Yet another record close!

Didn't we just have a crash that was bigger than the 2008 crash Bush caused? Did you post/brag about that?

And, I asked this yesterday but no one answered. How come if I put money into my 401K every month, how come I'm not getting rich buying low? Us 401K investors invest every month regardless of if the stocks are up or down. So shouldn't we be buying a lot of stock really low when the stock market crashes?

Please cons, don't be smart asses. Don't try to suggest I'm stupid for not knowing because I think it's a scam. I think a crashed market should mean cheap stock and us monthly investors should be making out great when this happens. The only ones who should be crying are people who are trying to retire this month. They will have to wait for the stocks to go back up.

Didn't we just have a crash that was bigger than the 2008 crash Bush caused?

Bigger? No.

How come if I put money into my 401K every month, how come I'm not getting rich buying low?

Depends, how many months have you been doing that?

So shouldn't we be buying a lot of stock really low when the stock market crashes?

If you have cash sitting on the sidelines and you feel this is a temporary dip, you should definitely do that.
If you have a long enough time horizon before you retire or need the money for something else, do it.

Don't try to suggest I'm stupid for not knowing because I think it's a scam.

That's not why we think you're stupid.

Thanks for the reply. I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump. That should mean the money I put into my 401K this month is buying up a lot of really cheap stocks. Is that how it works?

And when the stock market is up, doesn't that mean I'm paying a lot for each share I buy?

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing. I contribute the same amount every month no matter what. 20%. Then have it go up as soon as the baffoon is made a 1 term president.
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
Didn't we just have a crash that was bigger than the 2008 crash Bush caused?

Bigger? No.

How come if I put money into my 401K every month, how come I'm not getting rich buying low?

Depends, how many months have you been doing that?

So shouldn't we be buying a lot of stock really low when the stock market crashes?

If you have cash sitting on the sidelines and you feel this is a temporary dip, you should definitely do that.
If you have a long enough time horizon before you retire or need the money for something else, do it.

Don't try to suggest I'm stupid for not knowing because I think it's a scam.

That's not why we think you're stupid.

Thanks for the reply. I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump. That should mean the money I put into my 401K this month is buying up a lot of really cheap stocks. Is that how it works?

And when the stock market is up, doesn't that mean I'm paying a lot for each share I buy?

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing. I contribute the same amount every month no matter what. 20%. Then have it go up as soon as the baffoon is made a 1 term president.
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too
Thanks for the reply. I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump. That should mean the money I put into my 401K this month is buying up a lot of really cheap stocks. Is that how it works?

And when the stock market is up, doesn't that mean I'm paying a lot for each share I buy?

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing. I contribute the same amount every month no matter what. 20%. Then have it go up as soon as the baffoon is made a 1 term president.

I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump.

Loss aversion.

Why Stock Market Losses Feel More Extreme Than Gains

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing.

You'll make even more when Trump wins again.
Yea but then will come another Great Recession like the one GW caused. And I won't have my ss cut 20%.
You mean Trump is encouraging off-shoring and replacing American engineers with H1-Bs?

I bet he is.
Except for the EO he signed to stop H1-Bs and send lots of them home.
Oh shit I didn't know. Good for him. Unfortunately it's all politics because a record number of those denials have been overturned on appeal, suggesting that the administration has been wrongfully rejecting qualified applicants for these coveted visas for high-skilled immigrants.

Immigration attorneys say many H-1B cases that would have been slam-dunk approvals during the Obama administration are now being improperly denied, which would explain the increase in reversals upon appeal.

“What we are seeing now is that approvable cases are being denied
Thanks for the reply. I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump. That should mean the money I put into my 401K this month is buying up a lot of really cheap stocks. Is that how it works?

And when the stock market is up, doesn't that mean I'm paying a lot for each share I buy?

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing. I contribute the same amount every month no matter what. 20%. Then have it go up as soon as the baffoon is made a 1 term president.
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too
These are the bush assholes and idiots from 2007.
Thanks for the reply. I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump. That should mean the money I put into my 401K this month is buying up a lot of really cheap stocks. Is that how it works?

And when the stock market is up, doesn't that mean I'm paying a lot for each share I buy?

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing. I contribute the same amount every month no matter what. 20%. Then have it go up as soon as the baffoon is made a 1 term president.
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

Believe it or not Polak
+$558,237.00 (7.03%)
Day Change
The buffoon was a 2 term pres. Trump replaced him in 16.

You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

They already are. Every red neck town I go to or every red neck who comes here for training says no one in their high school lives in town still. They had to leave to find work.

So while Mayberry is great for Floyd the barber, kids can't graduate from college and go work for him. And only enough business for one barber. One kid can take over goobers garage one day and one kid can one day become sheriff or the next Deputy Fife but most kids in small red neck towns have to leave or they will live near poverty for the rest of their lives.

When it comes to well-being -- as measured by health, education and income -- the southern 'red states' continue to be in worse shape compared to their Yankee rivals

Yet the residents of red states seem to feel they’re prospering. The Gallup index surveyed respondents about their career, social, financial, community, and physical well-being. To explain what makes them so happy, current and former residents repeat two themes: natural beauty and small, tight-knit communities.

They don't mind being without teeth or dental insurance as long as government stays out of their lives.

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

I love some of Trump's cuts

Trump cuts to ObamaCare outreach to hit red states most

The move last month to cut 90 percent of funds to spur signups for is likely to lead to fewer young and healthy people in the insurance pool — and thus higher costs in states with majority Trump voters, according to experts.

But Trump has been threatening to let ObamaCare implode for months and has not shouldered much blame for the consequences of that uncertainty, including high premiums and lack of insurers in some markets.
You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

Believe it or not Polak
+$558,237.00 (7.03%)
Day Change

Good, glad to see you are benefiting from the Trump Economy
You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

They already are. Every red neck town I go to or every red neck who comes here for training says no one in their high school lives in town still. They had to leave to find work.

So while Mayberry is great for Floyd the barber, kids can't graduate from college and go work for him. And only enough business for one barber. One kid can take over goobers garage one day and one kid can one day become sheriff or the next Deputy Fife but most kids in small red neck towns have to leave or they will live near poverty for the rest of their lives.

When it comes to well-being -- as measured by health, education and income -- the southern 'red states' continue to be in worse shape compared to their Yankee rivals

Yet the residents of red states seem to feel they’re prospering. The Gallup index surveyed respondents about their career, social, financial, community, and physical well-being. To explain what makes them so happy, current and former residents repeat two themes: natural beauty and small, tight-knit communities.

They don't mind being without teeth or dental insurance as long as government stays out of their lives.

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

I love some of Trump's cuts

Trump cuts to ObamaCare outreach to hit red states most

The move last month to cut 90 percent of funds to spur signups for is likely to lead to fewer young and healthy people in the insurance pool — and thus higher costs in states with majority Trump voters, according to experts.

But Trump has been threatening to let ObamaCare implode for months and has not shouldered much blame for the consequences of that uncertainty, including high premiums and lack of insurers in some markets.

The idea of President Trump is to bring energy businesses like Fracking and Manufacturing into a lot of America's hardest hit communities, and raise them up from being pummeled down to welfare states like they were under Obama. Of course you are citing some really out-in-the-country counties there, but also Medium Sized cities like Youngstown and Canton and Erie and Johnstown have also been slapped down by the libs under Obama. That's why they turned against the libs in 2016. 25 and 30 point swings from 2012 to 2016 in medium sized counties like Mahoning and Mercer and Erie.

Many people with college educations and such , have left the heartlands already, you're right there. But now , the New Green Deal wants to rip the rest of the jobs away from the people as well in tremendous areas like Fracking.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

Believe it or not Polak
+$558,237.00 (7.03%)
Day Change

Good, glad to see you are benefiting from the Trump Economy
LOL Trump sits in the WH I take credit for what I do
You're a buffoon and I'll prove it.

Trump: We're Going To See Economic Growth Of 4, 5 And Maybe 6 Percent

U.S. Economic Growth Slowed In 2019 To 2.3%

2.3% growth. The buffoon said he'd give us 6% growth. FAIL!

Seems like Obama wasn't so bad after all. You were fooled into thinking he wasn't doing a good job. Look at Trump's failing number. 2.3% growth? Pathetic.
Yeah the buffoon that had 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains giving a jump start to the moron trump who thinks he did it all by himself

Republicans truly believe they were born in the house they built with their own two hands.
While I despise Trump ,he'll be gone soon enough maybe in as long as 4 years My fear is with the AH's who support him They'll be infesting America for many years and their little red neck children too

You should be pleased if Trump wins, ed. If the libs win, and implement the New Green Deal, fracking will be outlawed as well as oil and coal, and these Red Neck families and red neck kids will be forced to move into the big cities like New York where you are at, in order to find work. Trump wins, and they stay out in Flyover country.

They already are. Every red neck town I go to or every red neck who comes here for training says no one in their high school lives in town still. They had to leave to find work.

So while Mayberry is great for Floyd the barber, kids can't graduate from college and go work for him. And only enough business for one barber. One kid can take over goobers garage one day and one kid can one day become sheriff or the next Deputy Fife but most kids in small red neck towns have to leave or they will live near poverty for the rest of their lives.

When it comes to well-being -- as measured by health, education and income -- the southern 'red states' continue to be in worse shape compared to their Yankee rivals

Yet the residents of red states seem to feel they’re prospering. The Gallup index surveyed respondents about their career, social, financial, community, and physical well-being. To explain what makes them so happy, current and former residents repeat two themes: natural beauty and small, tight-knit communities.

They don't mind being without teeth or dental insurance as long as government stays out of their lives.

For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states:

1. Owsley County, Ky.

2. Jefferson County, Miss.

3. Wolfe County, Ky.

4. Brooks County, Texas

5. McCreary County, Ky.

6. Hudspeth County, Texas

7. Hancock County, Tenn.

8. Jackson County, Ky.

9. Clay County, Ky.

10. Holmes County, Miss.

For percentage of residents in poverty, we found that 93 of the 100 poorest counties were in red states.

I love some of Trump's cuts

Trump cuts to ObamaCare outreach to hit red states most

The move last month to cut 90 percent of funds to spur signups for is likely to lead to fewer young and healthy people in the insurance pool — and thus higher costs in states with majority Trump voters, according to experts.

But Trump has been threatening to let ObamaCare implode for months and has not shouldered much blame for the consequences of that uncertainty, including high premiums and lack of insurers in some markets.
They don't care sealy ,,,Trump could piss in their boots and they'd praise him
Tread title remains accurate today. It was the largest single day point gain in history today so yes that's another record.
Tread title remains accurate today. It was the largest single day point gain in history today so yes that's another record.
Now the question is if rate cuts will keep it going to at least recover some of the recent losses
I'm just wondering why guys like me aren't happy the stock market took a dump.

Loss aversion.

Why Stock Market Losses Feel More Extreme Than Gains

So you would think a guy who isn't retiring for another 13 years would hope the stock market stays bad until election day. I'll make a killing.

You'll make even more when Trump wins again.
Yea but then will come another Great Recession like the one GW caused. And I won't have my ss cut 20%.
You mean Trump is encouraging off-shoring and replacing American engineers with H1-Bs?

I bet he is.
Except for the EO he signed to stop H1-Bs and send lots of them home.
Oh shit I didn't know. Good for him. Unfortunately it's all politics because a record number of those denials have been overturned on appeal, suggesting that the administration has been wrongfully rejecting qualified applicants for these coveted visas for high-skilled immigrants.

Immigration attorneys say many H-1B cases that would have been slam-dunk approvals during the Obama administration are now being improperly denied, which would explain the increase in reversals upon appeal.

“What we are seeing now is that approvable cases are being denied
I have heard that most of the appeals have been rejected.
My family and friends have kids who are now programming on Wall Street and the kids say that Indians are scarce.
My son has a lot of Indian friends and their relatives have been sent back to India in droves.
Tread title remains accurate today. It was the largest single day point gain in history today so yes that's another record.
Now the question is if rate cuts will keep it going to at least recover some of the recent losses

The DOW will see a close over 30K before we get to the election.
26700 now You're asking for a lot Think it all depends on inroads to coronavirus and rate cuts

Do you need me to reiterate? Remember it was rapidly closing in on 30k just a few trading days ago and I was afraid my prediction would come true too soon. There was really no good reason behind the fall so there doesn't have to be any for the resurgence.
It was for all intents and purposes just another shit show put on to shake the rubes down, pick their pockets and fleece them. Fear and greed are their primary weapons of choice and suckers still fall for it every time.
I have no problem with 30,000 or more I bought MSFT and AAPL on friday and hope they keep going
Bad news folks Another disease discovered Assholeitis Found first in trump WH and spread to Republican senate No know cure yet

The cure is 3 more Trump justices on the Supreme Court...…...
You want to give cancer to America ?? We're sick enough with the AH trump in our WH

Just 3 or 4 more conservatives on the Supreme Court.
And another 8 Republican Senators and 50 more Republicans in the House.
Oh, so not just any cancer. Stage 4 inoperable asshole cancer.

Leave Obama out of this, poor guy, looking at Michelle all day.
He's suffering enough.
Obama is appointing Supreme Court justices now?

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