Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

I disagree. Once Trump is out of the picture (now or whenever), I believe we’ll see a little over half of the MAGA folks disappear back into the woodwork. Gone. Like ghosts into the night. They’re not Republicans or Conservatives. They’re not even MAGAs. They’re Trumpists and without the fat clown, they’ll disappear.

Once Trump is gone the party has to find another standard bearer and I don’t believe the party can come up with one who the remaining MAGA/Trumpists, the Conservstives, and the Never-Dems will be able to agree on. I believe the party will fall back on the same Democrat-Lite options thst made many of us STAY HOME in November of 2008 & 2012.

THE Democrats will be able to replace Biden with whatever young upstart and walk to an election win in 2024.
It's a radical idea but they DID do that in the second Obama election, running that fake Republican Romney. I stayed home those two elections also. Whatever happens from Nov. 2022 to Nov. 2024, it's going to be unexpected and surprising, I bet.
No, it means the sitting president can share such information with former presidents of his or her choosing.
Not without granting them, on at least a temporary basis, the security clearance to receive that information.

It's like the story of Bush during an oval office meeting, when somebody came in to discuss a top secret codeword topic, and one of the people there said he had to step out of the room, because he wasn't cleared to hear that level of classification.

And Bush told him to sit down, that he was granting him the temporary clearance to remain at the meeting.
The clearance and/or classified material access is automatically taken away when he leaves office.
It's a radical idea but they DID do that in the second Obama election, running that fake Republican Romney. I stayed home those two elections also. Whatever happens from Nov. 2022 to Nov. 2024, it's going to be unexpected and surprising, I bet
I’m sure it will be surprising. I hope it’s in a positive way, but I’m not making any bets or holding my breath. I will spend this Election Day will be spent like most others… at the shooting range, at the martial arts gym, and reloading more ammunition.

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Trump never had security clearance.
HONESTLY----IMHO----Biden did worse and Obama somehow managed to MYSTERIOUSLY get rich
Did he get as wealthy as trump's son in law, Kushner, who received rewards in the billions from the Saudis, of all people?? Both sides troll for money but I have to stick with the democrats who at least have a few good programs for the average person. Republicans are hell bent to eliminate social security and medicare. One link below...

Generally, the “Top Secret” clearance is good for five years, “Secret” is good for ten years and “Confidential” is good for fifteen years. All are subject to “Periodic Reinvestigation” reviews to keep them “active.”
Because the republican party has a problem with Trump as there is a large portion of the nation that cannot and will not vote for Trump. If he is arrested that solves the republican party's Trump problem. ALL of his supporters will be motivated to go out and vote and they will fall in line with whoever ends up being the front runner, likely DeSantis, WITHOUT having to fight Trump for it. That is important as there is no fighting Trump and winning. Further, it will placate the democrats as the big bad will be gone, essentially the only thing that the democrat party has. It is not like they are going to be able to run on inflation or redefining women, that is simply not popular anywhere outside the hard core left and no president, including Trump, has been as unpopular as Biden.

And the drama? If they are tired of the drama they are not going to vote for Trump BUT they are also not going to vote for Biden since he created all the drama around this. It does not look good when the FBI is raiding the home of your primary political opponent. This is particularly true if they have no real charges. If the best they can do is some charge on classified documents sitting in his basement then it looks REALLY bad considering Hillary got off completely scot free for having classified documents found AFTER she looked through and cleaned out all of her computer files. All they found was what she missed, not what was there.

My guess is why the news keeps talking about nuclear codes, something that they can try and make a big deal with because it sounds scary even if those codes would be utterly useless.
Are you suggesting xiden didn’t have the nuclear codes at inauguration and it took him eighteen months to figure that out? Hahaha haha hahaha
They'll wait till right after the midterm elections, for this reason, I think. They know if Trump runs, he'll win, so they can only take him out by making him a political prisoner.
The longer they wait the less important their case appears. If it was important they would have handled this months ago, waiting even longer just makes them look incompetent. This failed administration doesn't understand, this is as much a case of public perception as it is the law.
Are you suggesting xiden didn’t have the nuclear codes at inauguration and it took him eighteen months to figure that out? Hahaha haha hahaha
You don't find it scary that Trump needs to raise $400 million to pay an upcoming loan payment. And he only thing of value he got from the white house is top secret documents.
The longer they wait the less important their case appears. If it was important they would have handled this months ago, waiting even longer just makes them look incompetent. This failed administration doesn't understand, this is as much a case of public perception as it is the law.
Merrick Garland = the mills of the gods.

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