Yes....Trump is building the wall, and fighting democrats and republicans to get it done. A report from the actual wall...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
President Trump is doing his best to keep his promise about building the keep that promise he is fighting both democrats and republicans....and he is still getting it done, foot by foot, mile by mile...

Here is a report on the actual wall being built by President Trump....


EL PASO, Texas — "Wow" was all I was able to say as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Blackhawk flew alongside the U.S.-Mexico border and the difference between the old "wall" system and the new wall system under construction came into view.

"This is why I wanted to fly," Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan keyed over the Blackhawk's comms, saying the above-ground view shows how the old wall compared to the new one, which was directed to be built under President Trump's famous promise for stronger border security.

The Blackhawk landed in New Mexico and we got out to see the difference up close. The old "wall" that covers large lengths of the border is laughably easy to get over. It consists of barbed wire fencing, held together by fragile-looking wooden posts and Normandy barriers intended to stop illegal vehicle crossings.

Morgan said he does not accept the mockery from Democrats who say the Trump administration has barely built any new walls in places where no walls existed because the old "walls" were functionally useless in stopping foot and vehicular crossings.

"I think you can see for's a political narrative, right? They want to score some political points by saying, 'Oh, it's just replacement.' What I would say to those individuals [is] they haven't been here," Morgan said.

"This is what we had for a very long time, right? Wood and barbed wire. That is what we had to stop people. And then we upgraded to [the Normandy barriers] and this is a joke," Morgan said, as he explained how smugglers developed techniques to cut through the Normandy barriers so they could move them aside to let vehicles through and then move them back into place.

"So when you see this 30-foot high wall, concrete and steel into the ground, yeah, it's brand new," Morgan said, adding the wall is part of a system, complete with roads, lighting, and surveillance that helps deter illegal crossings or slow down illegal crossers so border patrol agents have time to respond.

"We need it all, including the wall. One element by itself is not the end-all solution. The wall doesn't address the problem by itself, nor does technology...last time I checked, technology can't apprehend anybody," he said.

El Paso Border Patrol Chief Gloria Chavez told Townhall the new 30-foot high wall system is the best she has seen in deterring and slowing down illegal crossings.

"You just have to visually see the difference in the structure and how sturdy a 30-foot border wall system really [works] for our border security," Chavez said. With more wall systems being put into place, Chavez says they are able to redirect manpower. An area previously requiring six to ten border patrol agents can now be monitored by two. Resources are able to be redirected so they can address other incursions su
President Trump is doing his best to keep his promise about building the keep that promise he is fighting both democrats and republicans....and he is still getting it done, foot by foot, mile by mile...

Here is a report on the actual wall being built by President Trump....

View attachment 405135

EL PASO, Texas — "Wow" was all I was able to say as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Blackhawk flew alongside the U.S.-Mexico border and the difference between the old "wall" system and the new wall system under construction came into view.

"This is why I wanted to fly," Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan keyed over the Blackhawk's comms, saying the above-ground view shows how the old wall compared to the new one, which was directed to be built under President Trump's famous promise for stronger border security.

The Blackhawk landed in New Mexico and we got out to see the difference up close. The old "wall" that covers large lengths of the border is laughably easy to get over. It consists of barbed wire fencing, held together by fragile-looking wooden posts and Normandy barriers intended to stop illegal vehicle crossings.

Morgan said he does not accept the mockery from Democrats who say the Trump administration has barely built any new walls in places where no walls existed because the old "walls" were functionally useless in stopping foot and vehicular crossings.

"I think you can see for's a political narrative, right? They want to score some political points by saying, 'Oh, it's just replacement.' What I would say to those individuals [is] they haven't been here," Morgan said.

"This is what we had for a very long time, right? Wood and barbed wire. That is what we had to stop people. And then we upgraded to [the Normandy barriers] and this is a joke," Morgan said, as he explained how smugglers developed techniques to cut through the Normandy barriers so they could move them aside to let vehicles through and then move them back into place.

"So when you see this 30-foot high wall, concrete and steel into the ground, yeah, it's brand new," Morgan said, adding the wall is part of a system, complete with roads, lighting, and surveillance that helps deter illegal crossings or slow down illegal crossers so border patrol agents have time to respond.

"We need it all, including the wall. One element by itself is not the end-all solution. The wall doesn't address the problem by itself, nor does technology...last time I checked, technology can't apprehend anybody," he said.

El Paso Border Patrol Chief Gloria Chavez told Townhall the new 30-foot high wall system is the best she has seen in deterring and slowing down illegal crossings.

"You just have to visually see the difference in the structure and how sturdy a 30-foot border wall system really [works] for our border security," Chavez said. With more wall systems being put into place, Chavez says they are able to redirect manpower. An area previously requiring six to ten border patrol agents can now be monitored by two. Resources are able to be redirected so they can address other incursions su
Did they repair the part that fell into the river?
Whitehouse briefings say 400 miles have gone up so far.

Only another 1600 miles to go!

Go Trumpy go!
Getting things done is not an easy thing. D.C. is cumbersome and things like a wall is the result of our political class not making the tough decisions in the past on immigration. It is not immigration. It is the amount that we can digest and then become Americanized over a period of time. Combine that with the split in political parties done by our own politicians for their own personal benefit, and this is where we are at. Honor, integrity, character is important in any individual. In a politician it is a godsend.
First claim is false; over 300 miles of wall have been built, though just 5 miles are new
It's true that the number of miles of wall built at the southern border has fallen short of the number promised by Trump. But it's not quite as low as the post makes it out to be.

and Mexico isn't paying.
First claim is false; over 300 miles of wall have been built, though just 5 miles are new
It's true that the number of miles of wall built at the southern border has fallen short of the number promised by Trump. But it's not quite as low as the post makes it out to be.

and Mexico isn't paying.

Moron.....if you look at the photo from the article, it is obvious the wall being built by Trump is replacing the crap that was there before, so you can lie and say it isn't new.....but that is a lie...since the low, easily hopped across barrier is being replaced by a 30 ft tall dumb ass.
First claim is false; over 300 miles of wall have been built, though just 5 miles are new
It's true that the number of miles of wall built at the southern border has fallen short of the number promised by Trump. But it's not quite as low as the post makes it out to be.

and Mexico isn't paying.

Moron.....if you look at the photo from the article, it is obvious the wall being built by Trump is replacing the crap that was there before, so you can lie and say it isn't new.....but that is a lie...since the low, easily hopped across barrier is being replaced by a 30 ft tall dumb ass.

China send troll......troll hate America.....China troll make you angwee

ignore China troll

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