Yo Obabble

How about your green energy plan?? I haven't got my Obamafan yet.
Obama Tax Plan: The Economic and Fiscal Effects

Key Points
1 The U.S. faces a fiscal cliff whether the expiration of certain tax rates falls on all income earners or only on high-income earners.
2 The increased tax rates on small-business, investment, and labor income would raise the cost of capital investment, reduce hiring and small-business expansion, and reduce the incentive to work and supply labor in the U.S. economy.
3 The Obama tax plan would create an average slowdown of $196 billion in real annual output, leading to nearly 1.1 million fewer private-sector jobs per year and an average of 2 billion fewer hours worked.
4 After accounting for the economic effects of the Obama tax plan, the federal government would collect only 44 percent (about $700 billion) of the $1.6 trillion assumed by the President.
5 Tax increases cannot solve the long-run fiscal imbalance, especially when tax rate increases would leave the U.S. economy weaker and federal revenues lower.
You address him as President Obama.

Or not at all.

Got it.
I will show Obabble as much respect as "Bushmult", "Dumbya" and.....

President Bush's political opponents often use nicknames for him in a disparaging sense, such as:
W - distinguishing son from father by his middle initial
Dubya - folksy Texan pronunciation of his middle initial W
GW - the initials of both his first and middle names
King George, King George II, Little George - implying he's as oppressive as the British monarchy was toward the early American colonists - used by Howard Dean in a campaign speech September 23, 2003 [1]
Junior - suggesting that he's not on a par with his father
Baby Bush - distinguishing him from Poppy Bush (the nickname of choice for George H. W. Bush)
Bush Baby - a crack likening him to an African primate (see galago)
Shrub - pun on his last name, since he's a smaller Bush. This nickname was popularized by Texas newspaper columnist Molly Ivins.
Uncurious George - motivated by his chimp-like resemblance to fictional monkey Curious George and by his intolerance for diverging fact and opinion. Usual "I know you are but what am I liberal tag" (See "put some Ice on it, Bill Clinton)
Bushie - belittling diminutive (compare Moonie)
Dumbo - implying that Bush is an idiot
Dumbya - hybrid of Dumbo and Dubya
Shrubya - hybrid of Shrub and Dubya
Gush - coupled with "Bore" in descriptions of Election 2000 as the "Gush and Bore election", juxtaposing his surname spooneristically with that of Al Gore (whose only two nicknames, by marked contrast, are Al Bore and Al Snore)

Got it???
Another cyst removed...

EPA Administrator Jackson Announces Resignatio
By By KEVIN FREKING Associated Press
WASHINGTON December 27, 2012 (AP)
The Obama administration's chief environmental watchdog, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, is stepping down after a nearly four-year tenure marked by high-profile brawls over global warming pollution, the Keystone XL oil pipeline, new controls on coal-fired plants and several other hot-button issues that affect the nation's economy and people's health.

Jackson, the agency's first black administrator, constantly found herself caught between administration pledges to solve controversial environmental problems and steady resistance from Republicans and industrial groups who complained that the agency's rules destroyed jobs and made it harder for American companies to compete internationally.
Obabblites prefer to abort them and flush them down the toilet.

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