Yes! Trump should pocket veto the Swamps’ foreigners’ first Covid relief bill


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
While the good people of, e.g., Georgia, struggle under the Covid Pandemic and find thousands of businesses closing down leaving hundreds of thousands of people unemployed and unable to meet their rent and other necessities of life, our swamp creatures in Congress pass a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill with the majority of money going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, innocuously referred to as “pork”, while Pelosi tosses a mere $600 crumb to struggling people who have had their lives and businesses wrecked by the pandemic.

Keep in mind our swamp creatures use these thousand-page plus “omnibus spending bills”, which no one intentionally has time to read, to funnel your tax dollars to their donors and powerful lobbyists. And you, the good people of Georgia, get the privilege of being taxed to finance these money laundering schemes and operations, in addition to being a victim of the pandemic.

I hope the good people of Georgia stand with President Trump in his threat to veto the Bill unless dramatic changes are made, including the removal of unrelated Covid “pork” which benefits foreigners and Congress’ donors, and adds meaningful financial relief to Georgia’s businesses and unemployed who have actually suffered during this pandemic.

For those interested in some of Congress’ quid pro quo money laundering operations see Here’s a list of Democrat socialist pork (not corona-related) in Coronavirus relief bill

Also see: Billions in foreign aid, pet projects stuffed into COVID relief bill

Hopefully the good people of Georgia remember, while they suffer, our Congress critters live large on your dime!


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.
What about the 3 martini luck, 100% deductible.

Tucked inside the $900 billion stimulus bill passed by Congress on Monday night is a provision that's sparking ire from some lawmakers and taxpayers: A tax break for business meals. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, called the deduction "corporate socialism for the rich" that would allow CEOs to write off "a 3-martini lunch."

It's a tax break that has been championed by the White House, with President Donald Trump in April calling for the deduction as a way to revive the restaurant industry amid the coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the change, business meals were deductible at 50% of their cost. The provision will lead to $5 billion in foregone tax revenue, according to the Tax Foundation, an independent think tank on tax policies.
at high class restaurants. Most common people do not eat at them.

Bernie Sanders

Dec 21

While Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans refused to provide adequate relief for working families facing economic desperation, they had no problem giving a $5 billion, 100% tax deduction to CEOs for a 3-martini lunch. You got it. The GOP loves corporate socialism for the rich.
“Republicans are nickel-and-diming benefits for jobless workers, while at the same time pushing for tax breaks for three-martini power lunches. It’s unconscionable,” said Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee.
The cost to taxpayers of the proposal is not known, though tax experts expect it to not exceed a few billion dollars a year.
Tax break for corporate meal expenses inserted into coronavirus aid package - The Washington Post

Again, lets get something in the Cares Act for the rich ones.
While the good people of, e.g., Georgia, struggle under the Covid Pandemic and find thousands of businesses closing down leaving hundreds of thousands of people unemployed and unable to meet their rent and other necessities of life, our swamp creatures in Congress pass a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill with the majority of money going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, innocuously referred to as “pork”, while Pelosi tosses a mere $600 crumb to struggling people who have had their lives and businesses wrecked by the pandemic.

Keep in mind our swamp creatures use these thousand-page plus “omnibus spending bills”, which no one intentionally has time to read, to funnel your tax dollars to their donors and powerful lobbyists. And you, the good people of Georgia, get the privilege of being taxed to finance these money laundering schemes and operations, in addition to being a victim of the pandemic.

I hope the good people of Georgia stand with President Trump in his threat to veto the Bill unless dramatic changes are made, including the removal of unrelated Covid “pork” which benefits foreigners and Congress’ donors, and adds meaningful financial relief to Georgia’s businesses and unemployed who have actually suffered during this pandemic.

For those interested in some of Congress’ quid pro quo money laundering operations see Here’s a list of Democrat socialist pork (not corona-related) in Coronavirus relief bill

Also see: Billions in foreign aid, pet projects stuffed into COVID relief bill

Hopefully the good people of Georgia remember, while they suffer, our Congress critters live large on your dime!


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.

Yes why are they skimming on subsidy checks when they give the rich a 100% tax break for food and drinks.
Democrats are funneling money to terrorists in Pakistan with our aide money

Of course they are, in addition to funneling money to their major donors

In the meantime . . . click on the following link,

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

But don't freaken worry. Our grand and great grand children can pay for the swamp creatures' money laundering operations.


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.
What about the 3 martini luck, 100% deductible.

Tucked inside the $900 billion stimulus bill passed by Congress on Monday night is a provision that's sparking ire from some lawmakers and taxpayers: A tax break for business meals. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, called the deduction "corporate socialism for the rich" that would allow CEOs to write off "a 3-martini lunch."

It's a tax break that has been championed by the White House, with President Donald Trump in April calling for the deduction as a way to revive the restaurant industry amid the coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the change, business meals were deductible at 50% of their cost. The provision will lead to $5 billion in foregone tax revenue, according to the Tax Foundation, an independent think tank on tax policies.
at high class restaurants. Most common people do not eat at them.

Bernie Sanders

Dec 21

While Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans refused to provide adequate relief for working families facing economic desperation, they had no problem giving a $5 billion, 100% tax deduction to CEOs for a 3-martini lunch. You got it. The GOP loves corporate socialism for the rich.

I oppose the tax deduction as it isn't fair to us, and a form of corporate welfare.
“Republicans are nickel-and-diming

You meant to write the Republican/Democrat swamp creatures .... etc.


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.
The funding bill and the covid bill are 2 separate items. They waited until the last min. to close down the congress without passing a funding bill.
The funding bill and the covid bill are 2 separate items. They waited until the last min. to close down the congress without passing a funding bill.

They put the two bills together in an omnibus spending bill, and this is the trick used by the Republican/Democrat swamp creatures to reward their big donors, while screwing the American Tax Payers, including those now suffering from the pandemic in Georgia.

A $600 "significant" crumb is exactly what the good people of Georgia need in a $ 2.3 trillion Covid Relief Bill, in which the majority of money is going to foreign governments and unrelated domestic money laundering operations, innocuously referred to as “pork”, .


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.
Nancy Pelosi essentially told the good people of Georgia to eat cake with regard to the Covid bill.

Pelosi Announces Every $600 Check Will Come With Free Slice Of Cake

"Americans have been suffering, so we need to let them eat cake," she said in front of Congress yesterday. "We closed down their businesses for the past nine months, so it's the least we can do. Really. I do mean that. The least."

Congress considered ice cream for every America, but Pelosi vetoed it as it was too expensive to give every American a $13 quart of the brand she eats. There was also talk of giving the option of vanilla cake, but that was shot down as being racist.

And here is the Host of "BLACKSITE" explaining the Nancy Pelosi let them eat cake moment:

President Trump is right in wanting to veto the Covid-19, $2.3 TRILLION slush fund bill

Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise family.
Last edited:
See Clueless Pelosi Gets Blasted For Her 'Marie Antoinette' Moment While Americans Are Suffering

"Millions of Americans have been thrown out of work by the government closures in response to the pandemic.

One way of trying to save some of those jobs was the Paycheck Protection Program, which provides loans to small businesses and gives them incentives to keep their employees employed.

As we reported earlier, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is bragging about blocking additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program that’s been saving jobs."

Note Nancy's commercial grade refrigerator which is filled with $13 per pint ice cream when talking to Chris Hayes

JWK high class restaurants. Most common people do not eat at them... corporate socialism...
Your claim that "fairness" demands that the IRS red-line restaurants that they determine that "common people" don't eat at is absurd. First there are no "common people", there is just us, We The People, the Rulers of the United States.

Loeffler: I’ll back $2000 relief checks — if funded by eliminating pork


Very Sensible

WSJ Crony Capitalists: What in the world is Trump thinking? Actually …

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdu double Team The Smart Play: Donald Trump blasted the COVID-19 relief package. Both Republican incumbents had backed the relief plan passed by Congress after Nancy Pelosi capitulated on her six months of obstructionism.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler will consider President Trump’s call for Congress to amend the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill to increase direct payments to eligible Americans from $600 to $2,000 — if it “repurposes wasteful spending.”

Wasted -> Well Directed
She supports “redirecting any wasteful spending to be very targeted at families and businesses who have been impacted by this virus through no fault of their own.”
Most of the wasteful spending Loeffler wants to cut comes in the omnibus spending bill.

The Cony Capitalist Wall Street Journal editorial board castigated Trump today for his demands on the budget and relief bills as well as his veto of the NDAA.

The truth on direct aid is that Trump’s actually right on the politics of relief. Mitch McConnell should listen to what Trump is saying. high class restaurants. Most common people do not eat at them... corporate socialism...
Your claim that "fairness" demands that the IRS red-line restaurants that they determine that "common people" don't eat at is absurd. First there are no "common people", there is just us, We The People, the Rulers of the United States.

Loeffler: I’ll back $2000 relief checks — if funded by eliminating pork
View attachment 433389

Very Sensible
WSJ Crony Capitalists: What in the world is Trump thinking? Actually …

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdu double Team The Smart Play: Donald Trump blasted the COVID-19 relief package. Both Republican incumbents had backed the relief plan passed by Congress after Nancy Pelosi capitulated on her six months of obstructionism.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler will consider President Trump’s call for Congress to amend the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill to increase direct payments to eligible Americans from $600 to $2,000 — if it “repurposes wasteful spending.”

Wasted -> Well Directed
She supports “redirecting any wasteful spending to be very targeted at families and businesses who have been impacted by this virus through no fault of their own.”
Most of the wasteful spending Loeffler wants to cut comes in the omnibus spending bill.

The Cony Capitalist Wall Street Journal editorial board castigated Trump today for his demands on the budget and relief bills as well as his veto of the NDAA.

The truth on direct aid is that Trump’s actually right on the politics of relief. Mitch McConnell should listen to what Trump is saying.

Much of the Omni Bill is a carry over from the last one. It seems that last year, it was good for Rump with all that but this year, it's not. Had he been riding that horse all along I would give him support. But not this time.

The ONLY things he's doing is seeing how many toys in the nursery he can break before he is forced to leave. This may be humor but it's truer than you think to reality. high class restaurants. Most common people do not eat at them... corporate socialism...
Your claim that "fairness" demands that the IRS red-line restaurants that they determine that "common people" don't eat at is absurd. First there are no "common people", there is just us, We The People, the Rulers of the United States.

Loeffler: I’ll back $2000 relief checks — if funded by eliminating pork
View attachment 433389

Very Sensible
WSJ Crony Capitalists: What in the world is Trump thinking? Actually …

Kelly Loeffler and David Perdu double Team The Smart Play: Donald Trump blasted the COVID-19 relief package. Both Republican incumbents had backed the relief plan passed by Congress after Nancy Pelosi capitulated on her six months of obstructionism.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler will consider President Trump’s call for Congress to amend the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill to increase direct payments to eligible Americans from $600 to $2,000 — if it “repurposes wasteful spending.”

Wasted -> Well Directed
She supports “redirecting any wasteful spending to be very targeted at families and businesses who have been impacted by this virus through no fault of their own.”
Most of the wasteful spending Loeffler wants to cut comes in the omnibus spending bill.

The Cony Capitalist Wall Street Journal editorial board castigated Trump today for his demands on the budget and relief bills as well as his veto of the NDAA.

The truth on direct aid is that Trump’s actually right on the politics of relief. Mitch McConnell should listen to what Trump is saying.

Pelosi and all those Republican and Democrat swamp creatures who have used this bill to add “pork” ___ more appropriately identified as money laundering operations which plunder our national treasury which has been filled by taxing the paychecks of hard working American Citizens ___ ought to be yanked from their office of public trust and severely punished . . . no punishment left off the table!


Our government, once of the people, by the people and for the people, has been transformed into a government of politicians, by politicians and for politicians . . . witness the latest influence peddling fortune being made by the Biden criminal enterprise.
It's fun to see the cognitive dissonance of Trump sycophants....

Whining about shit that came from Trump's own budget proposal....



They are neither “liberal”, “progressive” nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries and Globalists who continue to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which America’s labor, business and investors have worked to create.

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