Yet Another Right Wing Lie Exposed, No "Stand Down" Order Was Ever Given In Benghazi

Oh and just so people who might not know (you know the kind, people with real lives and not addicted to USMB :))

Glenn was there to wipe up after the idiots in charge, you know Obama and Hillary who didn't think ahead that geeze louise Ghaddafi's weaponry might fall into the hands of bad guys.

Like surface to air missles. The morons in Washington didn't think about it. Depose a ruler with really big weapons. Whoopsies. Some bad guys might get them. :lmao:
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Nope, sorry...the two Seals went in on their own kid.

A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping. They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy. They also happened to be former Navy Seals.

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight. Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound.

Did you hear/read this on the main stream media? - Yahoo! Answers

Reports from Libyan witnesses of the 9-11 Benghazi consulate attack are coming in now. Among those reports are stories that the two American ex-SEAL's who broke orders to go to the defense of Americans at the U.S. consulate put up a valiant fight against the 150-200 attacking terrorists, capturing AK-47s from dead terrorists and killing up to 60 of the attackers.

Ex-Navy SEALs Kill 60 Terrorists In Benghazi Consulate Attack, page 1

Two former Navy SEALs who were among four Americans killed last week in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues, according to sources familiar with the incident.

Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were in Benghazi as part of a security contractor force.

On September 11, they were ensconced in the safety of an annex location in another part of the city when they got word that the main consulate building was under fire and the diplomats there -- with an armed force of only nine people -- were overwhelmed by the deteriorating situation.

Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left the secure annex and made their way to the chaotic scene, rounding up the consulate staff who were under attack and guiding them back to the second safe building.

Former Navy SEALs died after coming to the aid of others -

Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

(sigh) Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate...Woods was already in Benghazi at another location...neither was "sent" to the annex, they made that decision on their aren't very good at needs to actually be able to understand what one reads..Woods was on the scene first and was indeed on the roof first, he was killed first and Doherty died second....but NEITHER was sent to aid the annex.

I am sorry, that is just the truth.

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

Posted on January 28, 2013

I recently learned that my brother, Glen Doherty, was not at the Benghazi CIA “Annex” but in Tripoli at the time of the attack on the US consulate (or the US “temporary mission,” technically). According to the facts as I now understand them, he had arrived in Libya one day earlier, working with a team of CIA security contractors (“GRS”: Global Response Staff).

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.
Still waiting on the PDF of that testimony.....

Did I ever claim to have a pdf file of the testimony. I'm sure you can find the entire televised event on the internet.......

Doherty was not stationed at Benghazi. Either at the Consulate or the Annex. He was in Tripoli that night. This false story, that they defied orders, came from Fox back in Oct sometime. It was debunked back then too.
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Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

(sigh) Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate...Woods was already in Benghazi at another location...neither was "sent" to the annex, they made that decision on their aren't very good at needs to actually be able to understand what one reads..Woods was on the scene first and was indeed on the roof first, he was killed first and Doherty died second....but NEITHER was sent to aid the annex.

I am sorry, that is just the truth.

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

Posted on January 28, 2013

I recently learned that my brother, Glen Doherty, was not at the Benghazi CIA “Annex” but in Tripoli at the time of the attack on the US consulate (or the US “temporary mission,” technically). According to the facts as I now understand them, he had arrived in Libya one day earlier, working with a team of CIA security contractors (“GRS”: Global Response Staff).

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

Oh good you found his brother's you should read it ;)

Geln was not "sent" he was not a part of any Gov force..they PAID the Pilot 30 grand to fly them to Benghazi...ON THEIR OWN.

Upon arriving they learned that the battle had shifted to the I am sorry kids you are swallowing the Obama line and it just ain't so..

Now as for Woods, he TOO decided on his OWN to go help, HE was at another location already in Benghazi, I am starting to feel bad for you guys.
Doherty was part of a seven-person security team specifically sent from a CIA facility in Tripoli to respond to the Benghazi attack. : Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

He was killed on the roof with his old friend Tyrone Woods.

Of course all of this came out in the public hearings........

(sigh) Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate...Woods was already in Benghazi at another location...neither was "sent" to the annex, they made that decision on their aren't very good at needs to actually be able to understand what one reads..Woods was on the scene first and was indeed on the roof first, he was killed first and Doherty died second....but NEITHER was sent to aid the annex.

I am sorry, that is just the truth.

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

Posted on January 28, 2013

I recently learned that my brother, Glen Doherty, was not at the Benghazi CIA “Annex” but in Tripoli at the time of the attack on the US consulate (or the US “temporary mission,” technically). According to the facts as I now understand them, he had arrived in Libya one day earlier, working with a team of CIA security contractors (“GRS”: Global Response Staff).

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

They chartered a flight as quickly as possible by showing up at the airport and convincing a pilot to fly them to Benghazi for $30,000. In Benghazi they were frustratingly detained while negotiating with the right militias to reach where they wanted to go. They knew that the battle was raging and had now shifted from the temporary mission to the Annex

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter
(sigh) Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate...Woods was already in Benghazi at another location...neither was "sent" to the annex, they made that decision on their aren't very good at needs to actually be able to understand what one reads..Woods was on the scene first and was indeed on the roof first, he was killed first and Doherty died second....but NEITHER was sent to aid the annex.

I am sorry, that is just the truth.

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

Posted on January 28, 2013

I recently learned that my brother, Glen Doherty, was not at the Benghazi CIA “Annex” but in Tripoli at the time of the attack on the US consulate (or the US “temporary mission,” technically). According to the facts as I now understand them, he had arrived in Libya one day earlier, working with a team of CIA security contractors (“GRS”: Global Response Staff).

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

They chartered a flight as quickly as possible by showing up at the airport and convincing a pilot to fly them to Benghazi for $30,000. In Benghazi they were frustratingly detained while negotiating with the right militias to reach where they wanted to go. They knew that the battle was raging and had now shifted from the temporary mission to the Annex

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

So your claimed "Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate" was simply not true. He came with the first response team from Tripoli. They didn't arrive at the Annex until after 5:00 AM.
Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

Posted on January 28, 2013

I recently learned that my brother, Glen Doherty, was not at the Benghazi CIA “Annex” but in Tripoli at the time of the attack on the US consulate (or the US “temporary mission,” technically). According to the facts as I now understand them, he had arrived in Libya one day earlier, working with a team of CIA security contractors (“GRS”: Global Response Staff).

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America.

They chartered a flight as quickly as possible by showing up at the airport and convincing a pilot to fly them to Benghazi for $30,000. In Benghazi they were frustratingly detained while negotiating with the right militias to reach where they wanted to go. They knew that the battle was raging and had now shifted from the temporary mission to the Annex

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

So your claimed "Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate" was simply not true. He came with the first response team from Tripoli. They didn't arrive at the Annex until after 5:00 AM.

Fine, he was trying to GET to the Consulate....does that make you feel better?

Neither HE nor Woods were "sent" by ANYONE in our Government...sorry.
They chartered a flight as quickly as possible by showing up at the airport and convincing a pilot to fly them to Benghazi for $30,000. In Benghazi they were frustratingly detained while negotiating with the right militias to reach where they wanted to go. They knew that the battle was raging and had now shifted from the temporary mission to the Annex

Glen Doherty Traveled From Tripoli to Benghazi Attack | Nervous Laughter

So your claimed "Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate" was simply not true. He came with the first response team from Tripoli. They didn't arrive at the Annex until after 5:00 AM.

Fine, he was trying to GET to the Consulate....does that make you feel better?

Neither HE nor Woods were "sent" by ANYONE in our Government...sorry.

When the first response team arrived at the CIA Annex there was no need to reach the Consulate Building. The Ambassador was dead and his whereabouts were known. Everyone else was accounted for. At the time it was a mission to evacuate the personal from the Annex. Doherty went to the roof to locate his old buddy Woods, that's when they came under the mortar fire.
So your claimed "Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate" was simply not true. He came with the first response team from Tripoli. They didn't arrive at the Annex until after 5:00 AM.

Fine, he was trying to GET to the Consulate....does that make you feel better?

Neither HE nor Woods were "sent" by ANYONE in our Government...sorry.

When the first response team arrived at the CIA Annex there was no need to reach the Consulate Building. The Ambassador was dead and his whereabouts were known. Everyone else was accounted for. At the time it was a mission to evacuate the personal from the Annex. Doherty went to the roof to locate his old buddy Woods, that's when they came under the mortar fire.

You are what we call "willingly obtuse".

Doherty PAID 30 Grand to go to Benghazi, when he got there you are correct, he found out that the battle had moved on....thats when he decided to go to the Annex (after he found out his friend Woods was there)

Doherty was not sent by the CIA, you are just not up to this.
So your claimed "Listen carefully, Doherty was at the Consulate" was simply not true. He came with the first response team from Tripoli. They didn't arrive at the Annex until after 5:00 AM.

Fine, he was trying to GET to the Consulate....does that make you feel better?

Neither HE nor Woods were "sent" by ANYONE in our Government...sorry.

When the first response team arrived at the CIA Annex there was no need to reach the Consulate Building. The Ambassador was dead and his whereabouts were known. Everyone else was accounted for. At the time it was a mission to evacuate the personal from the Annex. Doherty went to the roof to locate his old buddy Woods, that's when they came under the mortar fire.

You posted Doherty's brother's blog to prove your point and not you don't believe Doherty's brother?


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