Yes, There Is A War On Christmas

The reality is, is that blackface was racist but not one of you proud white men has the balls to admit that and admit you don't give a shit about racism against blacks. You're all cowards and you'll lose as cowards. :lmao:

Wanna see a photo of my uncle in black face from the 1910s or 20s? He was a stage actor, it's a very cool image. One actor is in a dress too.

It's kind of funny, progressives pretend to be a another race or gender for real life, and actors pretend to be another race or gender for entertainment value.
It has long since stopped being a Christian holiday, even in this country.

While it is true some Christians still celebrate it as such, the country as a whole does not. If anything all that is being celebrated is unbridled greed and capitalism.

There is no reason to change the name.

For every gift received one has to be given. That is the spirit of Christmas.
Wanna see a photo of my uncle in black face from the 1910s or 20s? He was a stage actor, it's a very cool image.
No, because I don't give a shit about your racist piece of shit grand pappy, and I can say that because I'm not a coward. :funnyface:

Even anonymous and online you guys rather be cute than proud. Well you are. You're so friggin adorable. :lmao:
No, because I don't give a shit about your racist piece of shit grand pappy, and I can say that because I'm not a coward. :funnyface:

Even anonymous and online you guys rather be cute than proud. Well you are. You're so friggin adorable. :lmao:

His dad enlisted with the confederates day one, when he was 15. Who knew his son in blackface would go on to entertain in theatre when the left controlled all of it.
His dad enlisted with the confederates day one, when he was 15. Who knew his son in blackface would go on to entertain in theatre when the left controlled all of it.
So your family has been pieces of shits throughout the generations. Good for you.
So your family has been pieces of shits throughout the generations. Good for you.

If a white man wears blackface for theatre he's racist. Thus if a white man wears blackface & a dress for theatre he's racist and sexist.

Or he's just a leftist pretending to be something he's not.

Remember that time you dressed up as an Indian? Are you now ashamed?
If a white man wears blackface for theatre he's racist. Thus if a white man wears blackface & a dress for theatre he's racist and sexist.

Or he's just a leftist pretending to be something he's not.

Remember that time you dressed up as an Indian? Does that make you feel bad?
It doesn't make me feel bad at all to see you groveling for approval. That's your rightful place in the world.
Thanks for the compliment but your approval isn't necessary. Sure you don't want to see that picture?
No, I'm good. I can only imagine the specimen produced by the selective inbreeding necessary to forge your proud southern lineage.
No, I'm good. I can only imagine the specimen produced by the selective inbreeding necessary to forge your proud southern lineage.

Not at all. He was a Democrat and settled in San Diego like a lot of progressives. Follow the line:

Father was a confederate.

Son wore blackface in theatre arts run by progressives.

Son moved where other progressives lived as a blackface in progressive theatre arts.
Not at all. He was a Democrat and settled in San Diego with the rest of the progressives.
That brings up an interesting question because a lot of those old, poor southern racists were progressive, because well, they were poor and they thought they government should help their poor, racist asses out of poverty so they embraced a lot of progressive agendas. Then blacks win equal rights, segregation ends and poor southern whites abandon progressive notions at the behest of corporate carpet baggers who convince them austerity and trickle down economics is the way to go least those blacks also get a leg up as well.

My question is whether or not you think your grand pappy would be more ashamed that you're too chicken shit to be a proud racist? Or that you bought into elitists propaganda that you deserve nothing except to be trickled down on by the wealthy?
That brings up an interesting question because a lot of those old, poor southern racists were progressive, because well, they were poor and they thought they government should help their poor, racist asses out of poverty so they embraced a lot of progressive agendas. Then blacks win equal rights, segregation ends and poor southern whites abandon progressive notions at the behest of corporate carpet baggers who convince them austerity and trickle down economics is the way to go least those blacks also get a leg up as well.

My question is whether or not you think your grand pappy would be more ashamed that you're too chicken shit to be a proud racist? Or that you bought into elitists propaganda that you deserve nothing except to be trickled down on by the wealthy?

What's neat about that confederate is he ran Cleveland as a commissioner after the war.
Because I'm amused by his extreme response. Who knows how offended these other people were, all they did was not sing Jingle Bells.

You know it involves a lot more than that. These people are not just not singing a particular Christmas song, they're ascribing racism to it and condemning it on moralistic grounds.
OP here takes it as an act of war and I happen to find that amusing.

The people in the story take the song as some kind of racist anthem or something and I happen to find that amusing.
Ok. Good for you.

I could say the same thing.
I was never trying to conceal it.

If you display an obvious bias and don't try to conceal it, what's your point here other than to express that you favor one easily offended group over another easily offended group?
Yea I know. You know who acts that way? Insecure little children, but I suppose that's to be expected from people who still profess believe in Tooth Fairies and Santa Clause and yet no deep down its all a fraud.

And this here is precisely why many Christians believe there is a war on Christmas and on their religion.
Who cares if other people don't believe in the same voodoo you do? Why should that irk you at all?

That's a good question but not really what we're talking about. I don't get it either which is why I left that religion and left religion altogether. My point is that, contrary to your arguments here, Christians are personally offended by these types of things and they make no bones about it.
Is this the support group for the veterans of the War on Christmas?

download (5).jpeg
If a white man wears blackface for theatre he's racist. Thus if a white man wears blackface & a dress for theatre he's racist and sexist.

Or he's just a leftist pretending to be something he's not.

Remember that time you dressed up as an Indian? Are you now ashamed?
For some reason white man pretending to be black with blackface (even if he believes he is) is deeeeeply offensive to the leftists like bodecea. (What a weird typical left wing American white dingbat woman she is)


A guy pretending to be a woman when they aren't, nor ever were and never can be is to be respected and accepted?

Lol at the left.
You know it involves a lot more than that. These people are not just not singing a particular Christmas song, they're ascribing racism to it and condemning it on moralistic grounds.
And? I don't like Jingle Bells so I'm not going to sing it is slightly different than how dare you don't like Jingle Bells why are you declaring war on me. If you can't recognize that difference than I'm amused by you too.
The people in the story take the song as some kind of racist anthem or something and I happen to find that amusing.
Again, good for you.
If you display an obvious bias and don't try to conceal it, what's your point here other than to express that you favor one easily offended group over another easily offended group?
My point was to express amusement over his hurt feelings and his feelings of being a war victim.
And this here is precisely why many Christians believe there is a war on Christmas and on their religion.
That's a good question but not really what we're talking about. I don't get it either which is why I left that religion and left religion altogether. My point is that, contrary to your arguments here, Christians are personally offended by these types of things and they make no bones about it.
Much to my amusement.
I just love how the left try to claim that the war on Christmas is a right wing myth. The wokies cancelled the song Jingle Bells.

If you want to celebrate the birthday of some big mouth prophet who got himself killed by the government, thought he was the son of a God and from a virgin, why would democrats want to stop you from being immature and gullible. Go ahead. Knock yourself out fool.

But dont pull the I hate democrats thing out again and use Christmas as the conduit. Piss off.
And? I don't like Jingle Bells so I'm not going to sing it is slightly different than how dare you don't like Jingle Bells why are you declaring war on me. If you can't recognize that difference than I'm amused by you too.

This is an oversimplification and an avoidance of certain details. It would be more accurate to say: "I'm going to condemn the song and refuse to sing it on grounds of racism because some clown a hundred sixty four years ago performed it in blackface."
Again, good for you.

My point was to express amusement over his hurt feelings and his feelings of being a war victim.

But you are not amused over the easily bruised sensitivities of these people who banned a song - not because it is racist in and of itself but that it was performed once by a white guy in blackface 164 years ago.

"You know who acts that way? Insecure little children, but I suppose that's to be expected from people who still profess believe in Tooth Fairies and Santa Clause and yet no deep down its all a fraud."

Gee, I can't imagine why some Christians might feel insecure.
Much to my amusement.

Okay, be amused. But you're still wrong.

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