YES!!! Right-wingers rush stage and disrupt Shakespear - Trump killing play!!

This whole issue with this play that confuses me is this.

Julius Caesar is not really considered a tyrant. I don't think history really writes that way.

It was those that assassinated him that were considered the villains in history. I think they were all hunted down and brought to justice by Augustus Caesar too.

So, does the play portray the assassins as heroes or villains?

Just wondering.
Those complaining about the play aren't very have to excuse them.
This whole issue with this play that confuses me is this.

Julius Caesar is not really considered a tyrant. I don't think history really writes that way.

It was those that assassinated him that were considered the villains in history. I think they were all hunted down and brought to justice by Augustus Caesar too.

So, does the play portray the assassins as heroes or villains?

Just wondering.
Those complaining about the play aren't very have to excuse them.
Actually, it is those who produced the play that aren't very bright.

The same pieces of shit who think Shakespeare is just another "dead white male".
Apparently that old freedom speech thing that the RWnuts used to defend Coulter has expired.
This whole issue with this play that confuses me is this.

Julius Caesar is not really considered a tyrant. I don't think history really writes that way.

It was those that assassinated him that were considered the villains in history. I think they were all hunted down and brought to justice by Augustus Caesar too.

So, does the play portray the assassins as heroes or villains?

Just wondering.
Those complaining about the play aren't very have to excuse them.
Actually, it is those who produced the play that aren't very bright.

The same pieces of shit who think Shakespeare is just another "dead white male".
Let me guess...tramatized by having to do a Shakespeare play in HS and didn't get it then either....
This whole issue with this play that confuses me is this.

Julius Caesar is not really considered a tyrant. I don't think history really writes that way.

It was those that assassinated him that were considered the villains in history. I think they were all hunted down and brought to justice by Augustus Caesar too.

So, does the play portray the assassins as heroes or villains?

Just wondering.
Those complaining about the play aren't very have to excuse them.
Actually, it is those who produced the play that aren't very bright.

The same pieces of shit who think Shakespeare is just another "dead white male".
Let me guess...tramatized by having to do a Shakespeare play in HS and didn't get it then either....

Shakespeare was the greatest playwright to ever exist.

It is just idiots in Britain and the US that think they can bastardize his works(and write him out of the history books, in the case of Britain) to serve a political agenda.
This whole issue with this play that confuses me is this.

Julius Caesar is not really considered a tyrant. I don't think history really writes that way.

It was those that assassinated him that were considered the villains in history. I think they were all hunted down and brought to justice by Augustus Caesar too.

So, does the play portray the assassins as heroes or villains?

Just wondering.
This particular production is true to the written word. Those who stop with the assassination and fail to read the rest of the play, miss the whole play. The production is ambiguous. "We had to destroy Rome in order to save it." Marc Antony and all that. The people complaining about this production either (a) just don't know Shakespeare or (b) have a need to be outraged by something.
Trump is from the heart. This is why he is loved and yet despised. This is why his enemies intend to murder him. But why we will protect him and fight for him with every heartbeat of our souls.

Ab imo pectore.
his real name was Shylock Shakespeareberg :badgrin:

Not to be pedantic. But Jews in England in the late 1500's would not have distinct Ashkenazic names as these weren't adopted until the 18th Century.

Many believe the name Shakespeare to be a pseudonym in any case so his actual origins are unclear.

Given that the Jews in Europe had the highest literacy rate of ethnic groups, it's not totally outrageous to suggest Shakespeare was Jewish.
Shakespeare was not Jewish. Given the times he lived in, he would have been Anglican.

Highly unlikely since the Anglican church wasn't founded until 1867, 251 years AFTER his death. The first Protestant denomination in England, The Church of England, was only established 5 years before his birth and was not widely adopted until after the English Civil War.
Shakespeare was not Jewish. Given the times he lived in, he would have been Anglican.

Highly unlikely since the Anglican church wasn't founded until 1867, 251 years AFTER his death. The first Protestant denomination in England, The Church of England, was only established 5 years before his birth and was not widely adopted until after the English Civil War.

The Church o
Shakespeare was not Jewish. Given the times he lived in, he would have been Anglican.

Highly unlikely since the Anglican church wasn't founded until 1867, 251 years AFTER his death. The first Protestant denomination in England, The Church of England, was only established 5 years before his birth and was not widely adopted until after the English Civil War.

My apologies for conflating the Anglican Church and the Church of England, but there is no way Shakespeare could have been anything but a member of that church because it was illegal to be Catholic.
I think the funniest thing is that the Trump-snowflakes don't understand Shakespeare.

One of the themes of _Julius Caesar_ is "assassination is very bad".

That is, the Trump-snowflakes are all in a state of total hysterical meltdown because a play said that assassinating Trump would be very bad.

You can't make this stuff up.

Of course, the crowd laughed at the conservative wimp and booed her off the stage. Unlike conservatives, liberals don't do the snowflake meltdown thing. We encourage more such displays of conservative butthurt and stupidity. It can become part of any performance, laughing at the Trump-snowflake uberwusses who show up to cry at people.
I think the funniest thing is that the Trump-snowflakes don't understand Shakespeare.

One of the themes of _Julius Caesar_ is "assassination is very bad".

That is, the Trump-snowflakes are all in a state of total hysterical meltdown because a play said that assassinating Trump would be very bad.

You can't make this stuff up.

Of course, the crowd laughed at the conservative wimp and booed her off the stage. Unlike conservatives, liberals don't do the snowflake meltdown thing. We encourage more such displays of conservative butthurt and stupidity. It can become part of any performance, laughing at whatever Trump-snowflake uberwusses show up to cry at people.

You can't make this stuff indeed.

This guy actually believes that Trumpsters are the "snowflakes". While the truth of course is:

Trump gruesomely getting torn to pieces... please construct more excuses for it, while the regressives are fantasizing about and attempting assassinations.
My apologies for conflating the Anglican Church and the Church of England, but there is no way Shakespeare could have been anything but a member of that church because it was illegal to be Catholic.

The Recursory Acts during Shakespeare's life made it mandatory to attend Protestant services but many Catholics continued to observe their faith in private. Crypto-Jews, forced converts to xtianity who continued to observe Judaism in secret, existed in England since Jews were ejected during the reign of Edward I.

There is no definitive evidence to determine Shakespeare's religious affiliation and many indications that he could have been Catholic, Jewish, or atheist. So we can't state unreservedly that Shakespeare was a member of any particular faith.
This guy actually believes that Trumpsters are the "snowflakes". While the truth of course is:

Please say you're going to send more snowflakes out to cry at plays. Bring it on, oh great Snowflake Master. Send out your Snowflake Legions of Doom, the ones that have impressed you so mightily with their loyal snowflake service.

Trump gruesomely getting torn to pieces...

Eew. You have a rather sick vivid imagination. Do you always fantasize about such stuff? I mean, in the play, they just stab Caesar.

please construct more excuses for it,

As "You're a helpless flailing dumbass who fails hilariously at understanding Shakespeare" covered it quite adequately, I don't need to say any more.

So, Lord Snowflake (there, I used your correct title, so stop crying), why weren't you having these meltdowns when the play was "assassinating" Obama? Now you look like hypocrite as well as a snowflake. I mean, we liberals weren't crying about it. That's because, unlike you and your fellow Trump-wimps, we're not helpless snowflakes.

while the regressives are fantasizing about and attempting assassinations.

Your ability to shed these copious snowflake tears whenever commanded is impressive. You have a rare talent there.
This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)
In 2012, another American production of “Julius Caesar” depicted the title character as President Barack Obama and no one stormed the stage in protest.

The assassination of Caesar is part of the script of the play, which was written 418 years ago; the choice to depict the title character as akin to President Trump is part of a long history of productions of the play that have used the text to explore contemporary politics.

Defenders of the Public Theater, saying the play does not sanction political violence but is instead a cautionary tale about the use of antidemocratic means to defend a democracy, have said the critics are misconstruing the play and this production.

BTW The show was paused only a minute, with the actors still on stage, as security officers removed the two protesters. The audience tried to shout down the protesters, and applauded as they were removed.

Apparently, the protesters had no idea what the play was really about but chose to see it as endorsement of violence toward President Trump.

Or as bard might say, "Much Ado About Nothing".
Let's see the Obama as Caesar link. I for one do not believe it for a minute. If there had been such a play you liberal shiteaters would have cried WACIS WACIS WACIS for two years.
This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)
Lol you people are such snowflakes.

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