Yo Barack..you didn't know shit when you ran for President..

so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
They voted CORTEZ into office....

YES - snowflakes could be that stupid again!


'Nuff Said...

(Gruber is still laughing his ass off...)

Hey, you elected Putin. You could be THAT stupid again too.

The country elected trump.
so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
They voted CORTEZ into office....

YES - snowflakes could be that stupid again!


'Nuff Said...

(Gruber is still laughing his ass off...)

Hey, you elected Putin. You could be THAT stupid again too.

The country elected trump.

Easy isn't an American, he's just pretends to be one on the internet.
Barry knew PLENTY when he ran for President.

He had embraced his identity as the son of an America-hating anti-colonialist who sought to eliminate the US as a world power and influence, changing his name to honor his father and what he stood for....

According to his own book he had learned to be a chameleon - to be everything to everyone, to deceive them all to get them to support him.

He had been tutored by infamous US Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

He had studied Socialist Saul Alensky - even quoted from the book Rules for Radicals in his Inauguration speech.

He had been mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, even entertaining him at the WH early on after he won in 2008 (Although the Obama's declared the 'Jeremiah Wright' who had signed into the visitor's log was a DIFFERENT 'Jeremiah Wright. :p What a coincidence. LOL!)

He was buddies with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, a terrorist who bombed his own country, killed 1st responders, and who said his only regret was not perpetrating MORE bombings...

(All of this is part of Barry's past they said 'did not matter')

All of this explains Obama's embrace of a Globalist mentality, his affinity for terrorists, nations who hated the US, Mexican / Hezbollah Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, violent invading illegals / gangs, his repeated PEN / PUBLIC violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law.....

Bush has been gone more than a decade, and you snowflakes are STILL blaming him for everything the Democrats f*ed up since he left office. You STILL invoke his name to blame him for Democrat screw ups...
You think Bushs blunders can be fixed in a decade?

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wonder why that question never came up on Baraks post presidency interviews?
Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

They didn’t exactly treat us as liberators

it was 8 years between the time Bush left office, and Trump took office.

Why are you giving Obama a pass?

(silly question)
What part of......Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

Went over your head?

What part of "obama had 8 years, and we're still there'' are you missing?
so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
They voted CORTEZ into office....

YES - snowflakes could be that stupid again!


'Nuff Said...

(Gruber is still laughing his ass off...)

Hey, you elected Putin. You could be THAT stupid again too.

Hey, you elected Putin.

I didn't see Putin on my ballolt.

are you sure YOU'RE American?
Easy isn't an American, he's just pretends to be one on the internet.
Oh, I'm an American - one who served for 30 years, fighting in some of the biggest sh!tholes in this world, all so your ass could be free to support traitors to this country, those exposed as having attempted to steal an election, give the Presidency to a felon who betrayed her country, and who sought to / seeks to carry out a coup against a legitimately elected President.

It's not the fact that I am an AMERICAN that causes you to hate me so much, as you know very well but will not admit, DL. It is the fact that I am not a card-carrying, violent intolerant, TDS-suffering, Party-1st Leftist snowflake who believes what you do and accepts yours and Barry's / Hillary's ideology.

The Democrats have called for a complete lack of civility and increased violent rhetoric and violent intolerance against anyone who disagrees with them and who does not drink their cool-aid and carry their banner...and you are doing your best to make them proud.

:clap: Bravo, DL...you're a good little snowflake.

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