YES! We did it! Senate (R) Leader McConnell tells Texas Senator Cornyn to FIND AND PASS A BILL for GUN CONTROL

So, no solution. Didn't think so.
Gun control has worked in other countries and here until the Republicans put an end to it.
It has not.

Go look up the murder rates of the entire world and then look at the gun statistics of those murders. You will find that guns do not play the largest role in murders in the entire world. I will NOT be doing your research for you. I have far better things to do with My time.

If gun controls worked, there would be zero gun murders in countries that have the strictest gun controls. There is not. Gun controls have never worked and never will.

You cannot legislate against evil without first perpetrating evil.

There are solutions.

1. Stop perpetuating and promoting/glorifying hate.
2. Bring back moral teachings in schools.
3. Start making gun offenses a life sentence WITHOUT parole.

The ONLY solution to gun violence begins with the children. I'm sorry you don't see that.

So, now I've disagreed with you, isn't it time for you to exhibit some of that hate and start calling Me and others vile names and associating motives we don't have to make yourself look and feel better?

Exclusive: McConnell says he has directed Cornyn to engage with Democrats on a ‘bipartisan solution’ on gun violence​

“I met with Senator Cornyn this morning. As you know he went home yesterday to see the family members and begin the fact finding of this awful massacre and I have encouraged him to talk with Sen. Murphy and Sen. Sinema and others who are interested in trying to get an outcome that is directly related to the problem. I am hopeful that we could come up with a bipartisan solution,” McConnell told CNN.

THANK YOU for coming together to get something passed. ANYTHING is better than nothing. Please ban assault weapons.

What is an “assault rifle”?
Banning a rifle would be unconstitutional and will be thrown out by the courts.
Typical Republican cowardice.

Remember 1994? The Republicans joined with the goddamn Democrat filth to pass the infamous assault weapon bill.

The Republicans even helped to pass Obamacare by letting it get through Cloture in the Senate.

Every tax increase had Republican support at some level.
Typical Republican cowardice.

Remember 1994? The Republicans joined with the goddamn Democrat filth to pass the infamous assault weapon bill.

The Republicans even helped to pass Obamacare by letting it get through Cloture in the Senate.

Every tax increase had Republican support at some level.
Most Republicans are cowards.

RINOs need to be thrown in the trash bin of history and we need an all MAGA Party. Ultra MAGA.
Begin discussions. A little bit different from "find and pass". Hey pinkie, weren't you the guy who said yeehaw that they might bring more guns into Texas to arm teachers?
Nope. I only respond in kind.
You didn't, and you won't. It is and has been the very fabric of the left for the past 20 years.

But we'll see.

One thing is for certain.

If we want the violence to end, we need to stop accepting the hatred aimed at each other that teaches our children it is okay to hate.
I agree but I don't see how that could happen considering how divided this country is.
It isn't that hard.

Simply stop assigning motives to people you disagree with. Accept that people can disagree with you without hating you or your ideas.

Stop treating those who hold other ideas to issues and problems as mortal enemies.

Simply because I think X on an issue and you think Y does not mean I'm an idiot, hateful, a bigot, or following the agenda of others.

We all need to accept that our ideas are not universally accepted.
The Turtle has been in power a long time.
The only major bill he helped pass was lowering corporate taxes under Trump.
He was also essential in getting SCOTUS nominees and other Fed judges passed.

As far as gun control goes, the Turtle won't do shit based on past performance; and this is a good thang!!

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