collect unemployment all winter long because you can't lay brick in snow. Can't find these people to do the work.

Yeah, for some reason, you can't get people to lug bricks around all day... because frankly, I'd be bored doing that, even for $50.00 an hour. It's not intellectually challenging or stimulating. What I loved about purchasing when I did that was the challenge of it. Figuring out problems, negotiating with vendors and responding to problems.

What I love about resume writing is that challenge of it, and that I really get to help people.

But yeah, let's just lug bricks around all day... that's exciting. Or drive in a straight line.

The only reason why those jobs pay well is because they are unionized, something your side has been spending the last 40 years trying to get rid of.

Joe, I've been doing this over 25 years. I've interviewed people from every walk of life. There are a lot of people that have the option to buy a house, but don't want the work or problems. This became prominent after the housing collapse. Everything changed after that.

Guy, you are a slumlord. I promise you, a professional in a good job isn't going to move into your slum.

When my tenants come home, they have a beautiful freshly mowed lawn to look at. In the winter, they are in their nice warm bed while I'm out there at 4:00am clearing the snow from the parking lot and drive. When they want to go on vacation, they don't have anything to worry about. Just pack their van and go. I'll watch the place. When they have plumbing problems, electrical problems, a window or door is stuck, I'm there in five minutes to solve the problem or figure out a way to get it solved.
You can have all of that by buying a condo, and still have the advantages of home ownership.

That's why many people don't want a house today, and it's also why there is a huge rental shortage all across the county.

Well, that and Trump took away the advantages of home ownership for anyone who doesn't own a mansion..

Not everybody is dependent on a job. People work from home, especially today, people who made a good buck and sold their business, if somebody could pay cash for the place, even your average retired worker could live there on SS. Can the average person do that? Not likely, but that's pretty much been the case my entire life. In our family, they had a family trailer at Lake Chautauqua. When our relatives weren't using it, we went up there. Sometimes we stayed with our relatives as well. Beautiful lake and great fishing. It was like paradise.

But you can't live up there.

Going back to my summer home, my late sister and her husband actually did try to live up there for a year. It almost destroyed their marriage.
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Again, Ray, we've established you live in a Scooby-Doo ghost town. Yes, good jobs aren't out there for people today... because those Dressage Horses and Dick Rockets aren't going to buy themselves if you have to pay working drones a living wage.

Then you scratch your big monkey head and wonder why so many of them like Bernie Sanders.

Or they just can't afford them.

The two main reasons why home ownership is declining is that there's no tax benefit to owning one anymore, and because the middle class has so declined a lot of young people can't afford them.

My dad left me a property like that.

Now, here's the thing. We've managed to keep this property in the family because there are six of us paying into it to keep it afloat.

My dad bought the land in 1949 for $800, and built a cabin on it and was able to maintain it because he had a good job with good benefits. I couldn't do that today. Neither could any of my siblings, including my MAGAt brother who works in the same union my dad did. We certainly couldn't have done this in our 20's just starting out like my dad did.

But you couldn't live in such a place. Nowhere near jobs or industry or places you'd want to work.
Tell us why over year after year, decade after decade we need more government help for more and more people. We keep adding millions and millions of dollars and tens of millions more locally to tens of billions federally and hundreds of billions more every year. All of this was supposed to end all of what we see and it only has pushed us to add more and more. With it comes more fascism and loss of real rights.
I would hate it no matter who thought of it. I had insurance my entire life until that commie ruined our system. You got a job, your employer provided it as a benefit, and while not perfect, it was satisfactory for most people.

Again, guy, your employer sounded like such a bottom feeder he would have gotten rid of insurance no matter what the policy was. And it wasn't like you were going to show any ambition and get a better job or start your own business.

aking from one group of people and giving it to another group is not problem solving, it's problem shifting. You solve nothing that way, but it pandered to his voting base and screw the rest of the country.

Um, wait, aren't you collecting a disability right now. They are taking money away from other people and giving it to you.

We've been over this. Our government already spends 2 Trillion a year giving money to middle class people (or as I like to call it "White People Welfare" ) in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment and Veteran's Benefits. So we've already solved most of our poverty programs by taking away from one group and giving to another.

In the case of health care, it's socialism no matter the form.

If you aren't sick, you are paying for someone else's issues, either through insurance or taxes paid into a government program. So frankly, in the 29 years I've worked since leaving the military, I've been paying more into insurance programs than I've been collecting out for about 27 of them, because I am rarely sick and don't go to a doctor unless I absolutely have to. I think the last time I went to a doctor was 2017.

The one year I did actually try to get something out of my insurance company, I had to fight the fuckers tooth and nail to get them to pay for simple outpatient procedures and follow up therapy. I am sure that is the main reason why I was let go from that company in 2008 (before they had to fire everyone else thanks to Bush's recession) despite having seniority on everyone else in that office.

It did cure me of any Republican Stupidity.

Now, here's the rub. The Socialist countries of Europe and Japan where they have single payer health care or universal coverage... spend less per capita than we do. They also have lower infant mortality rates, longer life expectencies and a generally better level of care.
Tell us why over year after year, decade after decade we need more government help for more and more people. We keep adding millions and millions of dollars and tens of millions more locally to tens of billions federally and hundreds of billions more every year. All of this was supposed to end all of what we see and it only has pushed us to add more and more. With it comes more fascism and loss of real rights.

Oh, that's an easy one. year after year, the rich have been screwing teh working class, but the working class, they just refuse to roll over and die when the rich no longer have use for them.

So you get a guy like Ray, who is happily collecting a disability instead of working a job where he might make les money, because he's "entitled".

We have a bad habit of blaming government for our unhappiness when they give us everything we want.
If they can be president why are they never elected? Why only wealthy men who have no clue what it's like to work?
Ask Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer who built houses for Habitat for Humanity until he got truly old.
That's bullshit but if you're going to make landlords take losses on their properties, you should do the same with bank mortgages. But our pussy legislators don't have the balls to do that.
Oh, that's an easy one. year after year, the rich have been screwing teh working class, but the working class, they just refuse to roll over and die when the rich no longer have use for them.

So you get a guy like Ray, who is happily collecting a disability instead of working a job where he might make les money, because he's "entitled".

We have a bad habit of blaming government for our unhappiness when they give us everything we want.

Forgetting to include I am entitled because for one, I didn't want to stop working. Government stopped me from working. And two, I am entitled because I paid into the system my entire life.
Again, guy, your employer sounded like such a bottom feeder he would have gotten rid of insurance no matter what the policy was. And it wasn't like you were going to show any ambition and get a better job or start your own business.

Too old to start my own business otherwise I would have looked into buying his since I know of all the problems there and how to correct them. No, before Commie Care, nobody could drop their coverage because their employees would leave for another company that had coverage since most everybody at the time provided it before the commies Fd everything up. After Commie Care started, a ton of companies dropped coverage so there were few places to go.

Um, wait, aren't you collecting a disability right now. They are taking money away from other people and giving it to you.

We've been over this. Our government already spends 2 Trillion a year giving money to middle class people (or as I like to call it "White People Welfare" ) in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment and Veteran's Benefits. So we've already solved most of our poverty programs by taking away from one group and giving to another.

In the case of health care, it's socialism no matter the form.

If you aren't sick, you are paying for someone else's issues, either through insurance or taxes paid into a government program. So frankly, in the 29 years I've worked since leaving the military, I've been paying more into insurance programs than I've been collecting out for about 27 of them, because I am rarely sick and don't go to a doctor unless I absolutely have to. I think the last time I went to a doctor was 2017.

The one year I did actually try to get something out of my insurance company, I had to fight the fuckers tooth and nail to get them to pay for simple outpatient procedures and follow up therapy. I am sure that is the main reason why I was let go from that company in 2008 (before they had to fire everyone else thanks to Bush's recession) despite having seniority on everyone else in that office.

It did cure me of any Republican Stupidity.

Now, here's the rub. The Socialist countries of Europe and Japan where they have single payer health care or universal coverage... spend less per capita than we do. They also have lower infant mortality rates, longer life expectencies and a generally better level of care.

I'm not taking money from anybody given that I paid into the system my entire life.

You don't know what welfare actually is; you don't possess the intelligence. We explain it to you over and over again but it's like talking to a brick wall. :lalala: The Communists are in charge now. They're your people. So tell them to get rid of these programs already. Speaking of lack of intelligence, longevity and infant mortality rate has zero to do with private healthcare. Most of the people who die in this country are on government healthcare--Medicare.
If the nation gets rid of social security and medicare it goes into a tailspin never seen before. These two highly successful programs are two of the greatest things this nation has EVER produced. Just imagine the tens of millions that have been helped by them.
Any decent employer takes care of their employees in the form of health coverage. Otherwise they are shoddy.
As to the first one, jobs are paying reasonable wages, it's just that government is paying people more to stay home. In my state, they calculated that a person on unemployment with the fed addition is making a comparable 43K a year for a working person. Now, people making that or less can afford apartments, houses, able to feed their family on that salary. So you lose on that one. Your second point is pretty much the same, but if there are no jobs paying enough, the answer is to move someplace where they are like in my state. There is no false unemployment. The Communists are running the country now, and if anything, they would fudge the numbers their way. Several years ago most jobs provided healthcare coverage, but then the morons elected a socialist asshole that destroyed that benefit for millions of Americans.
Yeah Ray, sounds like you're saying Americans are lazy and don't want to work.
Couldn't be that some people wouldn't be able to move somewhere else and it couldn't be that all the jobs available are offering Mac.D wages.

I think you have a point with the 'lazy' accusation.
Yeah Ray, sounds like you're saying Americans are lazy and don't want to work.
Couldn't be that some people wouldn't be able to move somewhere else and it couldn't be that all the jobs available are offering Mac.D wages.

I think you have a point with the 'lazy' accusation.

If I did it all my life, anybody can do it.

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