Yes! Several house members switch their vote for McCarthy in the 11th round. Let's go!

Did they promise that? From what I've read there are some who have consistently stated they will not vote for him. Even the article I'm quoting from says...

"Some of McCarthy's most vocal opponents, such as Reps.-elect Matt Gaetz of Florida and Bob Good of Florida, are never expected to support him."

So I'm not sure where you are getting that.

They are getting concessions to give him enough votes to become Speaker.

One vote is enough.

I know
If Matt and a few others vote present the threshold lowers from 218
Matt keeps his promise to never vote for him.
He still wins.
Really? Isn't the threshold still 218 if they all vote?
Here's your primer... So you don't have to take my word for it...

"To win the Speakership, a person must secure a simple majority of those present and voting. If each of the 435 Representatives-elect votes for a candidate, the majority would be 218.

For each person who answers present or otherwise does not vote, the threshold to win a majority decreases.

In effect, the threshold decreases by a vote for every two people who answer present or do not participate. So if 433 Members vote, a candidate would need 217 votes to win the Speakership."

Interesting that when the facts came to one but the Freedom Caucus is celebrating the vote shifts. :eusa_think:
Honestly I'm not familiar enough with him.

Is he a real conservative? Or is he like Mitch McConnell?
He's not the speaker yet but there is movement in the right direction.

All the Mainstream Media, Democrats (but I repeat myself) and Neocons (again) freaking out about this are the real losers here, not the Republican Party.

The GOP establishment apparatus is utterly broken, operating as if we're still in the 1980s.

Earth to McConnell: We may still be the party of business and free enterprise, but we are no longer the stewards of corrupt giant corporations who place other countries ahead of our own, and incorporate the woke mantra into their marketing and business models.

What we are seeing now is not a "catastrophe", and no one will remember any of this come 2024. (Or a month from now given today's average media cycle/attention spans.)

The real catastrophes are open borders, record inflation, and a ruling class that has grown so partitioned from its own populous that we practically speak different languages at this point.

What we see now with the New Right are the growing pains and tumult that come before a mass movement coalesces.

This needed to happen a long time ago, and in the end - if McCarthy obtains the job he seems willing to crawl through sewage to obtain - it will only be at the behest of those who seek to make the business of Congress transparent again.

And that can only be a good thing.

So laugh it up Dems, you should be performing the same type of introspection, but your "Squad" never stands up to the Uniparty. Because they have already been coopted....and when the current establishment topples - as it always inevitably does - so will the entire Democrat Party's hold on power....and a new age will dawn.

P.S. Dry January sucks ;)
According to Bobert, this is pretty much the deal that she and others came to McCarthy with months ago, and he scoffed them out of the room.


When the Red Wave failed to materialize, it was like a slap in the face for poor Kevin.

Now he's going to be on the hook, and this is not simply kabuki theater as someone else said.

This is our Great Republic in action, despite what the loathsome talking heads and Democrat apparatchiks may howl.

They will be able to vacate the Speaker with one vote, MAGA will be on every committee. All appropriations will be vetted by rank and file members instead of behind closed doors.

This is a victory for the people.

Both the usual suspects on the Left, and the black pilled doomers on the Right are wrong.

They can't see what is right in front of their faces.

MAGA is taking it's final step to become an unstoppable force in the Party.
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"Kevin McCarthy picked up another vote for House speaker on Friday during the 13th round of voting, but still fell just a few votes short of capturing a majority.

Rep.-elect Andy Harris of Maryland switched his vote to McCarthy, the 15th vote change seen in the two votes held Friday.

That switch gave McCarthy 214 votes, and while that was not quite enough for a majority, it showed that members continue to break for the GOP leader a day after he made a series of concessions to members of the House Freedom Caucus.The incoming Democratic leader, Rep.-elect Hakeem Jeffries of New York, received 212 votes."

A collosal victory for the Freedom Caucus!
A "win" is only a win if you can trust the guy, which you can't
That’s exactly why the HFC needs to see the new rules package IN WRITING before they agree to anything, and make sure Mr McCarthy understands that if he fails to live up to his word and/or starts siding with the Moderates/Progressives he may not be available to be nominated for the next Speaker vote.
"Kevin McCarthy picked up another vote for House speaker on Friday during the 13th round of voting, but still fell just a few votes short of capturing a majority.

Rep.-elect Andy Harris of Maryland switched his vote to McCarthy, the 15th vote change seen in the two votes held Friday.

That switch gave McCarthy 214 votes, and while that was not quite enough for a majority, it showed that members continue to break for the GOP leader a day after he made a series of concessions to members of the House Freedom Caucus.The incoming Democratic leader, Rep.-elect Hakeem Jeffries of New York, received 212 votes."

A collosal victory for the Freedom Caucus!
He's gonna chump 'em.....Mark it down.
That’s exactly why the HFC needs to see the new rules package IN WRITING

To my understanding, most of it was already in writing and signed by McCarthy as of last night.

And they've only obtained more concessions since then.
That’s exactly why the HFC needs to see the new rules package IN WRITING before they agree to anything, and make sure Mr McCarthy understands that if he fails to live up to his word and/or starts siding with the Moderates/Progressives he may not be available to be nominated for the next Speaker vote.
McCarthy needs to go whip votes for the package, now.
To my understanding, most of it was already in writing and signed by McCarthy as of last night.

And they've only obtained more concessions since then
Excellent, assuming it is correct.
McCarthy needs to go whip votes for the package, now
No. He needs to go kiss the shoes of every HFC member and ensure they know he’s their BITCH for the next two years.

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