Yo, South Carolina Will Keep Flag Flying!!!

The denial that racism still exists is tantamount to denying the existence of black people. I am white and I know this how come all you all conservatives are so willfully so stubbornly ignorant...what is the matter with you all did some Sphinx of Concrete and aluminum eat up your brains ?...
"Get a grip on yourself. Stop your bullshit."

You actually think you tell someone to 'get a grip'. LOL
Stop your whining. Do whatever it is that blows your dress up, who cares.

Your a troll, that's all. Flame on flamer.

In the meantime, companies in South Carolina, and other southern states, are getting a lesson in Economics 101.

A great thing freedom of speech is eh!!

I'm trying to figure out what retread you are. So familiar.

Now back to your comments. You brought up BMW. I threw back at you Fortune 500 companies with serious Nazi ties that are based in the North.

Do you really want to start an economic civil war?

Do you really hate the south that much that you would propose to punish a region economically because you disagree politically with them?

If so, you are one vile piece of shit. Wait.

You're a progressive!

"Get a grip on yourself. Stop your bullshit."

You actually think you tell someone to 'get a grip'. LOL
Stop your whining. Do whatever it is that blows your dress up, who cares.

Your a troll, that's all. Flame on flamer.

In the meantime, companies in South Carolina, and other southern states, are getting a lesson in Economics 101.

A great thing freedom of speech is eh!!

[QUOTE="Now back to your comments. You brought up BMW. I threw back at you Fortune 500 companies with serious Nazi ties that are based in the North.

Do you really want to start an economic civil war?

Do you really hate the south that much that you would propose to punish a region economically because you disagree politically with them?

Whine on!!
Yo, you know what Flag will be next for the minority Socialist to go after? Yes, the American Flag, it kills them every time they see it, they want a Socialist Flag flying!!! You idiots who stand with the New Socialist Progressive Democrat Party, you better snap out of your La-La-Land, before its to late, and you start not liking the situation you`re in! Just remember, Rambo told you so!!!

Yo, the lawmakers are saying the Confederate Flag will stay! Yes, some Republicans with balls!!! LOVE IT!!!
View attachment 43080
State Rep. Charleston victims waited to be shot - CNN Video

Republicans have balls alright and they are often bouncing of the butt cheeks of young boys or tea bagging another Republican's face.

The stupid bastardo strikes again...

So far I have shown you trash Republicans to be pedophiles and racists. Next will be the fact that you are pathological liars.
Yo, the lawmakers are saying the Confederate Flag will stay! Yes, some Republicans with balls!!! LOVE IT!!!
View attachment 43080
State Rep. Charleston victims waited to be shot - CNN Video

Republicans have balls alright and they are often bouncing of the butt cheeks of young boys or tea bagging another Republican's face.

The stupid bastardo strikes again...

So far I have shown you trash Republicans to be pedophiles and racists. Next will be the fact that you are pathological liars.

You haven't shown anything but your ass Jr.
Yo, the lawmakers are saying the Confederate Flag will stay! Yes, some Republicans with balls!!! LOVE IT!!!
View attachment 43080
State Rep. Charleston victims waited to be shot - CNN Video

Republicans have balls alright and they are often bouncing of the butt cheeks of young boys or tea bagging another Republican's face.

The stupid bastardo strikes again...


Why are you so afraid of a flag?
Yo, I say keep the flag flying, because every time I see one, it reminds me of the Racist Democrat Party!
Read your history ""Pig SWAG"" if the shoe fits? Wear it!!!

WOO HOO!!! The white camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking, redneck racists win!! Big Hoedown at the Walmart tonite!!!! Y'all invited! YEEEEEHAAAW!!!!

Seriously, nothing to celebrate. The racist redneck sister-fuckers are killing the Republican Party. They're an embarrassment.

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