Yet ANOTHER "broken promise" by Trump

We need to be looking at getting people ready for the jobs of tomorrow not yesterday.

Of course you're correct.......But when you're dealing with morons who deny severe climate changes and the need for viable alternative sources of energy (while lying to coal miners)....THIS is what we get.......Right wingers in denial.
We need to be looking at getting people ready for the jobs of tomorrow not yesterday.

Of course you're correct.......But when you're dealing with morons who deny severe climate changes and the need for viable alternative sources of energy (while lying to coal miners)....THIS is what we get.......Right wingers in denial.

I am a conservative although I have not sold my soul to the devil like other fake conservatives have. I also do not believe in man-made climate change. I also believe that alternate energy sources are not commercially viable other than natural gas. I also believe they should be regulated so wind machines do not chop up birds.
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
There hasn't been a promise he hasn't broken to which his supporters say, " You rock, Donald."
Deportations are up, our trade enemies are unhappy, I haven't heard about legal immigration, but I am hopeful.

Deportation is always up Correll. Obama deported over 200,000 last year 2016. Trump is no where close to that number.

The end result of making or having an trade war enemies is the high consumers cost. You will end up the blunt force of this idioticism.

As I said before. You better pray you don't get sick.

Deportations are up, i'm happy.

ANd we've been in a trade war for generations. We just haven't been fighting back. I've lived the cost in my rust belt city.

Before I will say something that do not fit your support to Trump. I will give you a chance.
The trade war that you and I are talking about are the TRADE Deficits or unbalanced from our trade partners like China, Mexico, Japan and Canada.

Explain that first what and why you think we need and should go to a trade war.

Because there is either A. no way that such massive trade deficits are the result of fair competition, or B. if we Americans are really that incompetent then we need to run away from the fight.

Middle America is suffering hard because of the loss of jobs from Trade.

I live in the Rust Belt. I grew up here. These people are/were Union Dems so deep that I could never have imagined them flipping.

BUt they eventually did. Because Globalization has fucked them majorly for generations and they finally had a candidate that was against it.

Good try Correll but not enough.

Trade deficits against our trade partners like Mexico or Japan only existed because we Americans are the biggest spender in goods around the world. We are biggest market in the world.

Being the biggest market does not explain our massive trade deficit with the rest of the world. The Rest of the World, has plenty of spending to balance out trade.

We demands and buy more goods from them than we sell. That is why trade deficits will never go away.

Mexico is not limiting what we sell to Mexico and even if we sell our products made in US it's more expensive than anywhere or anybody else. That the reason why Trump products are made from foreign countries.

I don't know that Mexico is not limiting or discouraging our sales there. Ditto with the rest of the world. COnsidering that we nearly always lose, I find it hard to believe that there are not barriers to our trade.

Running away from the fight meaning 1. We are going to make our products here. 2. Stop buying foreign products. 3. Increase the tariff to all products that comes in = We as Americans consumers will pay for the higher cost. Our products cannot compete around the world because our labor charge are to high.
Meaning ALL prices of items from foods to services ( like cars, salons, restaurants etc etc) to health insurance will goes up tremendously across the board.

I do no except the NAFTA renegotiation will come out positive for Trump.

If that is what it takes to stop the absurd imbalance of trade, that is a price I am willing to pay.
Deportations are up, our trade enemies are unhappy, I haven't heard about legal immigration, but I am hopeful.

Deportation is always up Correll. Obama deported over 200,000 last year 2016. Trump is no where close to that number.

The end result of making or having an trade war enemies is the high consumers cost. You will end up the blunt force of this idioticism.

As I said before. You better pray you don't get sick.

Deportations are up, i'm happy.

ANd we've been in a trade war for generations. We just haven't been fighting back. I've lived the cost in my rust belt city.

Before I will say something that do not fit your support to Trump. I will give you a chance.
The trade war that you and I are talking about are the TRADE Deficits or unbalanced from our trade partners like China, Mexico, Japan and Canada.

Explain that first what and why you think we need and should go to a trade war.

Because there is either A. no way that such massive trade deficits are the result of fair competition, or B. if we Americans are really that incompetent then we need to run away from the fight.

Middle America is suffering hard because of the loss of jobs from Trade.

I live in the Rust Belt. I grew up here. These people are/were Union Dems so deep that I could never have imagined them flipping.

BUt they eventually did. Because Globalization has fucked them majorly for generations and they finally had a candidate that was against it.

The fact is that more jobs have been lost to automation than globalism. You like Trump are a liar. The fact is that these jobs are not coming back. The jobs at Carrier are being lost to automation. We need to be looking at getting people ready for the jobs of tomorrow not yesterday.

Germany, another first world nation, has TWICE the level of manufacturing jobs that we do.

That shows that you are wrong.
Was "Obamacare will save each family $2500 a year in healthcare cost" another Obama lie or simply stupidity in not knowing how damaging Obamacare was going to be to Americans?
Isn't it amazing how these stupid Moon Bats that elected that lying asshole Obama have the hypocritical gall to spread false new stories about Trump?

Isn't it amazing how these stupid Moon Bats that elected that lying asshole Obama have the hypocritical gall to spread false new stories about Trump?

Eight years for Obama to reach 65 lies?

Trump has been at it less than 7 months ans he's past 1,000 lies.
Obama promised to close Gitmo.

....and the reason that he couldn't completely close GITMO was.................

Go on, look it up, moron....Get an education.....

While you're at it look up how many prisoners were at GITMO when Obama took office AND how many are left there,today........

Thanks for your service to right wing causes......
Obama promised to close Gitmo.

....and the reason that he couldn't completely close GITMO was.................

Go on, look it up, moron....Get an education.....

While you're at it look up how many prisoners were at GITMO when Obama took office AND how many are left there,today........

Thanks for your service to right wing causes......

So, if we look at the list of "broken promises" will it NOT include promises stymied by others?
So, if we look at the list of "broken promises" will it NOT include promises stymied by others?

Trump said that he could uniquely get his promises done. That repealing the ACA would be easy That he would get rid of obamacare by "unsigning" it.
So, if we look at the list of "broken promises" will it NOT include promises stymied by others?

Trump said that he could uniquely get his promises done. That repealing the ACA would be easy That he would get rid of obamacare by "unsigning" it.

So, you responded to a question I posted to another without actually ANSWERING the question...

Considering that Nat didn't answer it either, i think we all know what the answer is then.

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