Yet another reason to love Israel

Originally posted by eric

If you read my prior posts you would see that I have defended and sided with Isreal most of the time. I must admit though it is people like you who breed contempt for the jewish people of this world.

Yes I can see that you have sided with Israel 'most of the time.' As long as you found those Jews who accepted those wonderful scurging, piercing and driving the sons of G-d from their land. This prophet wrote these words hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. G-d was taking to his son (the Jewish people) about the coming of those like you who hold contempt for the Jewish people.

Joshua 23:13

23:13 know for a certainty that the L-rd your G-d will no more drive these nations from out of your sight; but they shall be a snare and a trap unto you, and a scourge in your sides, and pricks in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the L-rd your G-d hath given you.

Your love of Israel is only for your belief that Jesus will return when the Jews recapture their land and rebuild the temple. Then you can get saved from your sins and the Jews will burn in hell.

Thanks a lot.....
You are a freak !

Seek psychological help as soon as possible, I pity you little man !!
Anyone that tries to put a prick in my eyes deserves contempt!!!

( quote ajwps
also posts as "Mustafa)
This prophet wrote these words hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. G-d was taking to his son (the Jewish people) about the coming of those like you who hold contempt for the Jewish people.

Joshua 23:13

23:13 know for a certainty that the L-rd your G-d will no more drive these nations from out of your sight; but they shall be a snare and a trap unto you, and a scourge in your sides, and pricks in your eyes, until ye perish from off this good land which the L-rd your G-d hath given you.

Guess you'll just have to label me not only contemptable but at the front of that line sir!!!!!
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

"The USS Liberty is nothing more than a straw man..." (quote ajwps)

Making light of the U.S. and one of its' naval ships, not to mention the dead and wounded from this incident, shows the true colors of your way of thinking.

You are truly showing your true hatred for those who have helped and bestowed kindness on you and your kind. America has a rich history of justice and mercy based on the teachings of the G-d of Israel. The enemies of mankind destroy more than 2,000 Americans on 09/11 and you put the blame on Israel who accidentally bombed a suspect spy ship off the shores of Israel under attack. You truly are an example of your faith. You are certainly not those who bless Israel but line yourself with those who curse Israel and the Jewish people. You use me to curse all of the Jewish people because I speak the truth. The same truth that you cannot stomach will stay with you forever.

Like I said earlier, American jews are jews 1st and Americans 2nd, not exactly what I would call a patriotic citizen!!!!
Here's a sample of their patriotism...

Your own words will condemn you. Your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth and you will answer for your deep seated hatred of G-d. The USS Liberty is your excuse to curse yourself.

and my personal favorites Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for espionage for selling the atomic bomb secrets to the Russians. Great Americans all!!!!!

Yep you are truly a piece of work. Like the Nazis, you blame all Jews for one family's infamy. You don't even understand that you are cursing those who helped you. If not for the Jewish people, you would now be speaking German or Russian.

I don't hate you, but I do feel sorry for your exposing true self.
Originally posted by eric

You are a freak !

Seek psychological help as soon as possible, I pity you little man !!

Your self-hatred and self-love are equally self-centered my friend.
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

Guess you'll just have to label me not only contemptable but at the front of that line sir!!!!!

It is not I that puts you in front of that line sir, it is yourself.....
"Your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth and you will answer ..." (quote ajwps)

Sorry pal, but as a born again PAGAN, who has many gods, I do not fear your curses!!!!

"You don't even understand that you are cursing those who helped you. If not for the Jewish people, you would now be speaking German or Russian." (quote ajwps )

How exactly did the jews save me from from the Germans or the Russians? I must've missed that llittle tidbit in my history classes.

You are too, too funny sir!!!!

BTW, how long do you think israel would last if the US quit giving them $5,000,000,000 a year to keep their asses afloat in a sea of arabs???
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

Sorry pal, but as a born again PAGAN, who has many gods, I do not fear your curses!!!!

Pray to your pagan gods. For they will forgive you....

How exactly did the jews save me from from the Germans or the Russians? I must've missed that llittle tidbit in my history classes.

Jews as the timeless scapegoat for the evils that befall the nations, the Jewish people were the first target of the pagans (Germans, Russians and now Islamics) and without the Jew to go after first, you would have been quickly devoured. But the Jewish people have continued to survive. Ergo, you and your ilk remain.... For the time being....

You are too, too funny sir!!!!

And you are a joke...
BTW, how long do you think israel would last if the US quit giving them $5,000,000,000 a year to keep their asses afloat in a sea of arabs???

The US does not give 3 billion dollars to Israel every year. Most of the funds are paid to American manufactures of weaponry that Israel modifies and turns them into the finest fighting weapons in the world.

The remainder is returned in the form of loan payments plus interest. The only country in the world that repays the USA ten fold for their investment.

Those Arabs countries take billioins in gifts from the USA, never repays and uses the money to train, supply and recruit the terrorists that threaten our country, people and property around the world.

You truly believe the lies of your enemies.
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

You guys should have taken the deal Hitler offered you and all gone to Madagascar !!!!

Why is that you actually mouth the lies of your master Nazi propagandist and his minions of pagan Aryans?

Some day, I am certain that you will be glad to face and give your glib responses to those millions of men, women and children who were murdered by your benefactor, Heir Hitler.
You bore me with your party line rhetoric.

I just hope the arabs don't run out of suicide bombers before israel runs out of you guys!!!
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

You bore me with your party line rhetoric. I just hope the arabs don't run out of suicide bombers before israel runs out of you guys!!!

The Arabs will not run out of suicide bombers until you strap on a dynamite belt. Your instructor will ask you to look closely as he will show how it is done only once......
Is this how israel repays us? No wonder your tribe got "persecuted" in country after country throughout the ages. Such things as destroying the youth of a country through drugs is not usually looked upon very kindly by a host country.

Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade

By Nathan Guttman (

Israel is at the center of international trade in the drug ecstasy, according to a document published last week by the U.S. State Department.

In recent years, organized crime in Israel, some with links to criminal organizations in Russia, have come to control the distribution of the drug in Europe, according to a Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs document.

The same document also points out that Israeli criminal groups have a hand in the distribution of ecstasy in North America.

"Some day, I am certain that you will be glad to face and give your glib responses to those millions of men, women and children who were murdered by your benefactor" (quote ajwps)

If you are heading towards the Holohoax and the myth of the 6,000,00 I think I shall end this here; I am all out of crocodile tears.....
Little wonder your people are so hated throught the world. You are a perfect example of why !

Your self-hatred and self-love are equally self-centered my friend

Not really, My self-love is much greater ! :D

By the way, don't be afraid to spell GOD, I don't think he is that petty as to care if you spell his whole name. Stop imposing human traits upon him and you shall see truth !
Originally posted by eric

Little wonder your people are so hated throught the world. You are a perfect example of why !
Not really, My self-love is much greater ! :D
By the way, don't be afraid to spell GOD, I don't think he is that petty as to care if you spell his whole name. Stop imposing human traits upon him and you shall see truth !

I do not spell out the full name of the Creator because of the same rules that the majority of the Christian world also adheres to. "Thou shalt not use His name in vain."

The Creator's names when not used in reverence or prayer should be protected from the likes of your kind.

There is no way I have used human traits or attributes to One that which no human can describe.

You seem to be a Christian by your picture identification. I have a question for you concerning Jesus and all who fail to believe on him and his shed blood headed on a one-way trip to hell.

There are a little over 12 million of Jews remaining on earth which have survived the giant civilizations that have tried to destroy this people since the time of Abraham.

Incident: During the early 60s, a man by the name of Adolph Eichmann was captured in a South American country and taken to Israel for trial. He never denied who he was but simply stated that he was ordered to orchestrate the death of millions of Jews and gentiles by sending them at their own expense to the death camps.

Following his trial and sentencing, he was asked by the judges whether he wanted to make peace with his maker before he was hung. He stated yes and was sent a Minister Hull who heard his confession. Eichmann was hung and cremated but the press of that day approached the minister. They asked him if this mass murderer had made peace with his maker. The minister replied that he did not accept Jesus Christ as his savior and that his sins were not forgiven and that he would not be living with Jesus in his mansion in the sky if he had confessed and accepted his shed blood. One of the present media reporters asked him what about the millions of non-believers who never accepted Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The minister simply replied, “Oh the souls of the murdered men, women and children are burning in the everlasting hell fires while the murderer Eichmann could have been living in paradise with Jesus. That is the rational the Jewish people have lived with since the time of the Tarsian Paul and Emperor Constantine.

Do you agree with Minister Hull?
"Adolph Eichmann was captured in a South American country and taken to Israel for trial. He never denied who he was but simply stated that he was ordered to orchestrate the death of millions of Jews and gentiles by sending them at their own expense to the death camps."(quote ajwps)

Try he was kidnapped illegally and forced to confess under the threat of the Massad killing his family in Germany if he didn't.
You guys have a unique way of twisting history around don't you?

"There are a little over 12 million of Jews remaining on earth which have survived the giant civilizations that have tried to destroy this people since the time of Abraham." (quote ajwps)

Not to mention the MOST paranoid group I have ever seen. Was there ever, in all of history, someone who DIDN'T try to kill off your tribe?

Your whining and crying make me want to:
Originally posted by AtlantaWalter

Is this how israel repays us? No wonder your tribe got "persecuted" in country after country throughout the ages. Such things as destroying the youth of a country through drugs is not usually looked upon very kindly by a host country.
Israelis at center of ecstasy drug trade

So Israel is the center of the Ecstasy drug trade and the Jews are the only threat to mankind and Israel was stolen by the sons of Muhammad!

Do you believe that if you walk far enough you will fall off the edge of the earth or that the moon is really made of green cheese? Israel like every civilized country has a drug problem. No one says that all Israeli citizens are without fault just like Europe's drug problems do not make them the center of the drug production and sale of heroin. Drug sale and use in the USA is the killing thousands daily right in the states. Condemn the USA or France or Germany or Russia for using and selling these drugs because their citizens use them.

Your apparent lack of any intelligence is shining like a beacon to the others on this site.

If you are heading towards the Holohoax and the myth of the 6,000,00 I think I shall end this here; I am all out of crocodile tears.....

Many of my family were killed by your pal Hitler and his insane criminal band of psychopaths. You can deny the holocaust to me and others but ultimately you will answer for your words.

I hope you like yourself for not many do.

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