Yet ANOTHER "broken promise" by Trump

Remember when the Left's narrative was that Trump would never listen to advice?

Funny how you barely mention that the generals were the ones that gave him advice he is listening to.


June 5, 2016: “[The generals] don’t know much because they’re not winning.”

November 13, 2015: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.”

Well, now he's listening to his generals instead of following his gut.

You want to bet that this advice will lead to a better Afghanistan?
Remember when the Left's narrative was that Trump would never listen to advice?

Funny how you barely mention that the generals were the ones that gave him advice he is listening to.


June 5, 2016: “[The generals] don’t know much because they’re not winning.”

November 13, 2015: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.”

Well, now he's listening to his generals instead of following his gut.

You want to bet that this advice will lead to a better Afghanistan?

Apparently Nat agrees "the generals" on the strategy going forward in Afghanistan , he just doesn't agree with Trump following their advice on it.

Welcome to LeftWingATopia where cognitive dissonance isn't a privilege, it's a requirement.
Welcome to LeftWingATopia where cognitive dissonance isn't a privilege, it's a requirement.

Morons you......just CANNOT understand this little fact because.....well, because you're thoroughly fucked up.....

You voted for this idiot based on his promises....the idiot breaks ALL of his promises....and you either bend over because you've grown to like getting screwed....OR, you defend the idiot because you're too embarrassed that you're so damn easily duped.
Well, now he's listening to his generals instead of following his gut.

BTW, morons.....I agree with the generals to NOT fully withdraw from Afghanistan,
but I do NOT agree with the generals to place even MORE American lives in the shooting gallery so that we may "defend" for an indefinite number of years a corrupt and inept Afghani administration. .
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
And yet another Trump lie.

Trump lied about being a neo-isolationist, Trump lied about ‘America First.’

What’s sad and tragic is that Trump is going to perpetuate Bush’s failed, illegal war, with more Americans’ lives lost.
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.

It is nothing short of a damn miracle that some Afghani radical group has not been able to place their murderous hands on a Pakistani nuke........

Talking directly with the Taliban would not be a bad idea.
Didn't Barry Hussein set a date for pulling Troops out of Afghanistan? You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic that Hussein's strategy was to ignore Afghanistan and pretend American troops weren't coming home maimed or in body bags. The U.S. is the greatest military in the world and under Hussein's leadership (or lack of it) Americans were forced to fight by rules set by the enemy.

Wrong dude. The whole world is laughing at us because we have a very weak president. Even Putin and Assad are scared of Obama. Middle East is falling apart as we speak and Trump is making that happen.,

This president twitted, fantasized and admired Gen. Pershing last week. A fake war story. Now he is making a decision about Afghan war. That's scary.
Just imagine what the Taliban and ISIS are thinking about this boy president.

A new bill was introduced to have Trump undergo mental health evaluation. Trump needed that.

Lawmaker Urges Trump's Cabinet To Have Him Undergo Mental Health Evaluation | HuffPost
Welcome to LeftWingATopia where cognitive dissonance isn't a privilege, it's a requirement.

Morons you......just CANNOT understand this little fact because.....well, because you're thoroughly fucked up.....
What's the matter? not liking the taste of your own shoe leather? No reason to get all foaming at the mouth, it's not my fault you chose to make a fool of yourself.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." -- Socrates

You voted for this idiot based on his promises....
LOL, I didn't vote for Trump or that other serial liar that was running against him... so I'm afraid you're the one that's been "duped" and continues to be "duped" into thinking that your endless stream of repetitive "bash Trump no matter what" threads make any difference to anyone's opinions other than reinforcing the opinion that you're just a mindless hyper-partisan automaton.

the idiot breaks ALL of his promises....
No shit sherlock, they all do it, all the time, I never expected President Twitter or any other politician to keep any promises which explains why I don't worship them like you do, replace the R behind Trumps name with a D and you'd be falling all over yourself to defend his every action no matter how ludicrous and no matter how they squared with any "promises" that he made on the campaign trail.
Trump is the worst president ever. He is the only president to break promises said on the campaign trail. Sad.

No, no....don't get me wrong......I am sure that in your fucked up "reality" you

...admire that wall paid by Mexico are ecstatic that we have a HC plan that covers EVERYBODY and is cheaper and better are in full agreement that the new tax reform greatly helps the middle class couldn't agree more that Trump knows more than the generals
How old are you? 6?
Why the fuck are you still here, if your President isn't making your life better? The last "president" opened the door to your Socialist Utopian Paradise(Cuba) with its pristine beaches waiting for you to visit. Instead of bitching to US all the time, take the plunge and leave, just leave your passport at the border, because We the People are tired of your whiney ass, butt hurt, petulant, little spoiled brats. Or if you wont do that, then STFU..

....and what makes your half brain "think" that you and your screwed up ilk deserves this country more than someone like me???...............LOL
Because you're a braindead worthless traitorous marxist leftist fool.
Welcome to LeftWingATopia where cognitive dissonance isn't a privilege, it's a requirement.

Morons you......just CANNOT understand this little fact because.....well, because you're thoroughly fucked up.....

You voted for this idiot based on his promises....the idiot breaks ALL of his promises....and you either bend over because you've grown to like getting screwed....OR, you defend the idiot because you're too embarrassed that you're so damn easily duped.

Deportations are up, our trade enemies are unhappy, I haven't heard about legal immigration, but I am hopeful.
Well, now he's listening to his generals instead of following his gut.

BTW, morons.....I agree with the generals to NOT fully withdraw from Afghanistan,
but I do NOT agree with the generals to place even MORE American lives in the shooting gallery so that we may "defend" for an indefinite number of years a corrupt and inept Afghani administration. .

So, that time when so many of you libs (you personally?) were going on and on about how arrogant Trump was, and thus he would never listen to expert advice,

can you see now that you were suffering from mass hysterical at that time?
Slowly but surely, Trump acolytes are starting to realize the difference between demagoguery and stark reality.

Last night's Trump's reading of a prepared speech, is yet another example of how folks can be easily fooled by false promises (here's an example from 2013......"Let’s get out of Afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the Afghanis we train and we waste billions there. Nonsense! "........and the reality that a neophyte like Trump had to backtrack when he realized that rhetoric only works on the ignorant ones among us.

I actually agree with the generals that the void that would be created in Afghanistan upon our quick departure, would be disastrous, and would allow yet another radical Muslim group(s) to find a haven there.

Our sane choices are limited and costly. We either reach the conclusion that Afghanistan will be yet another Korean peninsula debacle......OR, we address the root problem for our [now] decade long hatred between us and Muslim fanatics......and that is, Israeli aggression in Palestine.

The point, however, as revealed in last night;s speech, is simple.....Trump has shown that he has NO CLUE about governing our nation, and that his inanely conceived "promises" are just that......bullshit.

Right wing Trump backers can repeat all they want that "they won", and that appointing Gorsuch is "all that matters," but saner ones are now reaching the conclusion that Trump was, is, and will always be a charlatan unworthy of the oval office.
And yet another Trump lie.

Trump lied about being a neo-isolationist, Trump lied about ‘America First.’

What’s sad and tragic is that Trump is going to perpetuate Bush’s failed, illegal war, with more Americans’ lives lost.

So, you hated him before for being isolationist.

And now you hate him for NOT being isolationist, and continuing Bush and Obama's war?

Do you see how that undermines your credibility?
It is nothing short of a damn miracle that some Afghani radical group has not been able to place their murderous hands on a Pakistani nuke........

Talking directly with the Taliban would not be a bad idea.

If Trump tried talking the Taliban, you lefties would attack him for that.
Didn't Barry Hussein set a date for pulling Troops out of Afghanistan? You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic that Hussein's strategy was to ignore Afghanistan and pretend American troops weren't coming home maimed or in body bags. The U.S. is the greatest military in the world and under Hussein's leadership (or lack of it) Americans were forced to fight by rules set by the enemy.

Wrong dude. The whole world is laughing at us because we have a very weak president. Even Putin and Assad are scared of Obama. Middle East is falling apart as we speak and Trump is making that happen.,

The world is unhappy because we have a president who is not supportive of their agendas.

If they think that America is weak, they are welcome to try fucking with US.

That might not work out to well for them.

NOte how NONE of your "world" has asked US to leave. We still lead NATO. South Korean hasn't asked US to pull out.

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