Yet Another Right Wing Lie Exposed, No "Stand Down" Order Was Ever Given In Benghazi

This has been one of the biggest lies the right wing propaganda machine was spreading for months, that the president ordered the people in Benghazi to "stand down" during the attack.

It has now been relieved no stand down order was EVER given.

Though this won't change anything, the right wing sheep will keep right on lapping up the lies and propaganda from their beloved fox news. What a bunch of morons,...

Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times
Excellent post and thread. As true as this may be that won't deter the RW one iota. You see, they aren't concerned with the truth, they are simply interested in finding something...ANYTHING to bash Obama with. They've been harping, wailing and breying about this for a couple of years now, yet we haven't found any new information. And the ONLY new information we do find out, and continue to find out show more and more how there's no blame to Obama nor his Administration and shows the RW to be blatant liars.

It doesn't deter them, they simply ignore it, move on to the next lie and/or act like it didn't matter.

How many "rescue orders" were given?
Exhibit A: The subject just moves on to another question, implying the EXACT. SAME. THING. that has just been proving a lie and false.

A bad case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

lol, still trying to save Obama's butt...

Exhibit B: The subject attempts to obfuscate the facts by injecting something the believes will detract from the truth and something that doesn't matter nor have any consequence on the facts of the matter at hand.

A milder case of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Not that the partisan right will stop lying about a ‘stand down order,’ of course.

Gibson asks to lead a rescue party to help Americans under attack.

Permission is NOT given.

And you morons really think that makes Obama look good?

The right wing machine flat out lied to the easily programmed sheep like yourself that Obama ordered a "stand down" in Benghazi. No such thing ever happened.

Does that not bother you that your right wing masters are lying to you?
Unlike you, I have no masters in this world.

Does it not bother you that the President and the Secretary of State allowed Americans to die?

Of course it doesn't. Because they TOLD you not to let it bother you.

Mindless sheep.

Gibson asks to lead a rescue party to help Americans under attack.

Permission is NOT given.

And you morons really think that makes Obama look good?

The right wing machine flat out lied to the easily programmed sheep like yourself that Obama ordered a "stand down" in Benghazi. No such thing ever happened.

Does that not bother you that your right wing masters are lying to you?

No, they just move on to the next lie.
The truth that you morons refuse to acknowledge is that the President and the Secretary of State allowed Americans to die -- and then lied about the reasons.
This has been one of the biggest lies the right wing propaganda machine was spreading for months, that the president ordered the people in Benghazi to "stand down" during the attack.

It has now been relieved no stand down order was EVER given.

Though this won't change anything, the right wing sheep will keep right on lapping up the lies and propaganda from their beloved fox news. What a bunch of morons,...

Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

You need to try to get inside the minds of the people who don't trust Obama. They believe he is a socialist who takes from the rich and gives to the poor. They believe he is persecuting business like Stalin persecuted Ayn Rand's father. They have been told Obama is 100% dishonest, incompetent and ill-intentioned. They feel these things down to the core of their being.

They are not interested in Benghazi as a collection of true or false facts. They are more interested in saying whatever is necessary to defeat him because they think defeating him will help the country. Lying about Obama lives at the level of instinct - and it is not felt as lying, as a rule.

However, as a thought experiment, let's say they were literally concerned with the truth of what happened; let's further imagine that they made an honest and conscious decision only to report provable facts on Benghazi. Under these conditions they would still claim the "Stand Down" order was true. Why? Because they mistrust him so deeply that they cannot imagine any other possibility. The Democrats felt the same way about Bush.

There is no such thing as objectivity when you mistrust someone so deeply and so pathologically.


Nothing can fit inside something that small.

For most on the right it’s partisan, not paranoia.

And it has little to do with trust and more to do with losing two elections in a row.

It’s about the power and authority of the Executive Branch, the Imperial Presidency, the EOs, the signing statements, and the judicial appointments – particularly to the Supreme Court.

Republicans don’t care about a given president ‘abusing’ his power provided it’s a republican president engaging in the abuse.

It’s about republicans angry they lost the WH, perceived to be their ‘birthright,’ and frankly little else.

Y'know, guys, being under the long-term care of mental health professionals does NOT give you the expertise to diagnose others. Just sayin'.

But then, it might be amusing to watch you diagnose your utter and implicit trust in a government that has repeatedly lied to you.
How an Obama supporter "thinks":

Obama asserts X.

Obama supporter: I completely believe X. It is the utter and absolute truth. Nothing else could possibly be true. People who assert Y, which contradicts X, are lying.

The next week, Obama asserts Y, which contradicts X.

Obama supporter: I completely believe Y. It is the utter and absolute truth. Nothing else could possibly be true. People who assert X, which contradicts Y, are lying.

It truly is a mental disease.
“We had FAST platoons in the region. We had ships that we had deployed off of Libya. And we were prepared to respond to any contingency and certainly had forces in place to do that. But the basic principle here… is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place. And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, [Africa Command] General [Carter F.] Ham, General Dempsey, and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.”

-Leon Panetta
Debunked by what? You?

Link up or shut up.

Read the link in the thread topic post you dumbass :cuckoo:

No, I'm asking you, numbskull.

Trouble reading?

"There was no military “stand-down” order given the night of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, military officials told lawmakers late Wednesday, contradicting a State Department official’s account of the event."

It's been debunked that the right wing lies of a "stand down" never happened, but you are still believing it?

What is wrong with you right wingers? :cuckoo:

Nothing has been debunked, you and your liberal cohorts are the liars big time. I show you the same evidence that you so liberally ignore. In the end you call this man who testified a liar, on what grounds? It wasn't Obama that gave the order so he is clear. We know that because he asleep at the wheel.

Benghazi hearing: Gregory Hicks says "stand down" order is true.

Turner: Is there any reason to believe that the situation in Benghazi was over? There were a number of series of attacks, as you’ve described it to us. Any reason to describe that there was no longer any danger in Benghazi?

Hicks: No, it was every reason to continue to believe that our personnel were in danger.

Turner: Mr. Hicks, Mr. Chaffetz has given me an article that appeared in USA Today just this week. And just as early as last Monday, Major Robert Firman, a Pentagon spokesman, said that the military's account that was first issued weeks after the attacks hasn’t changed. “There was never any kind of stand-down order to anybody.” Now, that’s a pretty broad statement, “anybody.” What’s your reaction to the quote by Mr. Firman?

Hicks: I can only again repeat that Lieutenant Colonel Gibson said he was not to proceed to board the airplane.

Turner: So your first-hand experience being on the site, standing next to Colonel Gibson, who was on his way on that C-130 transport and being told not to go, contradicts what Mr. Firman is saying on behalf of the Pentagon?

Hicks: Yes sir.

Later, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) asked Hicks who gave Lt. Col. Gibson the "stand-down" order. "He did not identify the person," Hicks said. And therein lies you know what.
Neither was the call to arms sounded ...only a muffled incoherent grunt to " do what's you gots to do" from the CINC.
There is absolutely zero doubt there was a stand down order, it may have actually been the right thing to do. But to say it never happened is a lie straight from the DNC, the source of all lies.

Stand Down and Deliver

Benghazi Hearing: Darrell Issa?s House Committee?s investigation of the death of Christopher Stevens and three other Americans did not tell us anything new. - Slate Magazine

Issa is the same idiot that claimed Obama was behind the teabagger shakedowns done by the IRS. It took the hero Cummings to release the full, unedited findings Issa was trying to hide which revealed that the order came from a right wing conservative, that also shook down liberal and OWS groups.

All your GOP masters do is lie, and lie and lie, and you idiots lap it up without question.
Later, Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) asked Hicks who gave Lt. Col. Gibson the "stand-down" order. "He did not identify the person," Hicks said. And therein lies you know what.

“Contrary to news reports, (AKA the right wing propaganda machine) Gibson was not ordered to ‘stand down’ by higher command authorities in response to his understandable desire to lead a group of three other Special Forces soldiers to Benghazi,” the subcommittee said in a rare statement about a closed-door briefing.

Read more: Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times
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This has been one of the biggest lies the right wing propaganda machine was spreading for months, that the president ordered the people in Benghazi to "stand down" during the attack.

It has now been relieved no stand down order was EVER given.

Though this won't change anything, the right wing sheep will keep right on lapping up the lies and propaganda from their beloved fox news. What a bunch of morons,...

Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

LMAO you dumb fuck :)

They were told NOT to get on the plane.
Let's Ambassador who has already been demoted for telling the truth....or a Career Officer needing to protect his ass....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Let's Ambassador who has already been demoted for telling the truth....or a Career Officer needing to protect his ass....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

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