Zone1 YHWH(Jehovah)

Communism sure. That's obvious. Why do you believe capitalism has always subordinate religion?

Socialism doesn't always subordinate religion, look at Europe, any more than capitalism does. As for capitalism, countries like Spain and England colonized and destroyed the native religions.
Why do English-speaking Evangelicals and Catholics try to cast a demon out of me whenever I tell them their messiah's name is actually Joshua? That's his name. Joshua, from the Hebrew Yehoshua.
I am a Catholic. Never met a Catholic who had any issues with Yehoshua/Joshua. It is fairly common knowledge.
YHWH, is pronounced by some as Yahweh or Yahua. He also revealed Himself to Moses as Anna Hyah Asher Anna Hyah, meaning I am because I am.
Biblically He is also called Elohim or El, meaning Mighty One.
Nowhere in the original Bible was He called God; Because God or Gad is the Babylonian idol for good luck.

Joshua, was really something close to YahuaShua meaning Yahweh Saves.
And Christ had the same name. The word/name 'Jesus' was not created until about 500 years ago, and is essentially how the Pharisees viewed Christ; As an unfaithful seducing pig, which is basically what Jesus, pronounced Gesus, means in the Greek of that time.
Socialism doesn't always subordinate religion, look at Europe, any more than capitalism does. As for capitalism, countries like Spain and England colonized and destroyed the native religions.
:link: that explains how and why capitalism subordinated religion.

Here's mine.

"...It is especially easy for us to observe socialism's hostility to religion, for this is inherent, with few exceptions, in all contemporary socialist states and doctrines. Only rarely is the abolition of religion legislated, as it was in Albania. But the actions of other socialist states leave no doubt that they are all governed by this very principle and that only external difficulties have prevented its complete implementation. This same principle has been repeatedly proclaimed in socialist doctrines, beginning with the end of the seventeenth century. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century doctrines are imbued with cold skeptical and ironic attitudes toward religion. If not consciously, then "objectively," they prepared humanity for the convergence of socialist ideology and militant atheism that took place at the end of the seventeenth century and during the course of the eighteenth. The heretical movements of the Middle Ages were religious in character, but those in which socialist tendencies were especially pronounced were the ones that were irrevocably opposed to the actual religion professed by the majority at the time. Calls to assassinate the Pope and to annihilate all monks and priests run like a red thread through the history of these movements. Their hatred for the basic symbols of Christianity--the cross and the church--is very striking. We encounter the burning of crosses and the profanation of churches from the first centuries of Christianity right up to the present day..."
:link: that explains how and why capitalism subordinated religion.

Here's mine.

"...It is especially easy for us to observe socialism's hostility to religion, for this is inherent, with few exceptions, in all contemporary socialist states and doctrines. Only rarely is the abolition of religion legislated, as it was in Albania. But the actions of other socialist states leave no doubt that they are all governed by this very principle and that only external difficulties have prevented its complete implementation. This same principle has been repeatedly proclaimed in socialist doctrines, beginning with the end of the seventeenth century. Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century doctrines are imbued with cold skeptical and ironic attitudes toward religion. If not consciously, then "objectively," they prepared humanity for the convergence of socialist ideology and militant atheism that took place at the end of the seventeenth century and during the course of the eighteenth. The heretical movements of the Middle Ages were religious in character, but those in which socialist tendencies were especially pronounced were the ones that were irrevocably opposed to the actual religion professed by the majority at the time. Calls to assassinate the Pope and to annihilate all monks and priests run like a red thread through the history of these movements. Their hatred for the basic symbols of Christianity--the cross and the church--is very striking. We encounter the burning of crosses and the profanation of churches from the first centuries of Christianity right up to the present day..."
If you need a link to confirm that "countries like Spain and England colonized and destroyed the native religions" you need more than a link but try this to start.

So your link is someone's opinion? Someone who isn't even an authority:
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich was a Soviet and Russian mathematician who contributed to algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Outside mathematics, he wrote books and articles that criticised socialism and other books which were described as anti-semitic. Wikipedia

Really no better than no link at all.
If you need a link to confirm that "countries like Spain and England colonized and destroyed the native religions" you need more than a link but try this to start.

So your link is someone's opinion? Someone who isn't even an authority:
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich was a Soviet and Russian mathematician who contributed to algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Outside mathematics, he wrote books and articles that criticised socialism and other books which were described as anti-semitic. Wikipedia

Really no better than no link at all.
No. I need a link linking that to capitalism.
So your link is someone's opinion? Someone who isn't even an authority:
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich was a Soviet and Russian mathematician who contributed to algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Outside mathematics, he wrote books and articles that criticised socialism and other books which were described as anti-semitic. Wikipedia

Really no better than no link at all.


Russian-language entries are transcribed according to the Library of Congress system.

1. H. G. Wells. Russia in the Shadows. New York, 1921.

2. Aristophanes. The Congresswomen (Ecclesiazusae). Trans. Douglass Parker. Ann Arbor, 1967.

3. K. Marx and F. Engels. Sochineniia (Works, in Russian), vols. 1-15, 17-19, 21-29. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928-48.

4. H. Marcuse. Psychoanalyse und Politik. Vienna, 1968.

5. Plato. Republic. Trans. Paul Shorey. Cambridge, Mass., 1930.

6. R. Pohlmann. Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Sozialismus. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, lstoriia antichnogo kommunizma i sotsialisma, St. Petersburg, 1910.)

7. W. Schultz. Documente der Gnosis. Jena, 1910.

8. A. Christensen. Le Règne du roi Kawadh I et communisme mazdakite. In: Det. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Historisk-filologiske middelelser (Copenhagen), vol. IX, no. 6 (1925).

9. Ch. Hahn. Geschichte der Ketzer im Mittelalter, besonders im 11, 12 und 13 Jahrhundert, nach Quellen bearbeitet, 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1845-47.

10. J. Dollinger. Beitrage zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters. Erster Theil. Geschichte der gnostisch-manichäischen Sekten. Munich, 1890.

11. S. Runciman. The Medieval Manichee. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

12. J. J. Herzog. Abriss der gesamten Kirchengeschichte. Bd. I, Abt. 2. Die römisch-katholische Kirche des Mittelalters. Erlangen, 1890.

13. M. Beer. Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen Kämpfe. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Vseobshchaia istoriia sotsializma i sotsial'noi bor'by, Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.) ,

14. H. Grundmann. Ketzergeschichte des Mittelalters. Gottingen, 1963.

15. M. Erbstösser and E. E. Werner. ldeologische Probleme des mittelalterlichen Plebejertums. Berlin, 1960.


16. T. Buttner and E. Werner. Circumcellionen und Adamiten. Berlin, 1959.

17. M. Erbstösser. Sozialreligiöse Strömungen im späten Mittelalter. Berlin, 1970.

18. Herbert Grundmann. Religiöse Bewegungen im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1935.

19. J. Macek. Tabor v gusitskom revoliutsionnom dvizhenii (Tabor in the Hussite Revolutionary Movement, in Russian; original in Czech), vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.

20. M. M. Smirin. Narodnaia reformatsiia Tomasa Miuntsera i velikaia krest'ianskaia voina (The Popular Reformation of Thomas Müntzer and the Great Peasant War, in Russian). Moscow, 1955.

21. J. Macek. Gusitskoe revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie (The Hussite Revolutionary Movement, in Russian; original in Czech). Moscow, 1954.

22. L. Ranke. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation. Bd. II, Berlin, 1842.

23. F. Bezold. Geschichte der deutschen Reformation. Berlin, 1886.

24. L. Keller. Die Reformation und die älteren Reformparteien. Leipzig, 1885.

25. L. Keller. Johann von Staupitz und die Anfänge der Reformation. Leipzig, 1888.

26. L. Keller. Die Anfänge der Reformation und die Ketzerschulen. Berlin, 1897.

27. L. Müller. Der Kommunismus der mährischen Wiedertäufer. Leipzig, 1927.

28. T Müntzer. Sein Leben und seine Schriften. Ed. Otto H. Brandt. Jena, 1933.

29. L. Keller. Geschichte der Wiedertäufer und ihres Reichs zu Münster. Münster, 1888.

30. R. Barclay. The Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Commonwealth. London, 1879.

31. W. D. Morris. The Christian Origins of Social Revolt. London, 1949.

32. A. L. Morton. The World of the Ranters. London, 1970.

33. E. Bernstein. Sozialismus und Demokratie in der grossen englischen Revolution. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Sotsializm i demokratiia v velikoi angliiskoi revoliutsii, Leningrad, 1924.)

34. G. Weingarten. Revolutionskirchen Englands. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Narodnaia reformatsiia v Anglii XVII v., Moscow, 1901.)

35. G. Winstanley. The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1973.

36. H. Hollorenshaw. The Levellers and the English Revolution. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Levellery i angliiskaia revoliutsiia, Moscow, 1947.)

37. J. Krone. Fra Dolcino und die Patarenen. Leipzig, 1844.

38. A. Hausrat. Die Weltverbesserer im Mittelalter. Bd. III. Die Arnoldisten. Leipzig, 1885.


39. K. Kautsky. Vorlaufer des neueren Sozialismus, 2 vols. Bd. II. Der Kommunismus in der deutschen Reformation. Stuttgart, 1913.

40. G. Adler. Geschichte des Sozialismus und Kommunismus von Plato bis zur Gegenwart. Bd. I. Leipzig, 1920.

41. J. Dollinger. Kirche und Kirchen: Papstum und Kirchenstaat. Munich, 1861.

42. T. More. Utopia. (Page references are to the Russian translation, Zolotaia kniga, stol' zhe poleznaia, kak zabavnaia, o nailuchshem ustroistve gosudarstva i o novom ostrove Utopii. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

43. T. Campanella. Civitas Solis. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Gorod Solntsa. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

44. D. Vairasse. L 'Histoire des Sevarambes. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istoriia severambov. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

45. Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur. In: Bibliothèque des voyages imaginaires, vol. XXIV. Paris, 1787-89.

46. Fenelon. Les A ventures de Telemaque. In: Oeuvres completes, v. VI. Paris, 1851.

47. La République des Philosophes ou l'histoire des Ajaoiens. Ouvrage posthume de M. de Fontenelle. Geneva, 1768.

48. Restif de la Bretonne. La Decouverte australe par un homme volant ou le Dedale français: nouvelle tres philosophique. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Iuzhnoe otkrytie, sdelannoe letaiushchim chelovekom, ili Frantsuzskii Dedal: chresvychaino filosofskaia povest', Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.)

49. Jean Meslier. Testament. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Zaveshchanie, 3 vols. Moscow, 1954.)

50. Morelly. Le Code de la nature ou le Véritable Esprit de ses lois de tout temps négligé ou méconnu. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Kodeks prirody ili dukh ee zakonov, Moscow, 1947.)

51. V. P. Vol gin. Razvitie obshchestvennoi mysli vo Frantsii v XVIII veke (The Development of Social Thought in France in the XVIII Century, in Russian). Moscow, 1958.

52. D. Diderot. Sobranie sochinenii (Works, in Russian), 10 vols. Moscow-Leningrad, 1935-47, vol. II.

53. Dom Léger Marie Deschamps. La Vérité ou le Véritable Système. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istina ili istinnaia sistema, Moscow, 1973.)

54. S. Vasil'ev. vvedenie" ("Introduction," in Russian) to an earlier Russian edition of Deschamps' book. Baku, 1930.

55. P. Buonarroti. Conspiration pour l'egalite. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Zagovor vo imia ravenstva, 2 vols., Moscow, 1963.)

56. L. Baudin. Les Incas du Perou. Paris, 1947.

57. R. Karsten. Das Altperuanische Inkareich. Leipzig, 1949.

58. Garcilaso de la Vega. Comentarios reales de los Incas. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istoriia gosudarstva inkov, Leningrad, 1974.)


59. H. Cunow. Geschichte und Kultur des Inkareiches. Amsterdam, 1937.

60. C. Lugon. La République communiste chrétienne des Guaranis. Paris, 1949.

61. G. Otruba. Der Jesuitenstaat im Paraguay. Idee und Wirklichkeit. Vienna, 1962.

62. P. Lafargue. Der Jesuitenstaat im Paraguay. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Iezuitskie respubliki, St. Petersburg, 1904.)

63. V. V. Sviatlovskii. Kommunisticheskoe gosudarstvo iezuitov v Paragvae v XVII i XVIII st. (The Communist State of the Jesuits in Paraguay in the XVII-XVIII Centuries, in Russian). Petrograd, 1924.

64. A. Kirchenheim. Geschichte der Dichtung vom besten Staate. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Vechnaia utopiia, St. Petersburg, 1902.)

65. A. I. Tiumenev. Gosudarstvennoe khoziastvo drevnego Shumera (The Economy of Ancient Sumer, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1956.

66. I. M. D'iakonov. Obshchestvennyi i gosudarstvennyi stroi drevnego Dvurech'ia. Shumer (The Social and State System of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer, in Russian). Moscow, 1959.

67. A. Deimel. Sumerische Tempelwirtschaft zur Zeit Urukaginas und seiner Vorläufer. Rome, 1931. (Analecta Orientalia, no. 2.)

68. R. McAdams. The Evolution of Urban Society. Early Mesopotamia and Prehistoric Mexico. Chicago, 1966.

69. I. J. Gelb. "From Freedom to Slavery. Gesellschaftsklassen im alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten." In: XVIII Recontre assyrologique internationale. München, 29 Juni-3 Juli 1970. Bayerische Akademie der Wisenschaften. Philosophisch-Historisch Klasse. Abhandlungen (Neue Folge), Heft 75, pp. 81-92.

70. I. J. Gelb. "Prisoners of War in Early Mesopotamia." Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 32, nos. 1-2 (January-April, 1973).

71. J. Pirenne. Histoire des institutions etdu droit prive de l'ancienne Egypte, vols. I-III. Brussels, 1932-35.

72. Ed. Meyer. Geschichte des Altertums. Bd. I, Abt. II. Stuttgart-Berlin, 1926.

73. H. Kees. Ägypten. Munich, 1933.

74. S. Dairaines. Un socialisme d'Etat quinze siècles avant Jésus-Christ. Paris, 1934.

75. A. M. Hocart. Kingship. London, 1927.

76. J. Engnell. Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East. Uppsala, 1943.

77. H. Maspero. La Chine Antique. Paris, 1927.

78. Kuo Mo-jo (Guo Mo-ruo). Bronzovyi vek (The Bronze Age, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1959.

79. Kuo Mo-jo (Guo Mo-ruo). Epokha rabovladel'cheskogo stroia (The Period of the Slave-Owning Social Structure, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1956.

80. M. Kokin and G. Papaian. "Tsin' Tian '. " Agranyi stroi drevnego Kitaia ("Chün-T'ien." The Agrarian Structure of Ancient China, in Russian). Leningrad, 1930.


81. L. I. Duman. Ocherki drevnei istorii Kitaia (Essays on Ancient Chinese History, in Russian). Leningrad, 1938.

82. L. S. Perelomov. Imperiia Tsin'(The Ch'in Empire, in Russian). Moscow, 1962.

83. H. Frankfort. The Birth of Civilization in the Near East. New York, 1956.

84. Shang Yang. Kniga pravitelia oblasti Shan (Book of the Ruler of Shang, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1968.

85. Qcherki po istorii Kitaia (Essays on Chinese History, in Russian). Ed. by Shang Yü-erh. Moscow, 1959.

86. K. Marx. "Formy, predshestvuiushchie kapitalisticheskomu proizvodstvu" ("Forms Preceding Capitalist Production," in Russian). In: Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, 1939, no. 3.

87. Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1940, no. 1.

88. Problemy dokapitalisticheskikh obshchestv v stranakh Vostoka (Problems of pre-Capitalist Societies in the Countries of the Orient, in Russian). Moscow, 1971.

89. K. Wittfogel. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power. New Haven, Conn., 1957.

90. F. Heichelheim. An Ancient Economic History, v. I. Leiden, 1958.

91. Ed. Meyer. Kleine Schriften. Bd. I. Halle, 1924.

92. F. Dostoevskii. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Collected Works, in Russian). 30 vols. Leningrad, 1972-.

93. M. V. Shchekin. Kak zhit' po novomu (How to Live in the New Way, in Russian). Kostroma, 1925.

94. D. Koigen. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen philosophischen Sozialismus in Deutschland. Bern, 1901.

95. Michail Bakunins sozial-politischer Briefwechsel mit Alexander Ivanovitsch Herzen. Stuttgart, 1895.

96. M. Pokrovskii. Ocherki po istorii revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia v Rossii XIX i XX v. v. (Essays on the History of the Revolutionary Movement in Russia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, in Russian). Moscow, 1924.

97. Charles Fourier. La Theorié des quatre mouvements et des destinées générales. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Teoriia chetyrekh dvizhenii i vseobshchikh sudeb. In: Izbrannye sochineniia, vol. I, Moscow, 1938.)

98. F. Engels. Anti-Dühring. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Anti-Diuring, Moscow, 1965.)

99. Osnovy marksizma (The Foundations of Marxism, in Russian). Samizdat, 1971.

100. S. Bulgakov. Karl Marks kak religioznyi tip (Karl Marx as a Religious Type, in Russian). Moscow, 1911.

101. K. Jaspers. Möglichkeiten eines neuen Humanismus. Rechenschaft und Ausblick. Munich, 1951.


102. N. Bukharin. Ekonomika perekhodnogo perioda (The Economic Structure of the Transitional Period, in Russian). Moscow, 1920.

103. K. Kautsky. Von der Demokratie zu der Staats-Sklaverei. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Trotzki. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Ot demokratii k gosudarstvennomu rabstvu. [Otvet Trotskomu].) Berlin, 1921.

104. W. S. Schlamm. Die jungen Herren der alten Erde (Vom neuen Stil der Macht). Stuttgart, 1962.

105. XIII s"ezd RKP(b) (The Thirteenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party). Moscow, 1924.

106. N. Valentinov. "Piatakov i bol'shevizm" ("Piatakov and Bolshevism," in Russian). In: Novyi zhurnal (New York), no. 52, 1958.

107. R. Chauvin. De l'abeille au gorille. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Ot pchely do gorilly, Moscow, 1965.)

108. K. Jaspers. Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte. Zurich, 1949.

109. V. S. Solov'ev (Soloviev). Sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh (Collected Works, in Russian). 10 vols. St. Petersburg, 1911.

110. S. Bulgakov. Khristianstvo i sotsializm (Christianity and Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1917.

111. B. P. Koz'min. Nechaev i nechaevtsy (Nechaev and the Nechaevists, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.

112. D. Riazanov. "Marks i Engels o brake i sem'e" ("Marx and Engels on Marriage and the Family," in Russian). In: Letopisi marksizma, v. III, 1927.

113. V. I. Lenin. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Collected Works, in Russian), fifth edition. 55 vols. Moscow, 1958-65.

114. C. Hugo. Der Sozialismus in Frankreich im XVII und XVIII Jahrhundert. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Sotsializm vo Frantsii v XVII i XVIII stoletiiakh, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, 1924.)

115. S. Bulgakov. Pervokhristianstvo i noveishii sotsializm (Early Christianity and Modern Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1911.

116. S. Frank. "Etika nigilizma" ("The Ethics of Nihilism," in Russian). In: Vekhi (Landmarks), Moscow, 1909.

117. G. Le Bon. Psychologie du socialisme. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Psikhologiia sotsializma, St. Petersburg, 1908.)

118. W. Gurian. Der Bolschewismus. Freiburg, 1931.

119. H. Marcuse. Eros and Civilization. A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston, 1955.

120. IX s"ezd RKP(b) (Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party). Moscow, 1920.

121. L. Trotskii. Terrorizm i kommunizm. Anti-Kautskii (Terrorism and Communism. Anti-Kautsky, in Russian). 1920. (Quotations taken from 103, which is a response to 121.)

122. A. M. Kollontai. Novaia moral' i rabochii klass (The New Morals and the Working Class, in Russian). Moscow, 1919.

123. G. Grigorov and S. Shkotov. Staryi i novyi byt (The Old and the New Way of Life, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.


124. I. Il'inskii. Pravo i byt (The Way of Life and the Law, in Russian). Leningrad, 1925.

125. Sem'ia i byt (The Family and the Way of Life, in Russian). Collection of essays compiled by A. Adol'f, B. Boichevskii, V. Stroev, and M. Shishkevich. Moscow, 1927.

126. Vserossiiskii Tsentral 'nyi Ispolnitel 'nyi Komitet XII sozyva. Vtoraia sessia (stenograficheskii otchet) (All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Second Session of the XII Congress. [Stenographic record]). Moscow, 1925.

127. M. N. Liadov. Voprosy byta (About the Way of Life, in Russian). Moscow, 1925.

128. S. Ia. Vol'fson. Sotsiologiia braka i sem'i (Sociology of Marriage and the Family, in Russian). Minsk, 1929.

129. A. Borovoi. Obshchestvennye idealy sovremennogo chelovechestva (Social Ideals of Contemporary Mankind, in Russian). Moscow, 1927.

130. Brothers Gordin. Sotsiologiia i sotsiotekhnika (Sociology and Sociotechnology, in Russian). Petrograd, 1918.

131. E. Enchmen. Vosemnadtsat' tezisov o teorii novoi biologii (Eighteen Theses on the Theory of the New Biology, in Russian). Piatigorsk, 1920.

132. A. Stoliarov. Dialekticheskii materializm i mekhanisty (Dialectical Materialism and the Mechanists, in Russian). Leningrad, 1929.

133. B. Arvatov. Iskusstvo i proizvodstvo (Art and Production, in Russian). Moscow, 1926.

134. Rogovin. "Problema tvorcheskogo metoda v ideino-khudozhestvennoi bor'be 20-kh g.g." ("The Issue of Creative Method in the Ideological and Artistic Debates of the 1920s," in Russian.) In: Voprosy estetiki, Moscow, 1971, no. 9.

135. K. Kautsky. Ein Brief über Marx und Mach. Der Kampf Vienna, 1909. Bd.2.

136. S. Minin. "Filosofiiu za bort" ("Throwing Philosophy Overboard," in Russian). In: Pod znamenem marksizma, 1922, nos. 5-6.

137. P. Blonskii. Sovremennaiafilosofiia (Contemporary Philosophy). Moscow, 1918.

138. I. V. Stalin. Ekonomicheskie problemy sotsializma (Economic Problems of Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1952.

139. A. Toynbee. An Historian's Approach to Religion. London, 1956.

140. K. Jaspers. Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte. Zurich, 1949.

141: L. Mumford. The Myth of the Machine. New York, 1962.

142. M. Walser. "Über die neusten Stimmungen im Westen." In: Kursbuch, Bd. 20, 1970, S. 19-41.

143. Ph. Gavi, J.-P. Sartre, P. Victor. On a raison de se revolter. Paris, 1974.

144. K. Lorenz. Das sogenannte Bose. Vienna, 1963.

145. H. M. Enzensberger. "Baukasten zu einer Theorie der Medien." In: Kursbuch, Bd. 20, 1970, S. 159-186.

146. Letopisi marksizma (Annals of Marxism, in Russian), v. III, 1927. '

147. Jerry Rubin. Do It! (Scenario of the Revolution). New York, 1970.

148. J. Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Grundriss der vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung. Munich, 1967.


149. A. P. Elkin. The Australian Aborigines. Sydney-London, 1938. (Russian translation, Moscow, 1952.)

150. G. Childe. What Happened in History. London, 1942.

151. Iu. Steklov. Mikhail Bakunin (in Russian), v. III. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.

152. K. Kautsky. Terrorismus und Kommunismus. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Terrorizm i kommunizm, Berlin, 1919.)

153. S.-H. Saint-Simon. Izbrannye sochineniia (Selected Works, in Russian), vol. I. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.

154. A. S. Izgoev. "Ob intelligentnoi molodezhi" ("On the Youthful Intelligentsia," in Russian). In: Vekhi (Landmarks), Moscow, 1909.

155. Byloe, no. I, July, 1917. (In Russian.)

156. I. R. Shafarevich. "Socialism in Our Past and Future." In: From Under the Rubble. Ed. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975. (Russian edition published in Paris, 1974.)

157. F. M. Dostoevskii. Sobranie sochinenii (Works, in Russian), 10 vols. Moscow, 1956-58, vol. IX.

158. H. Oldenberg. Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Budda, ego zhizn', uchenie i obshchina, Moscow, 1884.)

159. S. Radhakrishnan. Indian Philosophy, vol. I. New York and London, 1923.

160. The Elder Edda. (Russian translation, Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.)

161. M. Stirner. Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. (Russian translation, St. Petersburg, 1909.)

162. M. Heidegger. Sein und Zeit. Halle an der Saale, 1929.

163. M. Heidegger. Holzwege. Frankfurt am Main, 1950.

164. J.-P. Sartre. L 'Être et le Néant. Paris, 1943.

165. M. Heidegger. Nietzsche. Bd. II. Berlin, 1961.

166. J. Dembowski. Psikhologiia zhivotnykh (Psychology of Animals, in Russian; original in Polish). Moscow, 1959.

167. R. Stammler. Wirtschaft und Recht nach der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung, 2nd ed. Berlin-Leipzig, 1906.

168. Aggression und Anpassung in der Industriegesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main, 1969.
Every materialist ideology is antithetical to the message of Jesus and what he represents.
If you need a link to confirm that "countries like Spain and England colonized and destroyed the native religions" you need more than a link but try this to start.

So your link is someone's opinion? Someone who isn't even an authority:
Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich was a Soviet and Russian mathematician who contributed to algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. Outside mathematics, he wrote books and articles that criticised socialism and other books which were described as anti-semitic. Wikipedia

Really no better than no link at all.
You really should be embarrassed to make those arguments.
100% fact-he is the only true God-The Abrahamic God, a single being God.

I’m not very religious but I recognize an erroneous assertion when I see one. It may very well be that there is but one true God. And it appears to be very clear that you BELIEVE what you wrote about that God.

But your belief does not constitute a “fact.” You fail to distinguish between “belief” and “fact.” The distinction matters.
This first part I find to be in accord or at the very least not in conflict w/ the Bible:
100% fact-he is the only true God-The Abrahamic God, a single being God. The God Israel served in the OT. All other gods are false
This second part seems to me as being not from and at odds w/ the Bible:
, satan posing as them to get worship misleading 99% on the earth. Jesus warned all about that-John 4:22-24
--in fact the Biblical passage you sited never mentioned anything about 99% on earth being mislead. (from here)
22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Can we agree at least that the 99% is not from the Bible?


Russian-language entries are transcribed according to the Library of Congress system.

1. H. G. Wells. Russia in the Shadows. New York, 1921.

2. Aristophanes. The Congresswomen (Ecclesiazusae). Trans. Douglass Parker. Ann Arbor, 1967.

3. K. Marx and F. Engels. Sochineniia (Works, in Russian), vols. 1-15, 17-19, 21-29. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928-48.

4. H. Marcuse. Psychoanalyse und Politik. Vienna, 1968.

5. Plato. Republic. Trans. Paul Shorey. Cambridge, Mass., 1930.

6. R. Pohlmann. Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Sozialismus. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, lstoriia antichnogo kommunizma i sotsialisma, St. Petersburg, 1910.)

7. W. Schultz. Documente der Gnosis. Jena, 1910.

8. A. Christensen. Le Règne du roi Kawadh I et communisme mazdakite. In: Det. Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab: Historisk-filologiske middelelser (Copenhagen), vol. IX, no. 6 (1925).

9. Ch. Hahn. Geschichte der Ketzer im Mittelalter, besonders im 11, 12 und 13 Jahrhundert, nach Quellen bearbeitet, 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1845-47.

10. J. Dollinger. Beitrage zur Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters. Erster Theil. Geschichte der gnostisch-manichäischen Sekten. Munich, 1890.

11. S. Runciman. The Medieval Manichee. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

12. J. J. Herzog. Abriss der gesamten Kirchengeschichte. Bd. I, Abt. 2. Die römisch-katholische Kirche des Mittelalters. Erlangen, 1890.

13. M. Beer. Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen Kämpfe. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Vseobshchaia istoriia sotsializma i sotsial'noi bor'by, Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.) ,

14. H. Grundmann. Ketzergeschichte des Mittelalters. Gottingen, 1963.

15. M. Erbstösser and E. E. Werner. ldeologische Probleme des mittelalterlichen Plebejertums. Berlin, 1960.


16. T. Buttner and E. Werner. Circumcellionen und Adamiten. Berlin, 1959.

17. M. Erbstösser. Sozialreligiöse Strömungen im späten Mittelalter. Berlin, 1970.

18. Herbert Grundmann. Religiöse Bewegungen im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1935.

19. J. Macek. Tabor v gusitskom revoliutsionnom dvizhenii (Tabor in the Hussite Revolutionary Movement, in Russian; original in Czech), vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.

20. M. M. Smirin. Narodnaia reformatsiia Tomasa Miuntsera i velikaia krest'ianskaia voina (The Popular Reformation of Thomas Müntzer and the Great Peasant War, in Russian). Moscow, 1955.

21. J. Macek. Gusitskoe revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie (The Hussite Revolutionary Movement, in Russian; original in Czech). Moscow, 1954.

22. L. Ranke. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation. Bd. II, Berlin, 1842.

23. F. Bezold. Geschichte der deutschen Reformation. Berlin, 1886.

24. L. Keller. Die Reformation und die älteren Reformparteien. Leipzig, 1885.

25. L. Keller. Johann von Staupitz und die Anfänge der Reformation. Leipzig, 1888.

26. L. Keller. Die Anfänge der Reformation und die Ketzerschulen. Berlin, 1897.

27. L. Müller. Der Kommunismus der mährischen Wiedertäufer. Leipzig, 1927.

28. T Müntzer. Sein Leben und seine Schriften. Ed. Otto H. Brandt. Jena, 1933.

29. L. Keller. Geschichte der Wiedertäufer und ihres Reichs zu Münster. Münster, 1888.

30. R. Barclay. The Inner Life of the Religious Societies of the Commonwealth. London, 1879.

31. W. D. Morris. The Christian Origins of Social Revolt. London, 1949.

32. A. L. Morton. The World of the Ranters. London, 1970.

33. E. Bernstein. Sozialismus und Demokratie in der grossen englischen Revolution. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Sotsializm i demokratiia v velikoi angliiskoi revoliutsii, Leningrad, 1924.)

34. G. Weingarten. Revolutionskirchen Englands. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Narodnaia reformatsiia v Anglii XVII v., Moscow, 1901.)

35. G. Winstanley. The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1973.

36. H. Hollorenshaw. The Levellers and the English Revolution. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Levellery i angliiskaia revoliutsiia, Moscow, 1947.)

37. J. Krone. Fra Dolcino und die Patarenen. Leipzig, 1844.

38. A. Hausrat. Die Weltverbesserer im Mittelalter. Bd. III. Die Arnoldisten. Leipzig, 1885.


39. K. Kautsky. Vorlaufer des neueren Sozialismus, 2 vols. Bd. II. Der Kommunismus in der deutschen Reformation. Stuttgart, 1913.

40. G. Adler. Geschichte des Sozialismus und Kommunismus von Plato bis zur Gegenwart. Bd. I. Leipzig, 1920.

41. J. Dollinger. Kirche und Kirchen: Papstum und Kirchenstaat. Munich, 1861.

42. T. More. Utopia. (Page references are to the Russian translation, Zolotaia kniga, stol' zhe poleznaia, kak zabavnaia, o nailuchshem ustroistve gosudarstva i o novom ostrove Utopii. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

43. T. Campanella. Civitas Solis. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Gorod Solntsa. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

44. D. Vairasse. L 'Histoire des Sevarambes. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istoriia severambov. In: Utopicheskii roman XVI-XVII vekov, Moscow, 1971.)

45. Les Aventures de Jacques Sadeur. In: Bibliothèque des voyages imaginaires, vol. XXIV. Paris, 1787-89.

46. Fenelon. Les A ventures de Telemaque. In: Oeuvres completes, v. VI. Paris, 1851.

47. La République des Philosophes ou l'histoire des Ajaoiens. Ouvrage posthume de M. de Fontenelle. Geneva, 1768.

48. Restif de la Bretonne. La Decouverte australe par un homme volant ou le Dedale français: nouvelle tres philosophique. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Iuzhnoe otkrytie, sdelannoe letaiushchim chelovekom, ili Frantsuzskii Dedal: chresvychaino filosofskaia povest', Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.)

49. Jean Meslier. Testament. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Zaveshchanie, 3 vols. Moscow, 1954.)

50. Morelly. Le Code de la nature ou le Véritable Esprit de ses lois de tout temps négligé ou méconnu. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Kodeks prirody ili dukh ee zakonov, Moscow, 1947.)

51. V. P. Vol gin. Razvitie obshchestvennoi mysli vo Frantsii v XVIII veke (The Development of Social Thought in France in the XVIII Century, in Russian). Moscow, 1958.

52. D. Diderot. Sobranie sochinenii (Works, in Russian), 10 vols. Moscow-Leningrad, 1935-47, vol. II.

53. Dom Léger Marie Deschamps. La Vérité ou le Véritable Système. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istina ili istinnaia sistema, Moscow, 1973.)

54. S. Vasil'ev. vvedenie" ("Introduction," in Russian) to an earlier Russian edition of Deschamps' book. Baku, 1930.

55. P. Buonarroti. Conspiration pour l'egalite. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Zagovor vo imia ravenstva, 2 vols., Moscow, 1963.)

56. L. Baudin. Les Incas du Perou. Paris, 1947.

57. R. Karsten. Das Altperuanische Inkareich. Leipzig, 1949.

58. Garcilaso de la Vega. Comentarios reales de los Incas. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Istoriia gosudarstva inkov, Leningrad, 1974.)


59. H. Cunow. Geschichte und Kultur des Inkareiches. Amsterdam, 1937.

60. C. Lugon. La République communiste chrétienne des Guaranis. Paris, 1949.

61. G. Otruba. Der Jesuitenstaat im Paraguay. Idee und Wirklichkeit. Vienna, 1962.

62. P. Lafargue. Der Jesuitenstaat im Paraguay. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Iezuitskie respubliki, St. Petersburg, 1904.)

63. V. V. Sviatlovskii. Kommunisticheskoe gosudarstvo iezuitov v Paragvae v XVII i XVIII st. (The Communist State of the Jesuits in Paraguay in the XVII-XVIII Centuries, in Russian). Petrograd, 1924.

64. A. Kirchenheim. Geschichte der Dichtung vom besten Staate. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Vechnaia utopiia, St. Petersburg, 1902.)

65. A. I. Tiumenev. Gosudarstvennoe khoziastvo drevnego Shumera (The Economy of Ancient Sumer, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1956.

66. I. M. D'iakonov. Obshchestvennyi i gosudarstvennyi stroi drevnego Dvurech'ia. Shumer (The Social and State System of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer, in Russian). Moscow, 1959.

67. A. Deimel. Sumerische Tempelwirtschaft zur Zeit Urukaginas und seiner Vorläufer. Rome, 1931. (Analecta Orientalia, no. 2.)

68. R. McAdams. The Evolution of Urban Society. Early Mesopotamia and Prehistoric Mexico. Chicago, 1966.

69. I. J. Gelb. "From Freedom to Slavery. Gesellschaftsklassen im alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten." In: XVIII Recontre assyrologique internationale. München, 29 Juni-3 Juli 1970. Bayerische Akademie der Wisenschaften. Philosophisch-Historisch Klasse. Abhandlungen (Neue Folge), Heft 75, pp. 81-92.

70. I. J. Gelb. "Prisoners of War in Early Mesopotamia." Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 32, nos. 1-2 (January-April, 1973).

71. J. Pirenne. Histoire des institutions etdu droit prive de l'ancienne Egypte, vols. I-III. Brussels, 1932-35.

72. Ed. Meyer. Geschichte des Altertums. Bd. I, Abt. II. Stuttgart-Berlin, 1926.

73. H. Kees. Ägypten. Munich, 1933.

74. S. Dairaines. Un socialisme d'Etat quinze siècles avant Jésus-Christ. Paris, 1934.

75. A. M. Hocart. Kingship. London, 1927.

76. J. Engnell. Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East. Uppsala, 1943.

77. H. Maspero. La Chine Antique. Paris, 1927.

78. Kuo Mo-jo (Guo Mo-ruo). Bronzovyi vek (The Bronze Age, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1959.

79. Kuo Mo-jo (Guo Mo-ruo). Epokha rabovladel'cheskogo stroia (The Period of the Slave-Owning Social Structure, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1956.

80. M. Kokin and G. Papaian. "Tsin' Tian '. " Agranyi stroi drevnego Kitaia ("Chün-T'ien." The Agrarian Structure of Ancient China, in Russian). Leningrad, 1930.


81. L. I. Duman. Ocherki drevnei istorii Kitaia (Essays on Ancient Chinese History, in Russian). Leningrad, 1938.

82. L. S. Perelomov. Imperiia Tsin'(The Ch'in Empire, in Russian). Moscow, 1962.

83. H. Frankfort. The Birth of Civilization in the Near East. New York, 1956.

84. Shang Yang. Kniga pravitelia oblasti Shan (Book of the Ruler of Shang, in Russian; original in Chinese). Moscow, 1968.

85. Qcherki po istorii Kitaia (Essays on Chinese History, in Russian). Ed. by Shang Yü-erh. Moscow, 1959.

86. K. Marx. "Formy, predshestvuiushchie kapitalisticheskomu proizvodstvu" ("Forms Preceding Capitalist Production," in Russian). In: Proletarskaia revoliutsiia, 1939, no. 3.

87. Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1940, no. 1.

88. Problemy dokapitalisticheskikh obshchestv v stranakh Vostoka (Problems of pre-Capitalist Societies in the Countries of the Orient, in Russian). Moscow, 1971.

89. K. Wittfogel. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power. New Haven, Conn., 1957.

90. F. Heichelheim. An Ancient Economic History, v. I. Leiden, 1958.

91. Ed. Meyer. Kleine Schriften. Bd. I. Halle, 1924.

92. F. Dostoevskii. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Collected Works, in Russian). 30 vols. Leningrad, 1972-.

93. M. V. Shchekin. Kak zhit' po novomu (How to Live in the New Way, in Russian). Kostroma, 1925.

94. D. Koigen. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen philosophischen Sozialismus in Deutschland. Bern, 1901.

95. Michail Bakunins sozial-politischer Briefwechsel mit Alexander Ivanovitsch Herzen. Stuttgart, 1895.

96. M. Pokrovskii. Ocherki po istorii revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia v Rossii XIX i XX v. v. (Essays on the History of the Revolutionary Movement in Russia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, in Russian). Moscow, 1924.

97. Charles Fourier. La Theorié des quatre mouvements et des destinées générales. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Teoriia chetyrekh dvizhenii i vseobshchikh sudeb. In: Izbrannye sochineniia, vol. I, Moscow, 1938.)

98. F. Engels. Anti-Dühring. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Anti-Diuring, Moscow, 1965.)

99. Osnovy marksizma (The Foundations of Marxism, in Russian). Samizdat, 1971.

100. S. Bulgakov. Karl Marks kak religioznyi tip (Karl Marx as a Religious Type, in Russian). Moscow, 1911.

101. K. Jaspers. Möglichkeiten eines neuen Humanismus. Rechenschaft und Ausblick. Munich, 1951.


102. N. Bukharin. Ekonomika perekhodnogo perioda (The Economic Structure of the Transitional Period, in Russian). Moscow, 1920.

103. K. Kautsky. Von der Demokratie zu der Staats-Sklaverei. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Trotzki. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Ot demokratii k gosudarstvennomu rabstvu. [Otvet Trotskomu].) Berlin, 1921.

104. W. S. Schlamm. Die jungen Herren der alten Erde (Vom neuen Stil der Macht). Stuttgart, 1962.

105. XIII s"ezd RKP(b) (The Thirteenth Congress of the Russian Communist Party). Moscow, 1924.

106. N. Valentinov. "Piatakov i bol'shevizm" ("Piatakov and Bolshevism," in Russian). In: Novyi zhurnal (New York), no. 52, 1958.

107. R. Chauvin. De l'abeille au gorille. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Ot pchely do gorilly, Moscow, 1965.)

108. K. Jaspers. Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte. Zurich, 1949.

109. V. S. Solov'ev (Soloviev). Sobranie sochinenii v desiati tomakh (Collected Works, in Russian). 10 vols. St. Petersburg, 1911.

110. S. Bulgakov. Khristianstvo i sotsializm (Christianity and Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1917.

111. B. P. Koz'min. Nechaev i nechaevtsy (Nechaev and the Nechaevists, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.

112. D. Riazanov. "Marks i Engels o brake i sem'e" ("Marx and Engels on Marriage and the Family," in Russian). In: Letopisi marksizma, v. III, 1927.

113. V. I. Lenin. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii (Collected Works, in Russian), fifth edition. 55 vols. Moscow, 1958-65.

114. C. Hugo. Der Sozialismus in Frankreich im XVII und XVIII Jahrhundert. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Sotsializm vo Frantsii v XVII i XVIII stoletiiakh, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, 1924.)

115. S. Bulgakov. Pervokhristianstvo i noveishii sotsializm (Early Christianity and Modern Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1911.

116. S. Frank. "Etika nigilizma" ("The Ethics of Nihilism," in Russian). In: Vekhi (Landmarks), Moscow, 1909.

117. G. Le Bon. Psychologie du socialisme. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Psikhologiia sotsializma, St. Petersburg, 1908.)

118. W. Gurian. Der Bolschewismus. Freiburg, 1931.

119. H. Marcuse. Eros and Civilization. A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston, 1955.

120. IX s"ezd RKP(b) (Ninth Congress of the Russian Communist Party). Moscow, 1920.

121. L. Trotskii. Terrorizm i kommunizm. Anti-Kautskii (Terrorism and Communism. Anti-Kautsky, in Russian). 1920. (Quotations taken from 103, which is a response to 121.)

122. A. M. Kollontai. Novaia moral' i rabochii klass (The New Morals and the Working Class, in Russian). Moscow, 1919.

123. G. Grigorov and S. Shkotov. Staryi i novyi byt (The Old and the New Way of Life, in Russian). Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.


124. I. Il'inskii. Pravo i byt (The Way of Life and the Law, in Russian). Leningrad, 1925.

125. Sem'ia i byt (The Family and the Way of Life, in Russian). Collection of essays compiled by A. Adol'f, B. Boichevskii, V. Stroev, and M. Shishkevich. Moscow, 1927.

126. Vserossiiskii Tsentral 'nyi Ispolnitel 'nyi Komitet XII sozyva. Vtoraia sessia (stenograficheskii otchet) (All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Second Session of the XII Congress. [Stenographic record]). Moscow, 1925.

127. M. N. Liadov. Voprosy byta (About the Way of Life, in Russian). Moscow, 1925.

128. S. Ia. Vol'fson. Sotsiologiia braka i sem'i (Sociology of Marriage and the Family, in Russian). Minsk, 1929.

129. A. Borovoi. Obshchestvennye idealy sovremennogo chelovechestva (Social Ideals of Contemporary Mankind, in Russian). Moscow, 1927.

130. Brothers Gordin. Sotsiologiia i sotsiotekhnika (Sociology and Sociotechnology, in Russian). Petrograd, 1918.

131. E. Enchmen. Vosemnadtsat' tezisov o teorii novoi biologii (Eighteen Theses on the Theory of the New Biology, in Russian). Piatigorsk, 1920.

132. A. Stoliarov. Dialekticheskii materializm i mekhanisty (Dialectical Materialism and the Mechanists, in Russian). Leningrad, 1929.

133. B. Arvatov. Iskusstvo i proizvodstvo (Art and Production, in Russian). Moscow, 1926.

134. Rogovin. "Problema tvorcheskogo metoda v ideino-khudozhestvennoi bor'be 20-kh g.g." ("The Issue of Creative Method in the Ideological and Artistic Debates of the 1920s," in Russian.) In: Voprosy estetiki, Moscow, 1971, no. 9.

135. K. Kautsky. Ein Brief über Marx und Mach. Der Kampf Vienna, 1909. Bd.2.

136. S. Minin. "Filosofiiu za bort" ("Throwing Philosophy Overboard," in Russian). In: Pod znamenem marksizma, 1922, nos. 5-6.

137. P. Blonskii. Sovremennaiafilosofiia (Contemporary Philosophy). Moscow, 1918.

138. I. V. Stalin. Ekonomicheskie problemy sotsializma (Economic Problems of Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1952.

139. A. Toynbee. An Historian's Approach to Religion. London, 1956.

140. K. Jaspers. Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte. Zurich, 1949.

141: L. Mumford. The Myth of the Machine. New York, 1962.

142. M. Walser. "Über die neusten Stimmungen im Westen." In: Kursbuch, Bd. 20, 1970, S. 19-41.

143. Ph. Gavi, J.-P. Sartre, P. Victor. On a raison de se revolter. Paris, 1974.

144. K. Lorenz. Das sogenannte Bose. Vienna, 1963.

145. H. M. Enzensberger. "Baukasten zu einer Theorie der Medien." In: Kursbuch, Bd. 20, 1970, S. 159-186.

146. Letopisi marksizma (Annals of Marxism, in Russian), v. III, 1927. '

147. Jerry Rubin. Do It! (Scenario of the Revolution). New York, 1970.

148. J. Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Grundriss der vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung. Munich, 1967.


149. A. P. Elkin. The Australian Aborigines. Sydney-London, 1938. (Russian translation, Moscow, 1952.)

150. G. Childe. What Happened in History. London, 1942.

151. Iu. Steklov. Mikhail Bakunin (in Russian), v. III. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.

152. K. Kautsky. Terrorismus und Kommunismus. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Terrorizm i kommunizm, Berlin, 1919.)

153. S.-H. Saint-Simon. Izbrannye sochineniia (Selected Works, in Russian), vol. I. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948.

154. A. S. Izgoev. "Ob intelligentnoi molodezhi" ("On the Youthful Intelligentsia," in Russian). In: Vekhi (Landmarks), Moscow, 1909.

155. Byloe, no. I, July, 1917. (In Russian.)

156. I. R. Shafarevich. "Socialism in Our Past and Future." In: From Under the Rubble. Ed. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Boston: Little, Brown, 1975. (Russian edition published in Paris, 1974.)

157. F. M. Dostoevskii. Sobranie sochinenii (Works, in Russian), 10 vols. Moscow, 1956-58, vol. IX.

158. H. Oldenberg. Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde. (Quotations refer to the Russian translation, Budda, ego zhizn', uchenie i obshchina, Moscow, 1884.)

159. S. Radhakrishnan. Indian Philosophy, vol. I. New York and London, 1923.

160. The Elder Edda. (Russian translation, Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.)

161. M. Stirner. Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum. (Russian translation, St. Petersburg, 1909.)

162. M. Heidegger. Sein und Zeit. Halle an der Saale, 1929.

163. M. Heidegger. Holzwege. Frankfurt am Main, 1950.

164. J.-P. Sartre. L 'Être et le Néant. Paris, 1943.

165. M. Heidegger. Nietzsche. Bd. II. Berlin, 1961.

166. J. Dembowski. Psikhologiia zhivotnykh (Psychology of Animals, in Russian; original in Polish). Moscow, 1959.

167. R. Stammler. Wirtschaft und Recht nach der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung, 2nd ed. Berlin-Leipzig, 1906.

168. Aggression und Anpassung in der Industriegesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main, 1969.
Not a clue what I'm supposed to take away from this list?
The consensus of non Fundamentalist Bible scholars is that the first two thirds of Isaiah was written when Babylon was a threat to Judea, and that the last third was written after Cyrus had conquered Babylon.

They live in darkness then.
Yes it does. Your bible is full of gods, and some of them are legitimately identified as gods. Being a god according to the bible is not necessarily an offense to YHWH, the Almighty God. You don't know the bible, that's the problem. You only rely on what your pastor teaches you from the pulpit.
I read the bible a few x. There is no other God beside YHWH(Jehovah) just false gods. Small g god to some was not calling them God. it meant has godlike qualities.

Forum List
