Yes, You're A Communist

That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
Communists are totally different from the rest, dupe. The rest want fairness and prosperity for all, and ALWAYS democracy. Unlike GOP Pubs. The worst party in the modern world.
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That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
Communists are totally different from the rest, dupe. The rest want fairness and prosperity for all, and ALWAYS democracy. Unlike GOP Pubs. The worst party in the modern world.

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try, but you wouldn't be successful.
Too bad you don't know any history.

Here is a little quiz that will show just how wrong you are:

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life
9. Which restricts free speech and thought?
10. Which can be summed up in Hegel's
“The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

And, of course, they all are do...they are all consubstantial.







Aren't you lucky I came along to fill in the educational lacunae that you so sorely need?

That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
Communists are totally different from the rest, dupe. The rest want fairness and prosperity for all, and ALWAYS democracy. Unlike GOP Pubs. The worst party in the modern world.




While the United States is one of the few democracies without an

official socialist party, in reality socialists occupy some of the

highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress.

In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded

as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

1. "DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" is the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at changed to clasped hands, and rose.)" Putting the Cards on the Table

a. "A white fist holding a red rose is used by the Socialist International and some socialist or social democratic parties."
Raised fist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


b."The Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) was a
democratic-socialist political party in the United States. The DSOC (pronounced "DEE-sock") was founded in 1973 by Michael Harrington, who had led a minority caucus in the Socialist Party of America and disagreed with its transformation into Social Democrats, USA.

DSOC ceased to exist in 1982 when it merged with the New American Movement (NAM) to form the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Socialist, Communist, Democrat, Liberal, Progressive.....distinctions without a difference.

"Obama can be linked to Democratic Socialists of America"

"Writing in the radical (and Democratic Socialists of America connected) Chicago magazine In These Times, in March 2008, Joel Bleifuss asserted;
In particular, Obama can be linked to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the Democratic Party-oriented organization that is a member of the Socialist International

While not overtly so, Democratic Socialists of America is essentially a Marxist organization.

In an article in DSA's Democratic Left, Spring 2007, DSA National political Committee member David Green of Detroit wrote in support of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)-or "card check".[1]
What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages. The capitalist is able to capture surplus value through his ownership of the means of production, his right to purchase labor as a commodity, his control over the production process, and his ownership of the final product. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of labor
Green went on to write;
Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace..."

Barack Obama and Democratic Socialists of America/Socialism - KeyWiki

Socialists, Marxists, Democrats....

Gads, these Democrat voters are stupid.

Oh....and BTW.....did I mention....Yes, You're A Communist.

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"Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus.

Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site. In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.


The Democratic Party has been the permanent or temporary home for an awesome line-up of great Americans, from Thomas Jefferson to Ronald Reagan. The political philosophy known as Socialism was devised to combat and prevail over Anglo-American principles, law, economics.

Every version of socialism, from Nazism and Bolshevism to the mildest form of Social Democracy is fundamentally opposed to Anglo-American attitudes."
Putting the Cards on the Table
You say COmmunism, then at the bottom it says Socialism. Er...

YOU SAY TOMATO and I say TOMAHTO ...................


Communism and Socialism aren't the same thing.

Socialism has the govt running things, Communism demands the end of hierarchical government. For a start.

".....the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional." Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

Read more: Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country
Sanders and the youth movement are the result of the failed culture of mccarthyism that tried to take over education and media and propaganda outlets, pushed by institutions like blaze and drudge and breitbart and other far right alt media, that tried and failed to anesthetize America's youth..
That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
Communists are totally different from the rest, dupe. The rest want fairness and prosperity for all, and ALWAYS democracy. Unlike GOP Pubs. The worst party in the modern world.





Why mooch off their system, when you can mooch off ours ?
You say COmmunism, then at the bottom it says Socialism. Er...

YOU SAY TOMATO and I say TOMAHTO ...................


Communism and Socialism aren't the same thing.

Socialism has the govt running things, Communism demands the end of hierarchical government. For a start.

".....the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.

For Blazquez, watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional." Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

Read more: Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country

You know what's the best aspect of PoliticalChic's ranting and raving.

None of what she appears to believe in will ever ever ever be the mainstream majority view in America.

She is doomed to a lifetime of defeat.
Sanders and the youth movement are the result of the failed culture of mccarthyism that tried to take over education and media and propaganda outlets, pushed by institutions like blaze and drudge and breitbart and other far right alt media, that tried and failed to anesthetize America's youth..

I am Jake's reflexive defense of Communism
That's the COMMUNIST International, dingbat. which has no pulse. Communism is only produced by violent revolution and is never democratic.

Well, about outlining the differences between the aims of


Can you find any?
Communists are totally different from the rest, dupe. The rest want fairness and prosperity for all, and ALWAYS democracy. Unlike GOP Pubs. The worst party in the modern world.
Communists want prosperity for all??? Stop taking lsd before posting
You're a communist if you don't believe in any private property ownership.

Any of RWnuts out there, feel free to prove that I don't support owning the private property I'm on at this moment.
PoliticalChic lives happily in a rent controlled apartment. I, on the other hand, live on a piece of ground that I bought and paid for and have no desire or support for giving up.

Which would you say, in your most objective and honest estimate, is the one, between us, who is more Communist?
The RW loons at USMB ...

...partying against Communism like it's 1959.
Such is the reactionary right and their Orwellian attempt to draw the attention of voters away from failed conservative political dogma and focus instead some imaginary ‘enemy’ – in this case ‘communists.’

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