Yes! Several house members switch their vote for McCarthy in the 11th round. Let's go!

According to Politico, Roll Call and The Hill, these were the concessions:

1. Only one House member needed to file a motion to “vacate the chair”

2. Freedom Caucus members having a few seats on the House Rules Committee that will allow those members to leverage certain criteria behind voting for bills.

3. Voting on a bill setting term limits for members of Congress

4. Individual votes on each of the 12 appropriations bills and excluding earmarks from such bills

5. A vote on legislation surrounding border security

6. 72-hour notice from release of legislation before voting on it

7. A vote on a balanced budget amendment

According to Politico, Roll Call and The Hill, these were the concessions:
That would be an excellent START on the changes that need to be made to the House of Representatives. Now to take back the Senate and make similar changes.
A great sign for the House becoming a better representative body again:

Now even Matt Gaetz is admitting that McCarthy is giving America First everything we want - and would even consider voting for him!

This thing is probably gonna be wrapped up soon:

Gaetz was asked on Friday by CNN’s Manu Raju if he would “concede” that McCarthy was going to win following the vote flips.

“It’s looking like it’s heading that way,” Gaetz said.

In a change of tune from December, Gaetz also told reporters, “I think that the rules and personnel changes in the House that we’ve been talking about will do a lot to democratize power to the membership” and will allow members to be in a “far stronger position.”

One reporter asked Gaetz if he would go as far as to consider voting for McCarthy at this stage, to which Gaetz replied, “Hope springs eternal.”

He added, “I’m very excited about the changes that we’ve made and that we’re still negotiating on spending and on the rules, and we’ll see how it goes tonight.”

Hopefully soon we can take a victory lap.

Not only will we have a Speaker and commence investigations into the Biden admin.; but it will be in the wake of the true conservatives garnering massive concessions from a progressively weaker establishment that can see the writing on the wall.

In my humble opinion, that would be worth an extra 3 or 4 days of "chaos".
According to Politico, Roll Call and The Hill, these were the concessions:

1. Only one House member needed to file a motion to “vacate the chair”

2. Freedom Caucus members having a few seats on the House Rules Committee that will allow those members to leverage certain criteria behind voting for bills.

3. Voting on a bill setting term limits for members of Congress

4. Individual votes on each of the 12 appropriations bills and excluding earmarks from such bills

5. A vote on legislation surrounding border security

6. 72-hour notice from release of legislation before voting on it

7. A vote on a balanced budget amendment

Number 4 is the most important one.

We can't have any more of the ridiculous "omnibus" budget bills filled with pork and amounts to nothing more than raiding the Treasury.

The scond most important one is Number 2. Maybe a lot of this destructive shit won't get out of Committee.

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