Biden caves to antisemites in the DNC and demands cease fire.

About. Damn. Time.

Do you really think it would be good for peace for the Jews to surrender to Hamas, and lay down their weapons?

It isn't going to happen, but theoretically if it did, it would be a catastrophe. Iran getting the Jewish H Bombs, America funding the concentration camps Hamas plans for the Jews, its a lose-lose situation.
When did I ever say, "Israel is genocidal"? Did you just make that up?

Please provide credible figures regarding the relative birth and mortality rates of children in Gaza over the last four months.

Empirical data is infinitely more reliable than your blowing gas.

Your hatred does not license you to push your fraudulent claims.
your request for EMERGENCY stats is beyond idiotic. Prior stats prove the FACTS---genocide? more like facilitated population growth
This seems to be a pivotal moment in American-Israeli relations.


(It had to happen, for the population profile of this nation continues its inexorable change.)
How can the people of Gaza have any kind of life with this crap going on?

They are bred to die for their Jew hate as Hamas uses all their resources to fight Israel and not help the people of Gaza.

No cease fire, Hamas needs to be exterminated or this crap continues.

Accusing all decent people, Israelis included, who call for the cessation of the slaughter of babies and children in obscene numbers of being "antisemitic" betrays a craven fanaticism.
This is the entire problem with the GOP, filled with treasonous pro Israel morons.

Who did they support?


And now they call them "RINOS" but they still support Zionist Fascism.

The Pro Israel "Republicans" are all treasonous frauds. None of them are the slightest bit conservative or patriotic to America. All they care about is exterminating all Muslims and giving their land to Israel, which Pastor Hagee and others have told them will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds still in his 30s....

This delusional religious treason against America is more than half our national debt and over 1 million deaths, but the pro Israel Christian isn't patriotic to America, nor does it understand basic fucking math. The pro Israel Christian is the biggest human liability in America. It puts a paper bag over truth and just does nothing but harm America and enable the worst enemies of America. It has wrecked America by destroying the fiscally conservative part of the GOP. And it isn't done doing harm to America.
Accusing all decent people, Israelis included, who call for the cessation of the slaughter of babies and children in obscene numbers of being "antisemitic" betrays a craven fanaticism.
Israel is not seeking to slaughter innocent children and women, that would be Hamas by their own admission as they video taped it fool.
This is the entire problem with the GOP, filled with treasonous pro Israel morons.

Who did they support?


And now they call them "RINOS" but they still support Zionist Fascism.

The Pro Israel "Republicans" are all treasonous frauds. None of them are the slightest bit conservative or patriotic to America. All they care about is exterminating all Muslims and giving their land to Israel, which Pastor Hagee and others have told them will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds still in his 30s....

This delusional religious treason against America is more than half our national debt and over 1 million deaths, but the pro Israel Christian isn't patriotic to America, nor does it understand basic fucking math. The pro Israel Christian is the biggest human liability in America. It puts a paper bag over truth and just does nothing but harm America and enable the worst enemies of America. It has wrecked America by destroying the fiscally conservative part of the GOP. And it isn't done doing harm to America.
So, you are with Biden and Omar and all the rest who have a long history of making antisemitic statements that the DNC ignores.


Time to change your party affiliation.
The biblical reference........"widely seen as justification for killing palestinians" OH YEAH ?
by whom? widely?

We all saw it coming, now Biden is one of the antisemitics in the DNC, and all to try and get re-elected.

Hamas as taken over the DNC.
Biden is realizing his support for the animal butchery by the IDF could cost him the election
Netanyahu is slaughtering innocent children and women. His depravity is not justified by that of Hamas.

So he is targeting women and children?

Do they brag about targeting them and filming it like Hamas, or are they casualties of war when it happens?

Big difference you terrorist supporter you.

Even the Nazis lied about targeting women and children when they did it. Hamas being proud of it sets a new low precedent that you support.

So he is targeting women and children?

Do they brag about targeting them and filming it like Hamas, or are they casualties of war when it happens?

Big difference you terrorist supporter you.

Even the Nazis lied about targeting women and children when they did it. Hamas being proud of it sets a new low precedent that you support.

The Likud thug's wanton disregard for the lives of innocents in Gaza is heinous.

Netanyahu's emulating Hamas while far exceeding its victims is disgusting.

Hamas launched a rare attack inside Israeli territory, killing some 1,100 people and taking more than 200 others captive, nearly half of whom were released during a brief truce in November.
In response, the Israeli military launched unprecedented air and ground strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, killing nearly 29,000 Palestinians so far and displacing more than 1.4 million people in a campaign many governments have termed a genocide.

You kids not only drank the cool aid, you washed it down with whiskey.
The problem is that the internet exists and people can see the daily war crimes in the palms of their hands with smart phones. That means the loss of a major advantage Israel had with the boomer generation and those before them who had no means of getting information apart from the government and corporate news.
Accusing all decent people, Israelis included, who call for the cessation of the slaughter of babies and children in obscene numbers of being "antisemitic" betrays a craven fanaticism.
No it isn't. It is pragmatic.

Exterminate them. All of them.

Cold? Yes. Cruel? Yes.

Necessary? Yes.
The Likud thug's wanton disregard for the lives of innocents in Gaza is heinous.

Netanyahu's emulating Hamas while far exceeding its victims is disgusting.

Hamas launched a rare attack inside Israeli territory, killing some 1,100 people and taking more than 200 others captive, nearly half of whom were released during a brief truce in November.
In response, the Israeli military launched unprecedented air and ground strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, killing nearly 29,000 Palestinians so far and displacing more than 1.4 million people in a campaign many governments have termed a genocide.
Its like talking to the Hitler Youth, total waste of my time.


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