Yes or No?

Yes (or at least content)

Are you currently worried about anything?
No. (I used to all the time!)

Do you have a favorite card game?
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Yes. (I did not used to be, i was terrible!)

Have you ever had a reckless driving speeding ticket?

Was it one of you that let one in the crowded elevator on our trip to top of the Washington Monument?
No. (I have never done that, I would die.... it's so gross)

Have you ever laughed out loud when it was inappropriate (e.g. funeral, wedding etc.)?
Yes. (but not many thankfully....)

Has a person of the opposite sex ever hit you?
Yes (even if short time)

Have you ever been hit by a man since you were grown?
Yes (even if short time)

Have you ever been hit by a man since you were grown?

No, not hit, but I did have an ex-boyfriend who had a temper and would shove me around sometimes. That was a long time ago though. Asshole. Lol. :D

Tank top or T shirt?

Oops! We go from This or That to Yes or No, and I get all messed up! :lol: Sorry!

Do you wear tank tops?
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LMAO It IS confusing at times.


Do you wear skinny jeans?
Yes. Deer (yuck) and Moose (yum)

Have you always lived in the same state?
Yes. Deer (yuck) and Moose (yum)

Have you always lived in the same state?

No. I lived in the neighboring state of RI for a while, but that's it. I've never had moose. I've had deer. I like the steaks if they are seasoned but sometimes it's a bit too gamy for me. My grandmother has had moose, and she tells me it is MUCH better than venison. I'll have to try it sometime if the opportunity presents itself.

Do you have kids?

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