Yesterday’s Gone: Iowa Was Waterloo for Democrats


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I am going to guess and assume the retarded, uneducated, douchebag Rolling Stone commentator Matt Taibbi has not the foggiest idea about the Battle of Waterloo other than ABBA's lyrics.
Seriously, though. We have all known the Dimms are corrupt empty suits for a long time. Iowa put it on display for everyone.

The Dimms couldn’t run a shithole banana republic.
I am going to guess and assume the retarded, uneducated, douchebag Rolling Stone commentator Matt Taibbi has not the foggiest idea about the Battle of Waterloo other than ABBA's lyrics.
Proving the Left refuse to learn from their mistakes and instead continue to double down on their train wreck path.

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