Yet Again- Obama By-Passes Congress


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Not merely a mention of Congress and that pesky Constitution

Why does Obama refuse to Govern?

This is like a dictatorship



Obama’s Global Warming, Syria Push at United Nations Skips Congress

At the United Nations Monday, President Barack Obama touted what are probably the two biggest items left on his to-do list before leaving office — a global warming agreement later this year in Paris and a settlement to the Syria conflict. Congress barely got a mention.

The Paris accord, like the Iran deal before it, will be strictly an executive agreement, given that Obama wouldn’t have the votes to pass anything in either chamber

Obama's Global Warming, Syria Push at UN
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Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour
... doing his finest Hitler impression.

His time pretending he's a KING is running out, and most are already sick of it. He's going to be facing more opposition now than he has in the past with BONER, his right hand man, finally being kicked out. He's going to find out his free reign to act like he can do anything he wants is grinding to a halt...

Lawmakers: U.S. plan for Internet may be unconstitutional
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The solution to that is simple.

Rip all of those agreements up on January 20, 2017...

If the UN objects, defund them and eject them from the country.
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour

Finest hour? I suppose so if you're a communist

What about the constitution that points him towards Congress?


Since the Republican establishment refuse to hold him to the Constitution, I guess the Constitution no longer matters.:alcoholic:
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?

Congress is elected by the people. So was Obama. Why does Obama think the House and Senate should not have a say in things that impact America?

He rules like a dictator and refuses to govern.

Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour

Finest hour? I suppose so if you're a communist

What about the constitution that points him towards Congress?


Since the Republican establishment refuse to hold him to the Constitution, I guess the Constitution no longer matters.:alcoholic:

You know, I can't argue with that.

We're busy cleaning our own house right now with the purging of Speaker.

Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour

Took a while but Caesar finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Caesars finest hour
Took a while but Hitler finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Hitlers finest hour
Took a while but Stalin finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Stalin finest hour
Took a while but Mao finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Mao finest hour
Took a while but Fidel finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Fidel finest hour

The Progressive Song Remains the Same
Undoubtedly, Obamas first two years were his best. Obamacare, Stimulus, DADT repeal, START treaty. But he had a Democratic Congress and a short term super majority

When Republicans took Congress, they taunted Obama as a lame duck. Republicans are now calling the shots and Obama is Mr Irrelevant

But Obama kicked it into gear. Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iran nuclear agreement, trade and environmental agreements with China. The courts backed him on Obamacare and same sex marriage......all with a Republican Congress

In the absence of leadership in Congress, Obama has substituted leadership from the White House
Who needs a pesky constitution?


■ Used executive privilege with the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal. When government misconduct is the concern, executive privilege is negated.

■ At least 23 executive orders on gun control – infringements of the Second Amendment

■ Issued an executive order bypassing Congress on immigration. Legislative power is held by Congress.

■ Executive Order 13524 gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.

■ DOMA Law — Obama directed the Department of Justice to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.

■ Drone strikes on American citizens — Fifth Amendment due process rights negated

■ Appointing agency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate.” A violation of Article II, Section 2.

■ The Obamacare mandate. The U.S. Supreme Court had to make it a tax because there is no constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce.

■ Refuses to acknowledge a state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare

■ Going after states (the Arizona lawsuit) for upholding federal law (immigration).

■ With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of Internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

■ The Senate/Obama immigration bill raises revenue. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.

Letter: Here are some examples of Obama's 'disregard' for the Constitution
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?

Congress is elected by the people. So was Obama. Why does Obama think the House and Senate should not have a say in things that impact America?

He rules like a dictator and refuses to govern.

That's right. He is a dictator! He will remain this country's leader for life, so if you and the rest of your nutter buddies don't like it then I suggest you leave this country or be rounded up and imprisoned, or maybe worse. Either way you and the rest of your nutter idiot buddies won't be missed.

All Hail Obama.
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?

Congress is elected by the people. So was Obama. Why does Obama think the House and Senate should not have a say in things that impact America?

He rules like a dictator and refuses to govern.


Congress has their legislative powers
Obama has his executive powers

The do nothing Congress is unable to legislate, doesn't mean Obama has to stop being Chief Executive
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?

Congress is elected by the people. So was Obama. Why does Obama think the House and Senate should not have a say in things that impact America?

He rules like a dictator and refuses to govern.


Congress has their legislative powers
Obama has his executive powers

The do nothing Congress is unable to legislate, doesn't mean Obama has to stop being Chief Executive

Obama is not the first president to have issues with Congress. Again, Obama doesn't know how to govern.

Undoubtedly, Obamas first two years were his best. Obamacare, Stimulus, DADT repeal, START treaty. But he had a Democratic Congress and a short term super majority

When Republicans took Congress, they taunted Obama as a lame duck. Republicans are now calling the shots and Obama is Mr Irrelevant

But Obama kicked it into gear. Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iran nuclear agreement, trade and environmental agreements with China. The courts backed him on Obamacare and same sex marriage......all with a Republican Congress

In the absence of leadership in Congress, Obama has substituted leadership from the White House
No, what it amounts to is the fact that Obozo has ignored his oath to uphold the US Constitution, especially as it pertains to the Separation of Powers...
Balance of powers
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour

Took a while but Caesar finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Caesars finest hour
Took a while but Hitler finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Hitlers finest hour
Took a while but Stalin finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Stalin finest hour
Took a while but Mao finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Mao finest hour
Took a while but Fidel finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them This is Fidel finest hour

The Progressive Song Remains the Same

I do t think Mao had a Congress

Raul does not count as Fidel's Congress.
Don't forget the epa
Who needs a pesky constitution?


■ Used executive privilege with the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal. When government misconduct is the concern, executive privilege is negated.

■ At least 23 executive orders on gun control – infringements of the Second Amendment

■ Issued an executive order bypassing Congress on immigration. Legislative power is held by Congress.

■ Executive Order 13524 gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.

■ DOMA Law — Obama directed the Department of Justice to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.

■ Drone strikes on American citizens — Fifth Amendment due process rights negated

■ Appointing agency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate.” A violation of Article II, Section 2.

■ The Obamacare mandate. The U.S. Supreme Court had to make it a tax because there is no constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce.

■ Refuses to acknowledge a state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare

■ Going after states (the Arizona lawsuit) for upholding federal law (immigration).

■ With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of Internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

■ The Senate/Obama immigration bill raises revenue. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.

Letter: Here are some examples of Obama's 'disregard' for the Constitution

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