Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

The piece in the OP is a perfect microcosm of Trumpism. It flatly and summarily dismisses every legal investigation going on, from Mar-A-Lago and Jan 6 to NY and GA. It's all just fake news. All of it.

These people have convinced themselves and each other that they are highly experienced lawyers who (a) somehow have access to, and (b) have carefully and objectively reviewed, every last piece of evidence. And that they therefore have all the vital information they need from all of the investigations to conclude that all charges are, in the words of the piece in the OP, trumped up. They know all. They have it all nailed. Just ask them.

This is a madness. This is a cult. No critical thinking required, just obediently follow the Dear Leader.
The piece in the OP is a perfect microcosm of Trumpism. It flatly and summarily dismisses every legal investigation going on, from Mar-A-Lago and Jan 6 to NY and GA. It's all just fake news. All of it.

These people have convinced themselves and each other that they are highly experienced lawyers who (a) somehow have access to, and (b) have carefully and objectively reviewed, every last piece of evidence. And that they therefore have all the vital information they need from all of the investigations to conclude that all charges are, in the words of the piece in the OP, trumped up. They know all. They have it all nailed. Just ask them.

This is a madness. This is a cult. No critical thinking required, just obediently follow the Dear Leader.

Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

13 Aug 2022 ~~ By Athena Thorne

If you haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that vile, power-abusing, Left-wing goblins are going to arrest former President Donald Trump, you’ve got your head in the sand. These people are unprincipled cage-fighters animated by their seething lust to destroy Orange Man Bad. Our upper echelon law enforcement has been transformed into an iron fist, and we’ve taken unprecedented blow after unprecedented blow for years now — presidential candidate Trump wiretapped, the Russia Hoax, two impeachments on the flimsiest of grounds, FBI raids of conservative journalists and political enemies (especially those in Trump’s orbit, including his attorneys Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani), and most recently, the reprehensible raid of the Trump family’s beloved home. Why on earth would you think these people will stop there?
What has always been unimaginable in the United States is now pretty much guaranteed: Yes, there will be an indictment of a former president. Leftists are saying it out loud now. Obama wingman and former weaponized AG Eric Holder said as much on Thursday,
But if I’m right — if the Left continues to indulge its unslakable thirst for abusing power and persecuting Donald Trump — then we should be prepared to see an unabated cavalcade of tragic norm-shredding. Let’s stop being gob smacked by it. Let’s take a step back, recognize that what we’re seeing is a group of people helplessly caught up in the throes of obsessive hatred, and understand that their works are trash. Then, let’s do everything we can to support target-in-chief Donald Trump, rescue America, and set things right. Let’s keep moving toward the exit from this disastrous phase of American history.

Unfortunately, The Deep State Maoist Commies using their lackey puppet Merrick Garland are capable of any dirty trick you can imagine. What they’ve been doing to Trump the past 5 years is proof positive of that.
Their hope is to put DJT under prosecution in the run up to the 2024 election. “How can you vote for a man charged with...” will be their motto.
They’ll drag this out for months, perhaps even longer. the trial will of course be in Washington D.C., so, we can expect every person on the jury to be a Trump hater.
Although I’m not convinced that the majority of Democrats in America are all that at ease with arresting and prosecuting Trump, with all their dirty linen out in the open.
Trump is a fighter, and they will pay very heavily if they go through with this bovine scatology.
Trump will be elected by an absolute landslide in 2024 and when he is, folks won’t recognize the ghost town that D.C. will become when he’s done with it.
The Deep State is in a rush to arrest and try trump. However, they fear the results of the coming mid-term elections. If they act now, they believe they may be able to stop the debacle they face.
I don't believe Democrats will fare well in November elections.
Orange man bad broke the law on multiple fronts. Do you think criminals like him are above the law?
Hey fellow conservatives, Mac believes the dossier was true
What does the dossier have to do with the investigations regarding NY, GA and Jan 6?

You people have the same responses to anything. You can no longer think for yourself. You are a cult.
What does the dossier have to do with the investigations regarding NY, GA and Jan 6?

You people have the same responses to anything. You can no longer think for yourself. You are a cult.
Was it fake? Made up?
Orange man bad broke the law on multiple fronts. Do you think criminals like him are above the law?
They do:

What does the dossier have to do with the investigations regarding NY, GA and Jan 6?

You people have the same responses to anything. You can no longer think for yourself. You are a cult.
They're brainless cowards. Everything they throw at an argument is a "what about ism." It's so pathetic and weak.
It's all they know. They are indeed weak, and that's how we've gotten into the mess. They've been preyed upon.
The country is in a mess because of their dishonesty that they've been manufacturing for years. They keep talking about how the country is divided. They created that because they want that.
No evidence for you is another name for magical thinking. Please continue to hang your hat on that idiotic shit.
They dismiss sworn testimony from Republicans/Trump voters who are willing to put their lives in danger, and support the cowards who are hiding from subpoenas and testimony.

It's the alternate universe.

Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

13 Aug 2022 ~~ By Athena Thorne

If you haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that vile, power-abusing, Left-wing goblins are going to arrest former President Donald Trump, you’ve got your head in the sand. These people are unprincipled cage-fighters animated by their seething lust to destroy Orange Man Bad. Our upper echelon law enforcement has been transformed into an iron fist, and we’ve taken unprecedented blow after unprecedented blow for years now — presidential candidate Trump wiretapped, the Russia Hoax, two impeachments on the flimsiest of grounds, FBI raids of conservative journalists and political enemies (especially those in Trump’s orbit, including his attorneys Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani), and most recently, the reprehensible raid of the Trump family’s beloved home. Why on earth would you think these people will stop there?
What has always been unimaginable in the United States is now pretty much guaranteed: Yes, there will be an indictment of a former president. Leftists are saying it out loud now. Obama wingman and former weaponized AG Eric Holder said as much on Thursday,
But if I’m right — if the Left continues to indulge its unslakable thirst for abusing power and persecuting Donald Trump — then we should be prepared to see an unabated cavalcade of tragic norm-shredding. Let’s stop being gob smacked by it. Let’s take a step back, recognize that what we’re seeing is a group of people helplessly caught up in the throes of obsessive hatred, and understand that their works are trash. Then, let’s do everything we can to support target-in-chief Donald Trump, rescue America, and set things right. Let’s keep moving toward the exit from this disastrous phase of American history.

Unfortunately, The Deep State Maoist Commies using their lackey puppet Merrick Garland are capable of any dirty trick you can imagine. What they’ve been doing to Trump the past 5 years is proof positive of that.
Their hope is to put DJT under prosecution in the run up to the 2024 election. “How can you vote for a man charged with...” will be their motto.
They’ll drag this out for months, perhaps even longer. the trial will of course be in Washington D.C., so, we can expect every person on the jury to be a Trump hater.
Although I’m not convinced that the majority of Democrats in America are all that at ease with arresting and prosecuting Trump, with all their dirty linen out in the open.
Trump is a fighter, and they will pay very heavily if they go through with this bovine scatology.
Trump will be elected by an absolute landslide in 2024 and when he is, folks won’t recognize the ghost town that D.C. will become when he’s done with it.
The Deep State is in a rush to arrest and try trump. However, they fear the results of the coming mid-term elections. If they act now, they believe they may be able to stop the debacle they face.
I don't believe Democrats will fare well in November elections.
they should lock him up in the same jail as Hunter Biden, the big guy, and old nasty Hillary
^ I watched the latest clip of him tottering around, so apparently lost and confused, and realised that while the jury is out on his mental capacity, something else goes unremarked: it doesn’t seem to matter that the world is watching the President of the United States so enfeebled, so vulnerable.

It doesn’t seem to matter either, about his son, Hunter Biden’s, laptop, the one most of the US media invited us to dismiss as Russian propaganda. Of course, if such a laptop, belonging to a son of Donald Trump, had come to light before Trump was elected, it would have been the end of him. There would have been wall to wall media coverage of its contents, not least the references of payments made from shady deals to ‘the big guy’. But any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop was suppressed out of existence by Big Tech.

For the duration of his presidency, Mr Trump was dogged with Democrat claims he colluded with Russia to seize power. All of those claims were proven false. Democrats, media and tech giants got away with a cover up. They got away with smearing the president. The world knows it was a smear followed by a cover up and yet it has had no consequences for any of the perpetrators. If one thing hasn’t changed, from 2019 until now, it is apparently the corrupt behaviour of so much of the world’s media.

That it doesn’t matter that we know that Biden is failing, that big tech and others colluded to suppress the truth and affect a US election, reminded me of the ongoing farce labelled Partygate. Whatever has or has not happened in the aftermath of internal enquiries, it is evident they broke their own rules. It is also clear they didn’t fear the disease. While the rest of the population was missing weddings and funerals, leaving loved ones to die alone, the politicians and their advisors were secure in the knowledge that get togethers posed no risk at all. Most important of all, they know we know all that and have the gall to think it shouldn’t matter.

I don’t care if Rishi Sunak has sworn loyalty to another state while Chancellor of our Exchequer. I don’t care how much tax his wife pays or doesn’t.

I care that they seem to think none of it matters.
More "what about isms." What a pussy coward you are. Explain to me why I should give a shit for your off topic, Hunter Biden, private citizen bull shit? it's so fucking stupid.
They dismiss sworn testimony from Republicans/Trump voters who are willing to put their lives in danger, and support the cowards who are hiding from subpoenas and testimony.

It's the alternate universe.
Remember Kelly Ann Conway talking that same crazy shit? It's the perfect anecdote to prop up and maintain this crazy ass party they created.

Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

13 Aug 2022 ~~ By Athena Thorne

If you haven’t yet come to terms with the fact that vile, power-abusing, Left-wing goblins are going to arrest former President Donald Trump, you’ve got your head in the sand. These people are unprincipled cage-fighters animated by their seething lust to destroy Orange Man Bad. Our upper echelon law enforcement has been transformed into an iron fist, and we’ve taken unprecedented blow after unprecedented blow for years now — presidential candidate Trump wiretapped, the Russia Hoax, two impeachments on the flimsiest of grounds, FBI raids of conservative journalists and political enemies (especially those in Trump’s orbit, including his attorneys Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani), and most recently, the reprehensible raid of the Trump family’s beloved home. Why on earth would you think these people will stop there?
What has always been unimaginable in the United States is now pretty much guaranteed: Yes, there will be an indictment of a former president. Leftists are saying it out loud now. Obama wingman and former weaponized AG Eric Holder said as much on Thursday,
But if I’m right — if the Left continues to indulge its unslakable thirst for abusing power and persecuting Donald Trump — then we should be prepared to see an unabated cavalcade of tragic norm-shredding. Let’s stop being gob smacked by it. Let’s take a step back, recognize that what we’re seeing is a group of people helplessly caught up in the throes of obsessive hatred, and understand that their works are trash. Then, let’s do everything we can to support target-in-chief Donald Trump, rescue America, and set things right. Let’s keep moving toward the exit from this disastrous phase of American history.

Unfortunately, The Deep State Maoist Commies using their lackey puppet Merrick Garland are capable of any dirty trick you can imagine. What they’ve been doing to Trump the past 5 years is proof positive of that.
Their hope is to put DJT under prosecution in the run up to the 2024 election. “How can you vote for a man charged with...” will be their motto.
They’ll drag this out for months, perhaps even longer. the trial will of course be in Washington D.C., so, we can expect every person on the jury to be a Trump hater.
Although I’m not convinced that the majority of Democrats in America are all that at ease with arresting and prosecuting Trump, with all their dirty linen out in the open.
Trump is a fighter, and they will pay very heavily if they go through with this bovine scatology.
Trump will be elected by an absolute landslide in 2024 and when he is, folks won’t recognize the ghost town that D.C. will become when he’s done with it.
The Deep State is in a rush to arrest and try trump. However, they fear the results of the coming mid-term elections. If they act now, they believe they may be able to stop the debacle they face.
I don't believe Democrats will fare well in November elections.
LOL. Man, there you guys go getting your hopes up again. Don't you ever get tired of that? Republicans will be taking over the House come this January and we will have investigations of the DOJ and the FBI. Personally, I hope Trump doesn't run in 2024. I hope the House votes him speaker of the House in 2023. Man, that would be some sight, Trump - Speaker of the House. The deep state would be no longer.

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