Yes she's black

Qualifications in this case, are irrelevant. Any competent attorney could be a very fine USSC Justice. The cases are not complicated, they have the support of the best legal minds in the country - both the attorneys representing the Parties and their own clerks. If being dim-witted were a problem, Sotomayor would have been tossed out (somehow) by now. But her opinions are written by smarter people than she, avoiding the embarrassments that come up in oral argument.

Brandon nominated her because he KNOWS that a Black woman will be a reliable Leftist partisan on the Court for as long as she lives. She will substitute Leftist Narratives and philosophy for the actual U.S. Constitution whenever possible. She will make up shit like the fictitious Right of Privacy, the right to kill your babies in the womb, the right to bugger your neighbor, and probably the right to compete in sports with whomever you like, regardless of your biological gender. Brandon knows this, and is counting on it.

The fact that she is Black merely gives him cover for this legal outrage.
Qualifications in this case, are irrelevant. Any competent attorney could be a very fine USSC Justice. The cases are not complicated, they have the support of the best legal minds in the country - both the attorneys representing the Parties and their own clerks. If being dim-witted were a problem, Sotomayor would have been tossed out (somehow) by now. But her opinions are written by smarter people than she, avoiding the embarrassments that come up in oral argument.

Brandon nominated her because he KNOWS that a Black woman will be a reliable Leftist partisan on the Court for as long as she lives. She will substitute Leftist Narratives and philosophy for the actual U.S. Constitution whenever possible. She will make up shit like the fictitious Right of Privacy, the right to kill your babies in the womb, the right to bugger your neighbor, and probably the right to compete in sports with whomever you like, regardless of your biological gender. Brandon knows this, and is counting on it.

The fact that she is Black merely gives him cover for this legal outrage.
Yeah, one justice out of nine is gonna make all the other justices bend to her will..
That's all that matters a lily-white president picking a Supreme Court Justice by gender and color

for the love of God where is America ??

I would have some petty link and I tried to Google America now picks its Supreme Court Justices by color and gender



I guess that IS

a conspiracy theory. 😊
She has more trial experience, both as a lawyer and as a judge.

She has more experience as a trial judge than any justice currently sitting on the SCOTUS, and more trial judge experience than 4 of the justices combined.
The SC court doesn’t conduct trials, you blithering idiot.

And just think, she’s only 50 years old! She could easily be around for the next 30 years making your life a living hell!

I don't have a problem with she or her colour..
In fact I think she's pretty great, u have to b to reach that juris strata.

Again it's not what they did, it's the way they did it.

Kind of a forced reparations

Next time Trump picks a Justice
Will he say,

We're only looking at non sexed athiest green people from Massachusetts.
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They did mention beer.

What is always hilarious about the GOP is that when you have one who actually takes time to post something remotely thoughtful (it's quite rare) about the races, some find some acorns and state something along the lines of, "Well, if blacks want to elevate out of poverty, they should go to school, get an education and make something of themselves." And when one does it and is nominated to the highest court in the land...the reaction is truth, they never got over Obama.
My problem with Jackson isn't her race, but her softness toward Child Molesters.

If there was a qualified black chick nominated, like Candace Owens, or Diamond and/or Silk, you would be the "hater" I guess?
Her? How do you know she's a woman? Left scum don't know what that is!

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