Yes, this is real: Michigan just banned banning plastic bags

But it's not illegal to throw them in the trash. That would be an interesting option. Make it illegal to put any recyclable material into trash. Mandatory recycling. I could go for that.
Of course you would. You are a freaking nazi.
Um really? Just buy a few reusable washable cloth bags and take them with you when you go shopping, come on now, what the hell is the big deal with that? It isn't hard. Oh my gauud! Now we need law to keep us from doing something so simple and obvious?
Do you mean like taxing rich people into heaven, lol. be fair............we already have recycling places now, but nobody uses them. Do you REALLY want the government to regulate how and what you throw away?

We do in NZ and Australia. No big deal at all....
Any of the deniers want to come to my creek and pick up all the plastic bags that constantly get stuck there?

Now, I'm happy to do it myself. Being a liberal, I'm happy to serve the community like that. Shit happens.

However, I understand that deniers are fanatics about free market and libertarian economics. And according to them, shit doesn't just happen. Someone is always at fault, and that person should be sued, for the glory of the free market.

So, who exactly do I sue to be compensated for my time and trouble? Or is conservative/libertarian philosophy wrong here?
Um really? Just buy a few reusable washable cloth bags and take them with you when you go shopping, come on now, what the hell is the big deal with that? It isn't hard. Oh my gauud! Now we need law to keep us from doing something so simple and obvious?
Do you mean like taxing rich people into heaven, lol.
No, I don't mean like THAT. Just use reusable bags because it makes sense economically and ecologically and it's that simple.
Um really? Just buy a few reusable washable cloth bags and take them with you when you go shopping, come on now, what the hell is the big deal with that? It isn't hard. Oh my gauud! Now we need law to keep us from doing something so simple and obvious?
Do you mean like taxing rich people into heaven, lol.
No, I don't mean like THAT. Just use reusable bags because it makes sense economically and ecologically and it's that simple.
That seems reasonable.
But it's not illegal to throw them in the trash. That would be an interesting option. Make it illegal to put any recyclable material into trash. Mandatory recycling. I could go for that.

Good idea, but hard to enforce. Most people would rather just throw it all in one bin and be done with it. be fair............we already have recycling places now, but nobody uses them. Do you REALLY want the government to regulate how and what you throw away?

Marxist environazis do
snowflakes on steroids...

Where and when will their idiocy stop? When they take control of every facet of our lives?
But it's not illegal to throw them in the trash. That would be an interesting option. Make it illegal to put any recyclable material into trash. Mandatory recycling. I could go for that.

Good idea, but hard to enforce. Most people would rather just throw it all in one bin and be done with it. be fair............we already have recycling places now, but nobody uses them. Do you REALLY want the government to regulate how and what you throw away?

Yes! My morals should be enshrined in law, and those who act in ways of which I disapprove should be punished severely!
OK, let's destroy the environment and not make people be reasonable. THAT makes sense?
OK, let's destroy the environment and not make people be reasonable. THAT makes sense?
So you think commonsense should be forced by tyrannical mandate...? Where would this kind of thinking end?
OK, let's destroy the environment and not make people be reasonable. THAT makes sense?

Not forcing my shit on other people always makes sense. Pity you don't feel the same. Letting go of the fear that drives the need to control everyone around you is pretty liberating. Try it some time :)
OK, let's destroy the environment and not make people be reasonable. THAT makes sense?
So you think commonsense should be forced by tyrannical mandate...?
Don't equate common sense with tyranny. Or what is good for the Petroleum industry is good for Democracy, either.

The common sense part isn't tyranny. The part where you want those in power to use the force of law to mandate that everyone else adhere to what you believe is common sense, THAT part is where you become tyrannical. How is that difficult to see?

I swear, it's like some of you believe that a law that you believe to be obviously good can't possibly be tyranny. News flash for you arrogant chuckleheads: There has never been a tyrannical society that didn't think that what they were forcing on everyone was just the enforcement of common sense. You are not special in this regard, and you certainly don't avoid being correctly classified as tyrannical in your beliefs just because you feel that they're obviously correct. It baffles me to find so many people so arrogant that they need this explained to them.
OK, let's destroy the environment and not make people be reasonable. THAT makes sense?
So you think commonsense should be forced by tyrannical mandate...?
Don't equate common sense with tyranny. Or what is good for the Petroleum industry is good for Democracy, either.
False equivalency is all you got?

I don't force my lifestyle on you nor do I force my beliefs on you. For some reason you think its ok for you to do it however..
The glue in paper bags also attracts critters.
The Facts All About Bags - Paper Versus Plastic Bags - Which is More Environmentally Friendly?

The belief that paper is better than plastic is not based on science or fact. It is based on misconceptions about how plastic bags are made, how landfills work, the incidence of plastic litter, and that non-biodegrading products are bad for the planet.
Numerous life cycle assessments demonstrate that conventional plastic bags are better for the environment than paper bags.
On resource use: plastic bags play an important role in the conservation of the natural gas resource. Plastic bags are made from clean energy natural gas in Canada, specifically from are a piece of natural gas – ethane that is often burned off in the natural gas refining process so that the gas will not burn too hot when used to heat our homes.
On manufacturing: paper bag manufacture is much more resource-intensive than plastic bag manufacture.
On reuse: it is difficult to reuse paper bags because they tend to tear.

On solid waste: paper bags have much greater mass and weigh five to seven times more than plastic bags so they add five to seven times more tonnage to the waste stream for municipalities to manage. This in turn results in a fivefold to sevenfold increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
The paper bag is completely recyclable. The plastic bag is not. Recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE - eg: milk bottles) is recyclable but generally not allowed for use in products that make direct contact with food, the handling and processing required to recycle it adds to the cost and the presence of contaminant in the reclaimed materials can degrade the resultant products. Polyethylene is "derived from either modifying natural gas (a methane, ethane, propane mix) or from the catalytic cracking of crude oil into gasoline".

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