Yikes: McCarthy & Taylor-Greene warn telecom companies not to turn over Jan 6 phone records

Interesting. I wonder why they would be worried about such a thing. It was just a tour that got a little rowdy!

Any guesses?

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have warned telecommunications companies against sharing information with the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) joined House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in threatening telecommunications companies that comply with a records request from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. Greene is pictured after a press conference outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on August 23, 2021.

McCarthy and Greene on Tuesday both suggested that the companies would face repercussions for complying with the committee's request for data once Republicans are in control of the government. The committee asked 35 telecommunications and social media companies to supply it with the records on Monday.

Some of the requested records pertain to Greene and other Republican members of Congress who were involved in the January 6 "Stop the Steal" rally supporting former President Donald Trump's false claims that he "won" the 2020 election, according to CNN. Shortly after the rally, the Capitol was breached by rioters who claimed that Trump was a victim of election fraud.
Yeah, all this fuss over some tourists visiting the Capitol?
Interesting. I wonder why they would be worried about such a thing. It was just a tour that got a little rowdy!

Any guesses?

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) have warned telecommunications companies against sharing information with the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) joined House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in threatening telecommunications companies that comply with a records request from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday. Greene is pictured after a press conference outside the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on August 23, 2021.

McCarthy and Greene on Tuesday both suggested that the companies would face repercussions for complying with the committee's request for data once Republicans are in control of the government. The committee asked 35 telecommunications and social media companies to supply it with the records on Monday.

Some of the requested records pertain to Greene and other Republican members of Congress who were involved in the January 6 "Stop the Steal" rally supporting former President Donald Trump's false claims that he "won" the 2020 election, according to CNN. Shortly after the rally, the Capitol was breached by rioters who claimed that Trump was a victim of election fraud.

OH MY ALLAH, these two want to obey the United States Constitution?

I can see where a Nazi like you is OUTRAGED.

Those who protested against your Reich MUST be hunted down and killed. No dissent can be tolerated, even if they didn't protest. Merely voicing opposition to the Reich and Fuhrer Biden must be met with SEVERE punishment.

Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil.
OH MY ALLAH, these two want to obey the United States Constitution?

I can see where a Nazi like you is OUTRAGED.

Those who protested against your Reich MUST be hunted down and killed. No dissent can be tolerated, even if they didn't protest. Merely voicing opposition to the Reich and Fuhrer Biden must be met with SEVERE punishment.

Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil.
You don`t need to be killed, just educated.
OH MY ALLAH, these two want to obey the United States Constitution?

I can see where a Nazi like you is OUTRAGED.

Those who protested against your Reich MUST be hunted down and killed. No dissent can be tolerated, even if they didn't protest. Merely voicing opposition to the Reich and Fuhrer Biden must be met with SEVERE punishment.

Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil.
No, they want to cover their (and others) worthless alt-right asses. They're scared shitless of a public relations nightmare with a majority of Americans knowing that elected officials actively supported overthrowing our government....and blowing all the momentum they have right now with the Afghanistan debacle.
And they're threatening the telecoms with legislative retribution if they comply...if they win back Congress.

They're shitting bricks
No, they want to cover their (and others) worthless alt-right asses. They're scared shitless of a public relations nightmare with a majority of Americans knowing that elected officials actively supported overthrowing our government....and blowing all the momentum they have right now with the Afghanistan debacle.

Oh? how does keeping the Gestapo for searching the personal conversations of millions of Americans without warrant or probable cause cover their asses?

You Nazis are once again shitting on the Constitution and crushing civil rights under your Jackboots. Thank god there are still two people with the courage to stand up to you fascist thugs.
And they're threatening the telecoms with legislative retribution if they comply...if they win back Congress.

They're shitting bricks

You Nazis don't have much time to end civil rights once and for all. I can see why you're moving fast on this.
They're not. It's already been alluded to and Gym Jordan himself has said he was in contact with Trump several times that day, wanting him to deploy the National Guard..(riiiighhtttt.....).
What they are scared of is a public relations nightmare. Standing members of Congress aiding and abetting an insurrection, probably calling Trump to coordinate and tell him to keep up the good fight.
The worst would be if they found that any Republican member actually gave directions for the protesters that would have threatened the lives of Democrats in the building..or worse, the Vice President
and his family.

They have a huge distraction in Afghanistan that isn't going to last as long as they think it will. This would stop that momentum in its tracks.
Oh? how does keeping the Gestapo for searching the personal conversations of millions of Americans without warrant or probable cause cover their asses?

You Nazis are once again shitting on the Constitution and crushing civil rights under your Jackboots. Thank god there are still two people with the courage to stand up to you fascist thugs.
When it involves overturning the results of a free and fairly held election, I'm for rooting out the conspirators and exposing them to the light...and watching those fucking cockroaches scurry away. It's good clean fun. :)
Get lost with your Constitution love. You don't give two shits about the Constitution. You've shown over the last four years you're willing to rip it up and even ignore it when it doesn't benefit your political slant.
This will not end well for people like Gym Jordan or MTG. And McCarthy's potential speakership goes down with the ship.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of "people".
Now that's funny.

That woman actually believes that she can shutdown a privately owned phone company.

That woman is totally delusional.
Remember, they literally just make it up as they go. That's the alternate universe.

And like their beloved leader, they appear to really believe it the minute they say it.
No, they want to cover their (and others) worthless alt-right asses. They're scared shitless of a public relations nightmare with a majority of Americans knowing that elected officials actively supported overthrowing our government....and blowing all the momentum they have right now with the Afghanistan debacle.
The Trumpsters think calling you a Nazi will get you to ignore everything that happened on Jan 6.

That's the frequency at which they operate.
And they're threatening the telecoms with legislative retribution if they comply...if they win back Congress.

They're shitting bricks
That's definitely how it looks.

We'll see!
When it involves overturning the results of a free and fairly held election, I'm for rooting out the conspirators and exposing them to the light...and watching those fucking cockroaches scurry away. It's good clean fun. :)
You are a Nazi, you seek to utterly crush all civil rights. I get it. The Reichstag Fire gives you cover to hunt down and eradicate Der Juden.

Get lost with your Constitution love. You don't give two shits about the Constitution. You've shown over the last four years you're willing to rip it up and even ignore it when it doesn't benefit your political slant.
This will not end well for people like Gym Jordan or MTG. And McCarthy's potential speakership goes down with the ship.

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of "people".

We understand. You, like all democrats, are dedicated to ending the United States Constitution and the Republic it represents. You are a Nazi, you promote totalitarian dictatorship and seek to violently crush any opposition to your fascist party.

This frontal assault on the 4th Amendment is exactly what thrills traitorous thugs like you. We are very much in a civil war, you and your fellow Nazis fight every single day to end America once and for all. You don't face the resistance your should. Greene has stood up to vermin and you hate her. McCarthy is a milquetoast moderate. That you thugs have overstepped the bounds to the extent to get even squishy fish Kevin to speak up shows how outrageous your assault on the Bill of Rights has gotten.
Huh? All I see is impotent threats from the short-bussers. If they ever grow balls enough to live up to the fascist ambitions, I might have a complaint. For now, it's just more Fox theater.

As known, you have no problem with the democrat Reich utterly crushing the 4th Amendment and scouring the private conversations of millions of Americans in their witch hunt for Der Juden.

You have nothing in common with a libertarian. Even your Marxist mentor Chomsky has more respect for civil rights.

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