Yet another "scary" promise made by Trump....DACA

The economic toll alone would be significant: a May report by the right-leaning American Action Forum estimated that removing all undocumented workers and barring their reentry would cost somewhere between $400 billion and $600 billion, while reducing real GDP by over $1 trillion.

For that reason in part, the plan would run into headlong resistance from the Chamber of Commerce wing of the party, which has favored a path to citizenship. The extent to which business-minded Republicans in Congress adjust their views to match Trump’s position will test how deeply his win rewires traditional conservative orthodoxy.
Let's all face it, the Dreamers' program is a hot potato that Trump has in his little hands.....

Sure, it fired up the xenophobic base during his campaign, but now faced with the decision to repeal DACA, his republican cohorts are trembling in their already weakened knees.

Decide to NOT repeal DACA, and Trump's base will march like those "sweethearts" in Charlottesville with torches.

Decide to REPEAL DACA and the republicans will be pounding yet another nail in their 2018 election coffin.

My oh my what is a charlatan/demagogue to do???


It gets worse than that. Hurricane Harvey has changed everything. The Democrats have 2 maybe 3 chances to pass DACA. The budget bill, the debt ceiling bill and/or the Texas relief bill. Republicans have already been forced to abandon their plans as the Freedom Caucus has said they will not press for money to build a wall. Also DACA is popular with voters. The last thing Republicans want is seeing young people dragged away by Trump's Gestapo.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.
Let's all face it, the Dreamers' program is a hot potato that Trump has in his little hands.....

Sure, it fired up the xenophobic base during his campaign, but now faced with the decision to repeal DACA, his republican cohorts are trembling in their already weakened knees.

Decide to NOT repeal DACA, and Trump's base will march like those "sweethearts" in Charlottesville with torches.

Decide to REPEAL DACA and the republicans will be pounding yet another nail in their 2018 election coffin.

Really? Those who support DACA couldn't get a supporter into office in 2016 after Trump clearly said he would dump it. What makes you think they will in 2018?

Trump was not elected on any issues. He was elected because he was not Clinton. Voters may very well decide to give Democrats the House as a check on far right extremists.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.
No it wouldn't. However it was wrong of their parents to bring them here.
This is a non-issue that the idiot Trump has turned into an ‘issue.’

All Trump had to do with follow the rule of law and abide by the most fundamental tenets of the Anglo-American judicial tradition: presumption of innocence, the right to due process, prosecutorial discretion.

By focusing on drug dealers and gang members for the next four years, Trump will be out of office long before all the true criminals are tried, convicted, and deported.

But again Trump must appease his hateful, ignorant, bigoted base.
The economic toll alone would be significant: a May report by the right-leaning American Action Forum estimated that removing all undocumented workers and barring their reentry would cost somewhere between $400 billion and $600 billion, while reducing real GDP by over $1 trillion.

For that reason in part, the plan would run into headlong resistance from the Chamber of Commerce wing of the party, which has favored a path to citizenship. The extent to which business-minded Republicans in Congress adjust their views to match Trump’s position will test how deeply his win rewires traditional conservative orthodoxy.

THese are the same people that told US that the job losses from globalization would quickly be retrained for the new high tech jobs of the new economy.

THat was 30 years ago, and all the computers are being made overseas now.

Fuck them.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.

YOUR opinion

Not mine, nor the laws.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.
No it wouldn't. However it was wrong of their parents to bring them here.

Yes it would. For all intent and purposes, they are American.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.

YOUR opinion

Not mine, nor the laws.

I know. White supremacists think differently than real Americans.

Men decide whether laws are enforced, For example, a President can legally say that I will not deport them and he is violating no laws.

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.
No it wouldn't. However it was wrong of their parents to bring them here.

Yes it would. For all intent and purposes, they are American.
For all intent, purposes, and legal definitions, they are here illegally

That's for the SCOTUS to finally decide....

You don't seem to be getting the point.

again, we arent' talking about 'anchor babies', we're talking about children brought here by their parents at a young age.

Children born in a foreign country.

They were born in a foreign country but have grown up in the US. They are American in their view of the world. It would be wrong to send them back.

YOUR opinion

Not mine, nor the laws.

I know. White supremacists think differently than real Americans.

Men decide whether laws are enforced, For example, a President can legally say that I will not deport them and he is violating no laws.
White supremacists think differently than real Americans.

White Supremacists?

you took a poll of their opinion on this matter?

Bud, if their parents were English, Irish, Scots, or French, I'd feel the same way.

So lumping me in with your view of 'White Supremacists' makes you look the fool.
Calling those who just want the law enforced "xenophobic" is just you being a race baiting ass.

Chances are pretty good that some the not too distant future, one of those DACA young people will become POTUS.

Since one of the requirements to become President is that you're born in the US or are the dependent of an American born would someone born outside of the US and then smuggled into the US illegally qualify? You don't have the faintest idea what our laws you, Nat?
The US Constitution lists three requirements for any individual wishing to become president of the United States. A president must:
  1. be a natural born U.S. citizen. Someone may be born abroad, but only if both parents were citizens of the United States. The only exception to this was for those around at the time the Constitution was adopted. Their requirement was that they had to be a citizen when the Constitution was adopted.

  1. be at least 35 years of age. The youngest president elected was 43 years old. However, there was one president who was even younger. Do you know who he was?
  2. have lived in the United States for at least 14 years to be president. This does not have to be consecutive or even the 14 years leading up to becoming president.
Since one of the requirements to become President is that you're born in the US or are the dependent of an American born would someone born outside of the US and then smuggled into the US illegally qualify? You don't have the faintest idea what our laws you, Nat?

I am well aware of what the laws are.....I'm sarcastically telling you xenophobic morons that someday, soon your racism will NOT be enough as your ilk dies out and gets buried in the ashes of "evangelical" hatred..

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