Yet ANOTHER "broken promise" by Trump

Trump is the worst president ever. He is the only president to break promises said on the campaign trail. Sad.
Obama promised to close Gitmo.

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Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

TNHarly specified that Trump was the worst president ever because of broken promises.

POinting out that another presidential contender broke promises is thus on topic.

IF Billyboom had just said, Trump broke a promise, your point would be valid.

But he didn't.

Deportation is always up Correll. Obama deported over 200,000 last year 2016. Trump is no where close to that number.

The end result of making or having an trade war enemies is the high consumers cost. You will end up the blunt force of this idioticism.

As I said before. You better pray you don't get sick.

Deportations are up, i'm happy.

ANd we've been in a trade war for generations. We just haven't been fighting back. I've lived the cost in my rust belt city.

Before I will say something that do not fit your support to Trump. I will give you a chance.
The trade war that you and I are talking about are the TRADE Deficits or unbalanced from our trade partners like China, Mexico, Japan and Canada.

Explain that first what and why you think we need and should go to a trade war.

Because there is either A. no way that such massive trade deficits are the result of fair competition, or B. if we Americans are really that incompetent then we need to run away from the fight.

Middle America is suffering hard because of the loss of jobs from Trade.

I live in the Rust Belt. I grew up here. These people are/were Union Dems so deep that I could never have imagined them flipping.

BUt they eventually did. Because Globalization has fucked them majorly for generations and they finally had a candidate that was against it.

Good try Correll but not enough.

Trade deficits against our trade partners like Mexico or Japan only existed because we Americans are the biggest spender in goods around the world. We are biggest market in the world.

Being the biggest market does not explain our massive trade deficit with the rest of the world. The Rest of the World, has plenty of spending to balance out trade.

We demands and buy more goods from them than we sell. That is why trade deficits will never go away.

Mexico is not limiting what we sell to Mexico and even if we sell our products made in US it's more expensive than anywhere or anybody else. That the reason why Trump products are made from foreign countries.

I don't know that Mexico is not limiting or discouraging our sales there. Ditto with the rest of the world. COnsidering that we nearly always lose, I find it hard to believe that there are not barriers to our trade.

Running away from the fight meaning 1. We are going to make our products here. 2. Stop buying foreign products. 3. Increase the tariff to all products that comes in = We as Americans consumers will pay for the higher cost. Our products cannot compete around the world because our labor charge are to high.
Meaning ALL prices of items from foods to services ( like cars, salons, restaurants etc etc) to health insurance will goes up tremendously across the board.

I do no except the NAFTA renegotiation will come out positive for Trump.

If that is what it takes to stop the absurd imbalance of trade, that is a price I am willing to pay.

You don't know much about trade deficits so I don't want to waste my time. But read this link to help you out.

What Trump doesn’t get about free trade. Most everything

I understand you fully sold your soul, principles and decency to Trump but think for a moment what you are saying.
You are willing to pay high price just because of ego, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy and failures.
We are not talking about just one item here. We are talking about a massive increase of ALL goods and services across the board. If you are only relying with your SS checks. How much and long do you think that will stretch with massive increases?
What do you think will happen to poor Americans? Are you speaking for them?

Get a grip Correll.

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