Yes Virginia - there is a madman in our White House. You won't believe this

Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

You sound like Michelle Obama

Michelle asked the very sensible question, too?

I'm not sure what your point is, here. This country was founded by slave-owners who talked about "Freedom" and "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home to big mansions like Monticello and Mount Vernon which were supported by the labor of slaves.

I call this the "Founding Retardation", really.

Who gives a crap, centuries ago, different times, different rules.
That's all.
If you hate America, fuck off, move to some shithole like the UK, you seem to think the shithole UK is a great utopia.
Go, I can help you if you wish!!

I call this the "Founding Retardation", really.

I call it Shill Michelle worldview on our founding.

You can call it that, but it really doesn't mean much of anything.

We were founded by a bunch of rich guys who wanted to maintain privilages.

Had the revolution failed, we'd have ended slavery in 1830 without a shot being fired. (That's when the British Empire outlawed it.)

You are lying again.
The British empire ended slavery in 1807.

You love Britain and hate America.
You have a clear option, loser.
Obozo is furious repubs won't let him turn america 100% socialist so he closed the home of George Washington.!! ? Obama?s Feds Shut Down the Parking Lot to George Washington?s Home!

october 3, 2013

George Washington’s home – Mt. Vernon, sustained a direct attack from the Obama Administration today.

The home of America’s first President is privately owned and operated by the Mt. Vernon Ladies’ Association, reports The Free Beacon.

Since the home itself isn’t run by the National Park Service, the house couldn’t be justifiably closed.

However, the parking lot area and the trails surrounding the home are technically owned by the government.

Today, the Feds decided to close the bike/walking trails and barricade the parking lot. They even turned around tour bus full of paying customers, reports The Daily Caller!

Critics of this decision say the Obama Administration is purposefully attacking treasured national parks, monuments, and memorials to deliberately inflict pain on the American public to force an end to the shutdown.

The parking lot could easily be maintained by volunteers and requires zero upkeep by the Park Service. The ownership of the trails and parking lot is a matter of paperwork – nothing more.

What a lying crock of horseshit.
Obozo is furious repubs won't let him turn america 100% socialist so he closed the home of George Washington.!! ? Obama?s Feds Shut Down the Parking Lot to George Washington?s Home!

october 3, 2013

George Washington’s home – Mt. Vernon, sustained a direct attack from the Obama Administration today.

The home of America’s first President is privately owned and operated by the Mt. Vernon Ladies’ Association, reports The Free Beacon.

Since the home itself isn’t run by the National Park Service, the house couldn’t be justifiably closed.

However, the parking lot area and the trails surrounding the home are technically owned by the government.

Today, the Feds decided to close the bike/walking trails and barricade the parking lot. They even turned around tour bus full of paying customers, reports The Daily Caller!

Critics of this decision say the Obama Administration is purposefully attacking treasured national parks, monuments, and memorials to deliberately inflict pain on the American public to force an end to the shutdown.

The parking lot could easily be maintained by volunteers and requires zero upkeep by the Park Service. The ownership of the trails and parking lot is a matter of paperwork – nothing more.

What a lying crock of horseshit.

They get angry when they hear the truth about their messiah!!

True fanatics.
Makes one wonder if the best way to get the Federal Government to do it's job, enforcing all of the existing Law that it ignores, is by defunding it. ;) Let's start by de-funding Immigration and Naturalization, just to see what they do. :D

We should defund immigration because immigration is a state matter - at least that's what the constitution says.

See that? The Lincoln Memorial was unattended for only a short time and look at what happened. How come Right Wingers aren't demanding that Obama's hands be examined for paint? He must have done it personally.

See how easy it is to make fun of ignorant right wingers? If only they weren't so dangerous to the country and the world.
He did shut down the MLK memorial.

Mall landmarks barricaded, closed to visitors as shutdown gets underway - Washington Post

A spokeswoman for the National Park Service said that all the memorials on the Mall — including the Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr. memorials, as well as the Washington Monument — would be blocked over the course of the morning.

HAHAHA. But he didn't do it, you fool. Obozo lies about everything and you libs won't call him on it. Remember when he said "if you like your present health care plan, you get to keep it. Period" HAHAHA

MLK is still open for business while the greatest american in history has been shoved down the memory hole by the Ministry of Truth.
If this continues on its going to be much worse that George Washington parking lot.

BTW: I love that home and walking through time, I hope it opens soon so others can enjoy it.

Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

Exept that mt Vernon is not a national park .
Next they will stop people from getting to their residences and blame that on the shutdown!!

The roads and the parking lots and the faciliites around it are Publically run, and that's what's being closed down.

closing down the government has consequences.
I call it Shill Michelle worldview on our founding.

You can call it that, but it really doesn't mean much of anything.

We were founded by a bunch of rich guys who wanted to maintain privilages.

Had the revolution failed, we'd have ended slavery in 1830 without a shot being fired. (That's when the British Empire outlawed it.)

You are lying again.
The British empire ended slavery in 1807.

You love Britain and hate America.
You have a clear option, loser.

Don't want to get off topic here, but no.

I was off by three years.

Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Does anyone else have the same questions I have?
First: if "non-essential" federal employees are being furloughed, why in hell do we employ them to begin with?
Second: since it's been voted that all furloughed federal employees will receive back pay for the time they are not working, why the hell don't they go back to work and at least do the otherwise "non-essential" jobs they get paid to do?
Third: if it's so critical, why aren't the Congress critters and their staff working without pay?
Does anyone else have the same questions I have?
First: if "non-essential" federal employees are being furloughed, why in hell do we employ them to begin with?
Second: since it's been voted that all furloughed federal employees will receive back pay for the time they are not working, why the hell don't they go back to work and at least do the otherwise "non-essential" jobs they get paid to do?
Third: if it's so critical, why aren't the Congress critters and their staff working without pay?

1) I think you don't understand the difference between "non-essential" and "unnecessary". There are some things that aren't critical to do.

2) Federal law restricts them from doing so. In fact, they can't even legally check their office e-mails.

3) Better question, why hasn't Congress (namely the House) ended this standoff? They know the senate won't defund ObamaCare and they know Obama will veto it if they did. They also know if they allowed a clean vote, enough Republicans would join the Democrats to pass it.

So why are we holding up the whole country so Boenher can keep his job?
Hmmm......this gubmint shutdown has gotten a lot of people to finally figure out that this guy in the White House is a fucking fraud. Took 5 years but.......

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

LMAO.... a couple of points away from Bush territory!!!:D:fu::D:fu::D:fu::D
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I think that the shutdown is giving this President the opportunity to be himself. Not having to hide his anti-American sentiment.

It must be so liberating for him.

His lame duck status was already doing that.
Does anyone else have the same questions I have?
First: if "non-essential" federal employees are being furloughed, why in hell do we employ them to begin with?
Second: since it's been voted that all furloughed federal employees will receive back pay for the time they are not working, why the hell don't they go back to work and at least do the otherwise "non-essential" jobs they get paid to do?
Third: if it's so critical, why aren't the Congress critters and their staff working without pay?

1) I think you don't understand the difference between "non-essential" and "unnecessary". There are some things that aren't critical to do.

2) Federal law restricts them from doing so. In fact, they can't even legally check their office e-mails.

3) Better question, why hasn't Congress (namely the House) ended this standoff? They know the senate won't defund ObamaCare and they know Obama will veto it if they did. They also know if they allowed a clean vote, enough Republicans would join the Democrats to pass it.

So why are we holding up the whole country so Boenher can keep his job?

We ALL understand that difference. Republican posters are non essential. YOU are completely unnecessary.
Does anyone else have the same questions I have?
First: if "non-essential" federal employees are being furloughed, why in hell do we employ them to begin with?
Second: since it's been voted that all furloughed federal employees will receive back pay for the time they are not working, why the hell don't they go back to work and at least do the otherwise "non-essential" jobs they get paid to do?
Third: if it's so critical, why aren't the Congress critters and their staff working without pay?

1) I think you don't understand the difference between "non-essential" and "unnecessary". There are some things that aren't critical to do.

2) Federal law restricts them from doing so. In fact, they can't even legally check their office e-mails.

3) Better question, why hasn't Congress (namely the House) ended this standoff? They know the senate won't defund ObamaCare and they know Obama will veto it if they did. They also know if they allowed a clean vote, enough Republicans would join the Democrats to pass it.

So why are we holding up the whole country so Boenher can keep his job?

We ALL understand that difference. Republican posters are non essential. YOU are completely unnecessary.

Oh, but then who would you have to hate?
You can call it that, but it really doesn't mean much of anything.

We were founded by a bunch of rich guys who wanted to maintain privilages.

Had the revolution failed, we'd have ended slavery in 1830 without a shot being fired. (That's when the British Empire outlawed it.)

You are lying again.
The British empire ended slavery in 1807.

You love Britain and hate America.
You have a clear option, loser.

Don't want to get off topic here, but no.

I was off by three years.

Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You were off by more than a quarter century.
1807, slave trade act.

It was the same act that triggered the war of 1812.
Do they have a "George Whipping His Slave" exhibit? Or do we just do the Sanitized Disney version of history?

Anyway, not seeing a problem here. You cut off government, it means government isn't providing services. Like a National Park system.

Exept that mt Vernon is not a national park .
Next they will stop people from getting to their residences and blame that on the shutdown!!

The roads and the parking lots and the faciliites around it are Publically run, and that's what's being closed down.

closing down the government has consequences.

Who OWNS them?
NB the barrycades have been taken down.

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