Yo Barack..you didn't know shit when you ran for President..

so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
Deplorable trumpanzees can't quit Former President Obama.

Bush has been gone more than a decade, and you snowflakes are STILL blaming him for everything the Democrats f*ed up since he left office. You STILL invoke his name to blame him for Democrat screw ups...
You think Bushs blunders can be fixed in a decade?

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wonder why that question never came up on Baraks post presidency interviews?
Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

They didn’t exactly treat us as liberators

it was 8 years between the time Bush left office, and Trump took office.

Why are you giving Obama a pass?

(silly question)
so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
WE have shown that there are a sufficient number of dumbasses to elect a scumbag like Trump
Those 'dumbasses' elected someone who delivered the strongest economy in decades...

... while Democrats GAVE their nomination to a felon who abandoned Americans to die, betrayed the US for $145 million from Russians, compromised national security, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, broke laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, still could not win her party's nomination, a candidate who was GIVEN a stolen nomination AND STILL LOST THE 2016 ELECTION
Barry is beginning to become just like HILLARY ... he refuses to STFU and GO AWAY!

so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
WE have shown that there are a sufficient number of dumbasses to elect a scumbag like Trump

and 3 million more who voted for Hillary.

Personally, I don't see how either got the nomination

Oner ran as a fraud business cheat, liar, woman assaulter & the right wingers loved him.

The other had extensive experience in government, Senate, Sec of State but was severely hampered by 4 years of Republican investigations into Benghazi & e-mails that found nothing.

I suspect you were duped by these attacks on Clinton & likely duped enough to vote Trump.
Deplorable trumpanzees can't quit Former President Obama.

Bush has been gone more than a decade, and you snowflakes are STILL blaming him for everything the Democrats f*ed up since he left office. You STILL invoke his name to blame him for Democrat screw ups...
You think Bushs blunders can be fixed in a decade?

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wonder why that question never came up on Baraks post presidency interviews?
Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

They didn’t exactly treat us as liberators

it was 8 years between the time Bush left office, and Trump took office.

Why are you giving Obama a pass?

(silly question)

Bush took us from a balanced budget to record debt, deficits, the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama brought us back

Trump is heading us back into economic ruin sand our lost leadership role globally.
Hmmm. Let's see. A CEO of a large corporation, or a Community Organizer. Not a tough choice at all. We see the success of Trump after only 22 months, and the eight years of absolute failure of Obama.
Deplorable trumpanzees can't quit Former President Obama.

Bush has been gone more than a decade, and you snowflakes are STILL blaming him for everything the Democrats f*ed up since he left office. You STILL invoke his name to blame him for Democrat screw ups...
You think Bushs blunders can be fixed in a decade?

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wonder why that question never came up on Baraks post presidency interviews?
Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

They didn’t exactly treat us as liberators

it was 8 years between the time Bush left office, and Trump took office.

Why are you giving Obama a pass?

(silly question)
What part of......Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

Went over your head?
Hmmm. Let's see. A CEO of a large corporation, or a Community Organizer. Not a tough choice at all. We see the success of Trump after only 22 months, and the eight years of absolute failure of Obama.

A community organizer actually goes out and meets the common people, finds out about their problems, works to resolve them

Trump always considered common people to be losers
Hmmm. Let's see. A CEO of a large corporation, or a Community Organizer. Not a tough choice at all. We see the success of Trump after only 22 months, and the eight years of absolute failure of Obama.
OMG another dumbass POS who has no clue what a Community Organizer did. If you actually had a fucking brain & knew, you would like it.

A CEO of a cheating organization that fuck America out of billions in taxers that assaulted women and lies all the tine vs a 8 year State Senator and a US Senator.

We saw what Trump does yesterday. Trade wars, alienation all of our allies, Raking millions into his own pockets, making for more pollution., backtracking on greenhouse gas emissions, sand throwing a tissy fit because no one wants to build a 40;' stupid wall.

Bush has been gone more than a decade, and you snowflakes are STILL blaming him for everything the Democrats f*ed up since he left office. You STILL invoke his name to blame him for Democrat screw ups...
You think Bushs blunders can be fixed in a decade?

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Why are we still in Iraq and Afghanistan

Wonder why that question never came up on Baraks post presidency interviews?
Bush created a nightmare we can’t get out of

They didn’t exactly treat us as liberators

it was 8 years between the time Bush left office, and Trump took office.

Why are you giving Obama a pass?

(silly question)

Bush took us from a balanced budget to record debt, deficits, the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama brought us back

Trump is heading us back into economic ruin sand our lost leadership role globally.

Obama also patched relations with our allies

Trump destroyed them first chance he got......started conflicts with Mexico, Canada, France, UK, Germany

Whoever follows Trump will have a hard time fixing his mess
Hmmm. Let's see. A CEO of a large corporation, or a Community Organizer. Not a tough choice at all. We see the success of Trump after only 22 months, and the eight years of absolute failure of Obama.
A CEO whose daddy handed him millions. Trump was a millionaire by the tine be was 7.
so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
If Trump can win, literally anybody, could be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, can become President.
So...I take it you're throwing your shawl into the ring?
Maybe. I could say something retarded like “my only advisor will be the Lord Himself!” then speak in tongues and win a few GOP state primaries

I’m sure you could say a whole lot of retarded things, just read your post while you campaign, plenty of tardness there.
Obama brought us back

Trump is heading us back into economic ruin sand our lost leadership role globally.
HOW did Obama bring us back?
- Was it his very 1st 'Economic Spending Legislation', the $1 Trillion Dollar FAILED Stimulus Plan that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY Pork that in the end cost Americans over $700,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have saved / created?

- Was it his refusal to make more spending cuts when warned he needed to, instead being responsible for the 1st US Credit rating DOWNGRADE in US history?

- Was it his nearly $7 Trillion in new debt in his 1st 4 years?

The Democrats took a near Super Majority Control of Congress (House and Senate) during Bush's last 2 years - about the time even Democrats agree the economy started to falter. DEMOCRATS controlled the House - meaning they controlled the Budget, spending, the economy....not Bush. They kept that control until the end of Obama's 2nd year in office.....which means....

Snowflakes lie their assess off by claiming Obama inherited Bush's bad economy, but the economy Obama inherited...and kept going for 2 years....was the one DEMOCRATS controlled before he was elected 2 years later....meaning the 'bad economy' Obama 'INHERITED' was 'inherited' from his own Democrats, not Bush or the GOP!

Now we seen the Democrats taking the reins again of the House, which means the DEMOCRATS will once again control the Budget...spending, the economy......and in anticipation of the Democrats taking over again, we are seeing the markets' knees begin to shake and buckle.

As we see AGAIN....snowflakes are always blaming others for THEIR f*-ups and trying to take credit for others' success.
so it occurs to me I could do the same thing!...says Beto and his supporters. Could America be that stupid again?

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama
If Trump can win, literally anybody, could be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, can become President.
So...I take it you're throwing your shawl into the ring?
Maybe. I could say something retarded like “my only advisor will be the Lord Himself!” then speak in tongues and win a few GOP state primaries

I’m sure you could say a whole lot of retarded things, just read your post while you campaign, plenty of tardness there.
I’d have to cater my statements to republicans. I know! “We’re going to kill every Muslim, and Iran’s going to pay for it!”
Trump, a successful international businessman -

NOT the Socialist Community Organizer tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who studies and followed Socialist Saul Alensky's 'Rules for Radicals' as if it were a blueprint, who was mentored by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and who was bestest buddies with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who bombed his own country and murdered 1st responders -

Delivered the strongest economy in DECADES, affected the lowest unemployment rate in DECADES - the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded US history, brought back jobs Obama chased away and declared would never return, helped being back more full-time jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, and helped liberate Americans rom decades of Liberal designed economic slavery meant to keep them dependent on Democrats and their social program hand-outs to ensure they kept voting 'Democrat' to make sure the hand-outs lept coming.

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