Yet Another Right Wing Lie Exposed, No "Stand Down" Order Was Ever Given In Benghazi

LOL, sorry g.

As much as you NEED to think you are gods gift to intellectuals you jus ain't all that :)

Semantics fits you, your arguments are always weak and in your mind you think obfuscation of that fact is a valuable tool.

Tell me again how you served your nation and are the hero you think you are?

You woulda really looked credible if you addressed his argument instead of moving to a "you're a poopy head" defense Saul.

You assume I need to be credible in your eyes....ummmmmm, no.

His sole argument is "Nuh-Uh" sorry kid....nothing in that needs to be addressed.

No you just need to be credible and going nanana boo boo doesn't make a strong case
This has been one of the biggest lies the right wing propaganda machine was spreading for months, that the president ordered the people in Benghazi to "stand down" during the attack.

It has now been relieved no stand down order was EVER given.

Though this won't change anything, the right wing sheep will keep right on lapping up the lies and propaganda from their beloved fox news. What a bunch of morons,...

Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

You need to try to get inside the minds of the people who don't trust Obama. They believe he is a socialist who takes from the rich and gives to the poor. They believe he is persecuting business like Stalin persecuted Ayn Rand's father. They have been told Obama is 100% dishonest, incompetent and ill-intentioned. They feel these things down to the core of their being.

They are not interested in Benghazi as a collection of true or false facts. They are more interested in saying whatever is necessary to defeat him because they think defeating him will help the country. Lying about Obama lives at the level of instinct - and it is not felt as lying, as a rule.

However, as a thought experiment, let's say they were literally concerned with the truth of what happened; let's further imagine that they made an honest and conscious decision only to report provable facts on Benghazi. Under these conditions they would still claim the "Stand Down" order was true. Why? Because they mistrust him so deeply that they cannot imagine any other possibility. The Democrats felt the same way about Bush.

There is no such thing as objectivity when you mistrust someone so deeply and so pathologically.

Not after 9-11-2001. Nearly every American stood with President Bush when he pledged to go after the bastards. The mistrust started seeping back in about the time it became clear that the Bush Administrations' intent was to morph the anger an emotion America felt after that terrible day into the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Let's Ambassador who has already been demoted for telling the truth....or a Career Officer needing to protect his ass....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.
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You don't know what a stand down order is, kid. Fox News tried to use a military term and fucked it all up. Now they look like the idiots they are.

Those who believe there was a stand down order are relegated to the same status as birthers these days.

The question is WHY was their MISSION NOT BENGHAZI but Tripoli and who made that decision?

No matter how you White House PAINT this, the basic issue is it was NOT the MISSION because it was not GOOD POLITICAL OPTICS:
A) NO one took command to help the 4 murdered Americans.
B) Blaming everyone else as the White House is wont to do and NOT answering WHO gave the order that the Mission was NOT BENGHAZI...
That is the issue that is really going to come to the forefront as much as YOU and the Liberally Biased MSM and people on this board do.. Truth to Power!!!

So you still are blaming the 4 American deaths on the President. It took place in an unstable country that is far from American shores.

So who do you blame the deaths of 3000 Americans on? 9/11 took place in the largest city in America and in the nation's capital. You'd think the billions we spent on the military would at least protect the homeland.

Who do you blame?

Clinton? Of course they do.........
Let's Ambassador who has already been demoted for telling the truth....or a Career Officer needing to protect his ass....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.
This has been one of the biggest lies the right wing propaganda machine was spreading for months, that the president ordered the people in Benghazi to "stand down" during the attack.

It has now been relieved no stand down order was EVER given.

Though this won't change anything, the right wing sheep will keep right on lapping up the lies and propaganda from their beloved fox news. What a bunch of morons,...

Lawmakers: No 'stand down' order given in Benghazi attack - Washington Times

You need to try to get inside the minds of the people who don't trust Obama. They believe he is a socialist who takes from the rich and gives to the poor. They believe he is persecuting business like Stalin persecuted Ayn Rand's father. They have been told Obama is 100% dishonest, incompetent and ill-intentioned. They feel these things down to the core of their being.

They are not interested in Benghazi as a collection of true or false facts. They are more interested in saying whatever is necessary to defeat him because they think defeating him will help the country. Lying about Obama lives at the level of instinct - and it is not felt as lying, as a rule.

However, as a thought experiment, let's say they were literally concerned with the truth of what happened; let's further imagine that they made an honest and conscious decision only to report provable facts on Benghazi. Under these conditions they would still claim the "Stand Down" order was true. Why? Because they mistrust him so deeply that they cannot imagine any other possibility. The Democrats felt the same way about Bush.

There is no such thing as objectivity when you mistrust someone so deeply and so pathologically.

The ONLY thing you got right here was that we distrust/detest hin right down to the core of our being...but you (as most wannbe pyshoanalysts do) got the cause completely wrong.

The man is antithetical to everything we believe in, he embodies (as did McCain) everything wrong with the American political system.

We reject almost EVERY policy decision on the simple grounds of them being wrong.
You are witnessing the abject failure of the Keynesian philosophy.
Y'all lefties either have to indict witness at the Benghazi for perjury or accept credible testimony that the stand down order was given. You can't straddle the fence on this issue.
Let's Ambassador who has already been demoted for telling the truth....or a Career Officer needing to protect his ass....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Pardon me?

What a freaking pantload. You believe this shit out of this man?
Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Where else besides yahoo answers does this story exist? And why without any additional links or proof do you believe this story posted on Yahoo Answers?
Am I getting this right now?

Left wingers are now attempting to spin this debacle into Obama was the man. He wanted his team saved in Benghazi.

Sweet lord. How much can they lie and spin here? Pete's looking at ya baby!

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Where else besides yahoo answers does this story exist? And why without any additional links or proof do you believe this story posted on Yahoo Answers?

Umm pay no attention to the CNN story in RED.

It pays to be a bit more observant.
Clearly, no one showed up and two more men died. The stand down order was given as the facts clearly show. This is just more left wing BS trying to defect from Obama and his administration. Obama didn't give or give orders for all we know he was sleeping.

The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........
Anti Muslim video causes riots across the Middle East

These Republicans, can they be more pathetic? This video causes deadly riots all over the Middle East and major cities in Europe and still, they only talk about a single consulate in Libya. Maybe if Republicans had done a better job after 9/11, there wouldn't have been more al Qaeda that attacked that consulate. Is this just another case of "Obama derangement syndrome" with then blaming Obama for something that once again can be traced back to Right Wing incompetence?

You are so stupid that you really should be a poster child for why no kid should ever go to public school.

For crying out loud rdean how stupid can you get? Don't answer. Yeah don't answer.
Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Where else besides yahoo answers does this story exist? And why without any additional links or proof do you believe this story posted on Yahoo Answers?

Umm pay no attention to the CNN story in RED.

It pays to be a bit more observant.

I see it, I don't see where it says they went on their own like it does in the fiction from Yahoo Answers. CNN says they helped. Why are you pretending That CNN said they went on their own
The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

Give me the transcript of the public hearing that this came out in. I'll wait for your PDF of this testimony.
The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

(sigh) Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate...Woods was already in Benghazi at another location...neither was "sent" to the annex, they made that decision on their aren't very good at needs to actually be able to understand what one reads..Woods was on the scene first and was indeed on the roof first, he was killed first and Doherty died second....but NEITHER was sent to aid the annex.

I am sorry, that is just the truth.
The first response team did show up and the two men killed next in the mortar attack on the CIA Annex were from that team.

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

Oh btw do you know why Doherty was there? What he was doing in Libya?
Perhaps you simply weren't aware that the Annex and the Consulate are two different locations? ;)
Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

Give me the transcript of the public hearing that this came out in. I'll wait for your PDF of this testimony.

You know you got them nervous when they start requesting certain types of proof that is harder to find than others. Making sure they leave themselves enough room to claim victory. links, only a PDF

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