YES!!! Right-wingers rush stage and disrupt Shakespear - Trump killing play!!

This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)

So now we applaud RW ignorance, don't think so.

But the #RussianWrs aren't anti-semitic....not at all.

They are well represented on both sides of the political divide these days. The brooding, Stormfront ones on the right. The shout-down Jews on campus ones on the left.
One of the people that rushed the stage is a reporter for Rebel Media which is owned by a Jew.

Hoisted by your own petard matey. It's SO hard to get a consistent Jew conspiracy when they are EVERYWHERE .... Isn't it? :happy-1:
I don't support this anymore than I do the far left assholes who use violence and threats of violence to keep conservatives from speaking it's wrong no matter which side the idiots are on.
which is owned by a Jew

Jews the the left of you, Jews to the right of you ... how ever will you cope?
Finish what was started.
One of the people that rushed the stage is a reporter for Rebel Media which is owned by a Jew.

Hoisted by your own petard matey. It's SO hard to get a consistent Jew conspiracy when they are EVERYWHERE .... Isn't it? :happy-1:

Yes yes Jews are the cockroaches they are. Turn light on and they scatter.
This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)
I hope that girl was arrested. No armed guards at the play? She could have been going after the actors after all. Oh well. At least the Trump-like Caesar still got stabbed.
This absolutely made my night. The Shakespeare play in Central Park, which is directed by Jew, Tony Kushner got a much needed and unexpected surprise. During the play, right-wingers disrupted the play and rushed the stage. This is beautiful. It's about time the right-wing throws out this "we're above that" shit and starts to fight the left using their own tactics. Standing whistling ovation to those who disrupted this hate play. Let this be just the beginning!!!

BOOM!! Protesters INTERRUPT Trump Assassination Play – RUSH STAGE — Screaming “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” (VIDEO)
the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king
Not surprised to see the not-very-bright #RussianWrs not get Shakespeare.....and resort to a temper tantrum.

Alright, I'm ignorant. When did Shakespeare write about Trump?

"To be, or not to be a liberal. That is the question."

Say Batman fan, check this out. I'm the kid in the striped shirt. West and my cousin were engaged, but never married.

I have been a huge Batman fan since I was probably the age you were in that picture. West's Batman was where it began. I remember the day he died I texted my brother, "Batman is dead. :("
If these people weren't there to watch the play why were they there?

To deny other people their 1st amendment rights with violence. Funny how some of the cons react here with 'it's on' as if some great uprising is happening. Those who were there to disrupt a play and deny paying patrons their money's worth will be duly charged and punished.

And nothing else, ahhhh.
The same reason why these dumbasses were at a Trump rally...

When will those assholes be "duly charged and punished"?
I don't support this anymore than I do the far left assholes who use violence and threats of violence to keep conservatives from speaking it's wrong no matter which side the idiots are on.

It's just that at THIS POINT with one side pumping the "resistance" to a fever pitch, you CANNOT expect the perenial whimps and better mannered folks to just sit and take it.

I'm not even in the fight -- but I WANT that production in the fucking middle of NYCity SHUT DOWN because of the fervor and now BLOOD in the streets. If decency and boycott and common sense doesn't do it -- I'm FINE with stopping it to MOCK and RIDICULE the morbid satire..... Actually 'bout time for the other side to stop turning cheek..
which is owned by a Jew

Jews the the left of you, Jews to the right of you ... how ever will you cope?
Finish what was started.
One of the people that rushed the stage is a reporter for Rebel Media which is owned by a Jew.

Hoisted by your own petard matey. It's SO hard to get a consistent Jew conspiracy when they are EVERYWHERE .... Isn't it? :happy-1:

Yes yes Jews are the cockroaches they are. Turn light on and they scatter.

That's so old and over-used. Aren't there any younger hipper SkinHead Meme writers around?
That's so old and over-used. Aren't there any younger hipper SkinHead Meme writers around?

Some Antisemites prefer the golden oldies.They're out and proud compared to the 'I just hate Zionist' closet cases.
What's funny is Trump is the one that said that we needed to toughen up and he'd pay the legal cost to people that punched people out. Now you fuckers don't like it when it comes home to you??? Pussies and cowards.

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