YES! We did it! Senate (R) Leader McConnell tells Texas Senator Cornyn to FIND AND PASS A BILL for GUN CONTROL

It isn't that hard.

Simply stop assigning motives to people you disagree with. Accept that people can disagree with you without hating you or your ideas.

Stop treating those who hold other ideas to issues and problems as mortal enemies.

Simply because I think X on an issue and you think Y does not mean I'm an idiot, hateful, a bigot, or following the agenda of others.

We all need to accept that our ideas are not universally accepted.
I actually agree with that. I'll try it and record the responses I get. No more hate from yours truly.
I too am trying to turn a new cheek. I have been guilty of My fair share of contributing to the hate.
As am I. My problem is certain subjects I am quite passionate about some things and certain comments tend to set me off. Being hateful is not what my culture is about but it gets away from me at times. I'm a work in progress.
... in trying to get an outcome that is directly related to the problem....
The large print giveth...and the small print taketh away...

Read what is quoted above.

"...directly related to the problem..."

So... we're back to "what law would have stopped these shootings?".

Universal backround checks?

Nope...New York HAS universal background checks and the shooter in Texas passed a background check.

Assault weapon ban?

Nope...New York HAS an assault weapons ban...and the shooter used a New York compliant firearm.

High capacity magazine ban?

Nope...New York HAS a high capacity magazine ban AND the shooter in Texas was in the school FOR AN HOUR before police breached the doors and went in and killed him.

Red Flag Laws?

Nope...New York HAS a Red Flag law AND the shooter THREATENED TO SHOOT UP HIS SCHOOL...AND HE WAS INVESTIGATED...and a deemed not a danger...

What else have you got?
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Exclusive: McConnell says he has directed Cornyn to engage with Democrats on a ‘bipartisan solution’ on gun violence​

“I met with Senator Cornyn this morning. As you know he went home yesterday to see the family members and begin the fact finding of this awful massacre and I have encouraged him to talk with Sen. Murphy and Sen. Sinema and others who are interested in trying to get an outcome that is directly related to the problem. I am hopeful that we could come up with a bipartisan solution,” McConnell told CNN.

THANK YOU for coming together to get something passed. ANYTHING is better than nothing. Please ban assault weapons.

No debate. I don't debate with stupid people. Fuck you
Turtle understands that people are pissed about seeing nothing done about this. Turtle is going to get as little done as possible, just enough to make it seem like he’s trying to do something to address this issue.
Something has already been done. The Crazy is shot dead by the good guys with the guns..............Only issue now is why the fuck some of the good guys waited to enter.
Gun control does worked. This has been proven multiple times.

Enlighten me with your brilliance. What is your solution?
The solution is don't hide behind cars outside for a tactical team and go the fuck in to the building. Second is to train teachers in basic self defense and to use whatever is available to give them a better chance than sitting ducks. Including GUNS............tasers, wasp spray.........a dang coffee pot...........Anything rather than be helpless.

Anyone who thinks you can stop crazies in the future from doing these just as nuts as the shooter.

We live in a country in 330 million.........This will happen and every time your side will GO BAN GUNS..........GUNS DID IT...........Nope........A CRAZY PERSON DID THIS...
The solution is don't hide behind cars outside for a tactical team and go the fuck in to the building. Second is to train teachers in basic self defense and to use whatever is available to give them a better chance than sitting ducks. Including GUNS............tasers, wasp spray.........a dang coffee pot...........Anything rather than be helpless.

Anyone who thinks you can stop crazies in the future from doing these just as nuts as the shooter.

We live in a country in 330 million.........This will happen and every time your side will GO BAN GUNS..........GUNS DID IT...........Nope........A CRAZY PERSON DID THIS...

"Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain, and all the children are insane". The End, by the Doors
And yet it keeps happening.

Because we don’t want to do anything to stop them.
And you are going to stop the crazies...............REALLY? You can only prepare the best you can for when they come..........They will come.

Your mission here is to push an AGENDA............that you do every time this happens............And your agenda is AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION of this Country.

You don't punish the INNOCENT for the acts of the INSANE.

Of course you will keep trying.
And yet it keeps happening.

Because we don’t want to do anything to stop them.

Yep, Democrats keep confusing children, especially white children, and turning them against America, teaching them they are nothing but drags on America........
Then when they lose it and go on a rampage all you assclowns can keep saying is......

"We should do something about those guns"

Imagine if there were any brave men who would stand for freedom and decency and say....
"We should do something WITH those guns"
Damaged Eagle

And you are going to stop the crazies...............REALLY? You can only prepare the best you can for when they come..........They will come.

Your mission here is to push an AGENDA............that you do every time this happens............And your agenda is AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION of this Country.

You don't punish the INNOCENT for the acts of the INSANE.

Of course you will keep trying.
Your mission here is to do nothing. Which is exactly why these things keep happening.
Your mission here is to do nothing. Which is exactly why these things keep happening.
The shooter is DEAD...............Should we put him in the pet cemetary and kill his sorry ass again.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..........You want people like me to give up our guns via the Federal Gov't..........When we have never committed a crime.

Yep, Democrats keep confusing children, especially white children, and turning them against America, teaching them they are nothing but drags on America........
Then when they lose it and go on a rampage all you assclowns can keep saying is......

"We should do something about those guns"

Imagine if there were any brave men who would stand for freedom and decency and say....
"We should do something WITH those guns"
This 18-year-old didn’t say anything political as far as his motivation.

You’re just trying really hard to turn it into that.
Unless a bill passes Congress and goes to the WH for a signature, this is nothing but chimerical rhetoric…

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