Yes, There Is A War On Christmas

If you want to celebrate the birthday of some big mouth prophet who got himself killed by the government, thought he was the son of a God and from a virgin, why would democrats want to stop you from being immature and gullible. Go ahead. Knock yourself out fool.

But dont pull the I hate democrats thing out again and use Christmas as the conduit. Piss off.
I will only piss off when the woke leftists quit attacking Christmas. By the way, I'm not overly religious. In fact, I don't belong to any particular church. But, I am against the left attacking Christmas and cancelling Christmas songs, Jingle Bells, none the less. I would be just as pissed off if the wokists cancelled Frosty The Snowman or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndeer.
I will only piss off when the woke leftists quit attacking Christmas. By the way, I'm not overly religious. In fact, I don't belong to any particular church. But, I am against the left attacking Christmas and cancelling Christmas songs, Jingle Bells, none the less. I would be just as pissed off if the wokists cancelled Frosty The Snowman or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndeer.
When are these unreal losers going to demand the White House be destroyed or painted a rich thick dark brown that resembles thick molasses?
But not when it was done by real African Americans. I don’t think the fact that it is considered offensive today is silly, it has a complicated history to it.
People in this country look for shit to be offended about. This is a great example.
I will only piss off when the woke leftists quit attacking Christmas. By the way, I'm not overly religious. In fact, I don't belong to any particular church. But, I am against the left attacking Christmas and cancelling Christmas songs, Jingle Bells, none the less. I would be just as pissed off if the wokists cancelled Frosty The Snowman or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reigndeer.
None of those are damned Christmas songs.hark the Herald Angels sing is a XMas song.
This is an oversimplification and an avoidance of certain details. It would be more accurate to say: "I'm going to condemn the song and refuse to sing it on grounds of racism because some clown a hundred sixty four years ago performed it in blackface."
And let's for sake of argument suppose that's exactly how it went down. So what? How is them choosing to not do something in their lives, a war on you? To me that's the amusing part.
But you are not amused over the easily bruised sensitivities of these people who banned a song - not because it is racist in and of itself but that it was performed once by a white guy in blackface 164 years ago.
"You know who acts that way? Insecure little children, but I suppose that's to be expected from people who still profess believe in Tooth Fairies and Santa Clause and yet no deep down its all a fraud."

Gee, I can't imagine why some Christians might feel insecure.
Because they know they've devoted their lives to believing in what amounts to the Tooth Fairy?
Okay, be amused. But you're still wrong.
Subjective differences aren't right or wrong, they're just differences of opinion.
But not when it was done by real African Americans. I don’t think the fact that it is considered offensive today is silly, it has a complicated history to it.
There are no complications. It is you and your divide and conquer marxists who use every way imaginable to separate us into groups. Especially race. That's rather easy. Just ignore certain aspects of history like the Trans Sahara slave trade for obvious reasons and harp on how AMERICA is the one only country that is guilty and WHITES are the only ones GUILTY. More specifically white CHRISTIANS. To the point where people like you actually think WHITE EUROPEANS showed up to Africa and kidnapped blacks with nets and hauled them here.

Oh, yes it is actually quite complicated but rather simple to figure out why....

One, that black history month only shows how blacks are victims of whites night and day.

It isn't too complicated to figure out why we teach women they are only truly mistreated by the founding fathers and white Christians.

Not hard or complicated to figure out we are divided by genders, sexual orientations and bathrooms.

The fact you are blind to the tactics and carry on to that drum beat is beyond pathetic.
There are no complications. It is you and your divide and conquer marxists who use every way imaginable to separate us into groups. Especially race. That's rather easy. Just ignore certain aspects of history like the Trans Sahara slave trade for obvious reasons and harp on how AMERICA is the one only country that is guilty and WHITES are the only ones GUILTY. More specifically white CHRISTIANS. To the point where people like you actually think WHITE EUROPEANS showed up to Africa and kidnapped blacks with nets and hauled them here.

Oh, yes it is actually quite complicated but rather simple to figure out why....

One, that black history month only shows how blacks are victims of whites night and day.

It isn't too complicated to figure out why we teach women they are only truly mistreated by the founding fathers and white Christians.

Not hard or complicated to figure out we are divided by genders, sexual orientations and bathrooms.

The fact you are blind to the tactics and carry on to that drum beat is beyond pathetic.
Paranoid delusions that you use to justify your own childish, poor behavior.
None of those are damned Christmas songs.hark the Herald Angels sing is a XMas song.
They play Jingle Bells at Christmas. When radio stations, etc play Christmas music, Jingle Bells is in the mix. Christmas CD's often contain the Jingle Bells song. They only play Jingle Bells at Christmas, just as they only play Rudolph at Christmas and Frosty The Snowman. They don't play Frosty in January because it is a Christmas song, just like Jingle Bells is. Christmas is not only a religious event but it is a season for the not so religious as well. Therefore, when you cancel a Christmas song you are cancelling a Christmas song, whether you are religious or not.
There's nothing at all wrong with hating racists any more than hating murderers or child rapists.
It's not that you're unjustified. It's just that your hate won't hurt them, only you. You should let go for your own benefit.
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It's true because you insist it's true or because you can prove it to be true?
I think it's obvious that a person without hatred and resentment will have an easier time finding peace and happiness. Hatred is ugly and destructive. You disagree?
I think it's obvious that a person without hatred and resentment will have an easier time finding peace and happiness. Hatred is ugly and destructive. You disagree?
Ugly is a subjective term, destructive could be objectively discerned but my hatred of racists hasn't destroyed anything in my life or prevented me from being happy. I have nieces and nephews, my first grand son on the way, a woman I'm going to propose to, this year we've bought a house, I've bought a Tesla, we had a great few weeks in South Africa, I've had one of the best years of my life and I can enjoy all that and still hate racists and be perfectly zen. What's destructive is letting hate consume you. I don't have that problem, I let hate amuse me.
Ugly is a subjective term, destructive could be objectively discerned but my hatred of racists hasn't destroyed anything in my life or prevented me from being happy. I have nieces and nephews, my first grand son on the way, a woman I'm going to propose to, this year we've bought a house, I've bought a Tesla, we had a great few weeks in South Africa, I've had one of the best years of my life and I can enjoy all that and still hate racists and be perfectly zen. What's destructive is letting hate consume you. I don't have that problem, I let hate amuse me.
It seems you have it all figured out. My bad.

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