Yes Virginia - there is a madman in our White House. You won't believe this

Does anyone else have the same questions I have?
First: if "non-essential" federal employees are being furloughed, why in hell do we employ them to begin with?
Second: since it's been voted that all furloughed federal employees will receive back pay for the time they are not working, why the hell don't they go back to work and at least do the otherwise "non-essential" jobs they get paid to do?
Third: if it's so critical, why aren't the Congress critters and their staff working without pay?

1) I think you don't understand the difference between "non-essential" and "unnecessary". There are some things that aren't critical to do.

2) Federal law restricts them from doing so. In fact, they can't even legally check their office e-mails.

3) Better question, why hasn't Congress (namely the House) ended this standoff? They know the senate won't defund ObamaCare and they know Obama will veto it if they did. They also know if they allowed a clean vote, enough Republicans would join the Democrats to pass it.

So why are we holding up the whole country so Boenher can keep his job?
The house has offered several bills, the fuehrer, I meen Obama, has rejected them.
It's a part of his lead by tantrum plan, a recent extension of his lead by petulence programme.
He should have written in how to pay for his monstrosity before now.

This whole idea of fucking with people has nothing to do with the shutdown.
It's all a cynical ploy by the dictator , I mean president, to remove opposition.

Think how Hitler had the reichstag burned then blamed his opposition.
Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

Exept that mt Vernon is not a national park .
Next they will stop people from getting to their residences and blame that on the shutdown!!

The roads and the parking lots and the faciliites around it are Publically run, and that's what's being closed down.

closing down the government has consequences.

Publically run by the State, County, or Feds?
You are lying again.
The British empire ended slavery in 1807.

You love Britain and hate America.
You have a clear option, loser.

Don't want to get off topic here, but no.

I was off by three years.

Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You were off by more than a quarter century.
1807, slave trade act.

It was the same act that triggered the war of 1812.

The slave trade act didn't end slavery. It just ended the slave trade.

WHich was probably kind of cool if you were someone who hadn't been enslaved yet (unless, of course, you were caught by illegal slave runners from Spain or France running slaves to the Americas).

But it still kind of sucked if you were ALREADY a slave in a british possession like Jamaica.
The house has offered several bills, the fuehrer, I meen Obama, has rejected them.
It's a part of his lead by tantrum plan, a recent extension of his lead by petulence programme.
He should have written in how to pay for his monstrosity before now.

This whole idea of fucking with people has nothing to do with the shutdown.
It's all a cynical ploy by the dictator , I mean president, to remove opposition.

Think how Hitler had the reichstag burned then blamed his opposition.

Actually, a communist really did burn down the Reichstag.

And Obama has no compelling reason to sign peice-meal bills. Why should he? Public Opinion is on his side and the GOP leaders are being told by the 1%ers to knock it off.

So, really, all that is is left is fo Boenher to man up, fall on his sword and allow an up or down vote.
Hmmm......this gubmint shutdown has gotten a lot of people to finally figure out that this guy in the White House is a fucking fraud. Took 5 years but.......

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

LMAO.... a couple of points away from Bush territory!!!:D:fu::D:fu::D:fu::D


Hilarious. Right wingers want to compare Bush's approval rating (which went from the 90's to the 20's when he left office) with Obama's which has hovered around 50%.

Bush was up in the 90% range. Obama has only ever been just above 50%. Because Republicans hate him. Especially those confederates from the land of slavery.

Republicans are so fucked up, many believe it was Mitt Romney who should get credit for taking out Bin Laden and people in New Orleans suffered because Obama was slow to send aid after Katrina.

Talk about "tards".
If this continues on its going to be much worse that George Washington parking lot.

BTW: I love that home and walking through time, I hope it opens soon so others can enjoy it.

Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

Do you have a brain cell that works?

The government doesn't own the monument.
If this continues on its going to be much worse that George Washington parking lot.

BTW: I love that home and walking through time, I hope it opens soon so others can enjoy it.

Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

Do you have a brain cell that works?

The government doesn't own the monument.

No, but they do run the roads and parking lots and facilities around it that accommedate the tourists.
Republicans are so fucked up, many believe it was Mitt Romney who should get credit for taking out Bin Laden and people in New Orleans suffered because Obama was slow to send aid after Katrina.

Talk about "tards".

Produce a shred of evidence that obozo took out bin laden. All we have is his word on it. HAHA

New Orleans suffered after Corrina (as laura bush called it) because the state of louisiana did not do its job. Bush got a bum rap on that.


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