Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

13 Aug 2022 ~~ By Athena Thorne

If you haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that vile, power-abusing, Left-wing goblins are going to arrest former President Donald Trump, you’ve got your head in the sand. These people are unprincipled cage-fighters animated by their seething lust to destroy Orange Man Bad. Our upper echelon law enforcement has been transformed into an iron fist, and we’ve taken unprecedented blow after unprecedented blow for years now — presidential candidate Trump wiretapped, the Russia Hoax, two impeachments on the flimsiest of grounds, FBI raids of conservative journalists and political enemies (especially those in Trump’s orbit, including his attorneys Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani), and most recently, the reprehensible raid of the Trump family’s beloved home. Why on earth would you think these people will stop there?
What has always been unimaginable in the United States is now pretty much guaranteed: Yes, there will be an indictment of a former president. Leftists are saying it out loud now. Obama wingman and former weaponized AG Eric Holder said as much on Thursday,
But if I’m right — if the Left continues to indulge its unslakable thirst for abusing power and persecuting Donald Trump — then we should be prepared to see an unabated cavalcade of tragic norm-shredding. Let’s stop being gob smacked by it. Let’s take a step back, recognize that what we’re seeing is a group of people helplessly caught up in the throes of obsessive hatred, and understand that their works are trash. Then, let’s do everything we can to support target-in-chief Donald Trump, rescue America, and set things right. Let’s keep moving toward the exit from this disastrous phase of American history.

Unfortunately, The Deep State Maoist Commies using their lackey puppet Merrick Garland are capable of any dirty trick you can imagine. What they’ve been doing to Trump the past 5 years is proof positive of that.
Their hope is to put DJT under prosecution in the run up to the 2024 election. “How can you vote for a man charged with...” will be their motto.
They’ll drag this out for months, perhaps even longer. the trial will of course be in Washington D.C., so, we can expect every person on the jury to be a Trump hater.
Although I’m not convinced that the majority of Democrats in America are all that at ease with arresting and prosecuting Trump, with all their dirty linen out in the open.
Trump is a fighter, and they will pay very heavily if they go through with this bovine scatology.
Trump will be elected by an absolute landslide in 2024 and when he is, folks won’t recognize the ghost town that D.C. will become when he’s done with it.
The Deep State is in a rush to arrest and try trump. However, they fear the results of the coming mid-term elections. If they act now, they believe they may be able to stop the debacle they face.
I don't believe Democrats will fare well in November elections.
Orange Man Bad.

I love it!

Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

13 Aug 2022 ~~ By Athena Thorne

If you haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that vile, power-abusing, Left-wing goblins are going to arrest former President Donald Trump, you’ve got your head in the sand. These people are unprincipled cage-fighters animated by their seething lust to destroy Orange Man Bad. Our upper echelon law enforcement has been transformed into an iron fist, and we’ve taken unprecedented blow after unprecedented blow for years now — presidential candidate Trump wiretapped, the Russia Hoax, two impeachments on the flimsiest of grounds, FBI raids of conservative journalists and political enemies (especially those in Trump’s orbit, including his attorneys Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani), and most recently, the reprehensible raid of the Trump family’s beloved home. Why on earth would you think these people will stop there?
What has always been unimaginable in the United States is now pretty much guaranteed: Yes, there will be an indictment of a former president. Leftists are saying it out loud now. Obama wingman and former weaponized AG Eric Holder said as much on Thursday,
But if I’m right — if the Left continues to indulge its unslakable thirst for abusing power and persecuting Donald Trump — then we should be prepared to see an unabated cavalcade of tragic norm-shredding. Let’s stop being gob smacked by it. Let’s take a step back, recognize that what we’re seeing is a group of people helplessly caught up in the throes of obsessive hatred, and understand that their works are trash. Then, let’s do everything we can to support target-in-chief Donald Trump, rescue America, and set things right. Let’s keep moving toward the exit from this disastrous phase of American history.

Unfortunately, The Deep State Maoist Commies using their lackey puppet Merrick Garland are capable of any dirty trick you can imagine. What they’ve been doing to Trump the past 5 years is proof positive of that.
Their hope is to put DJT under prosecution in the run up to the 2024 election. “How can you vote for a man charged with...” will be their motto.
They’ll drag this out for months, perhaps even longer. the trial will of course be in Washington D.C., so, we can expect every person on the jury to be a Trump hater.
Although I’m not convinced that the majority of Democrats in America are all that at ease with arresting and prosecuting Trump, with all their dirty linen out in the open.
Trump is a fighter, and they will pay very heavily if they go through with this bovine scatology.
Trump will be elected by an absolute landslide in 2024 and when he is, folks won’t recognize the ghost town that D.C. will become when he’s done with it.
The Deep State is in a rush to arrest and try trump. However, they fear the results of the coming mid-term elections. If they act now, they believe they may be able to stop the debacle they face.
I don't believe Democrats will fare well in November elections.
thanks for the interesting read

I tend to agree w/ most of it, except how DC will become a ghost town... that appears to be wishful thinking (although i realize it is hyperbole)

I sometimes wonder if ANYTHING will ever change. :(

And yet something HAS TO. We cannot continue having one (very sick) party weaponizing govt against the other. If the Rs (after winning in 22) let these things virtually pass (they will always give these things lip service.. not sure there will be much more than that?), then really... I mean, if they don't do something and something big to stop this kind of injustice... this diabolical frenzy against good people who have only tried to do their best for this country (Trump and his followers), then there really is only a uni-party type system going on.. and that neglect by the Rs will be the absolute proof of it

What about this? DeSantis becomes President and asks Trump to become AG...will he accept?
thanks for the interesting read

I tend to agree w/ most of it, except how DC will become a ghost town... that appears to be wishful thinking (although i realize it is hyperbole)

I sometimes wonder if ANYTHING will ever change. :(

And yet something HAS TO. We cannot continue having one (very sick) party weaponizing govt against the other. If the Rs (after winning in 22) let these things virtually pass (they will always give these things lip service.. not sure there will be much more than that?), then really... I mean, if they don't do something and something big to stop this kind of injustice... this diabolical frenzy against good people who have only tried to do their best for this country (Trump and his followers), then there really is only a uni-party type system going on.. and that neglect by the Rs will be the absolute proof of it

I too have wondered how D.C. could become a Ghost Town.
An indictment or arrest is not a sure thing. And the chances of him going to jail? Doubtful.

Hold your fire. Try to keep your emotions in check for a change. Let him enjoy playing the victim, as usual.
The whole "declassified" story isn't a good one. The president has the absolute authority to declassify any document, with the exception of nuclear and CIA operatives, that he wants. But he isn't declassifying just his copy, he is declassifying EVERY copy of that document, no matter where located.
What about this? DeSantis becomes President and asks Trump to become AG...will he accept?

Trump would never get passed senate confirmation. He has no clue about law, or legal statutes. And it would certainly present a conflict of interest with any new or ongoing investigations against Trump, his family, and his friends.
Trump would never get passed senate confirmation. He has no clue about law, or legal statutes. And it would certainly present a conflict of interest with any new or ongoing investigations against Trump, his family, and his friends.
Trump can be an advisor without Senate approval. And it would be none of anyone's business what he says.
I got this yesterday.

Trump would never get passed senate confirmation. He has no clue about law, or legal statutes. And it would certainly present a conflict of interest with any new or ongoing investigations against Trump, his family, and his friends.
A guy can dream, can't he?
We became that when Trump claimed he had a bigger inauguration attendance than Obama.
Fraud happened. The lie it did not is now the truth. It is not fact based. And it will never be the truth. The fact it does not matter will destroy this country which is the goal of the people in power,
We became that when Trump claimed he had a bigger inauguration attendance than Obama.
On the contrary, it began when the Demokrats first attacked Trump and used their weaponized agencies against him.
If you can't beat him in the voting booth, use the power of the government to frame and arrest him. You almost gotta laugh that democrats continue to deny acting like a banana republic.
How? It may incite the MAGA crowd, but it removes the focus of their attention from the political arena. Who replaces Trump as the face, the voice, and the Candidate for MAGA if he’s embroiled in this legal battle?

More importantly, how does this help whoever that face/voice/Candidate happens to be connect to those who may be predisposed to support a MAGA candidate but are completely sick and tired of the drama?
Because the republican party has a problem with Trump as there is a large portion of the nation that cannot and will not vote for Trump. If he is arrested that solves the republican party's Trump problem. ALL of his supporters will be motivated to go out and vote and they will fall in line with whoever ends up being the front runner, likely DeSantis, WITHOUT having to fight Trump for it. That is important as there is no fighting Trump and winning. Further, it will placate the democrats as the big bad will be gone, essentially the only thing that the democrat party has. It is not like they are going to be able to run on inflation or redefining women, that is simply not popular anywhere outside the hard core left and no president, including Trump, has been as unpopular as Biden.

And the drama? If they are tired of the drama they are not going to vote for Trump BUT they are also not going to vote for Biden since he created all the drama around this. It does not look good when the FBI is raiding the home of your primary political opponent. This is particularly true if they have no real charges. If the best they can do is some charge on classified documents sitting in his basement then it looks REALLY bad considering Hillary got off completely scot free for having classified documents found AFTER she looked through and cleaned out all of her computer files. All they found was what she missed, not what was there.

My guess is why the news keeps talking about nuclear codes, something that they can try and make a big deal with because it sounds scary even if those codes would be utterly useless.

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