Yoo Hoo, Mr. Gore!

I do not think I've seen before
Anyone as stupid as Albert Gore

C'mon all you poets! :D
I Believe the world shall not ever see;

One as ignorant as Albert G.

He wants Carbon Credits, throughout the land;

And counts his Dollars like the grains of sand.
OwlGore, the RAT that he is has been Caught in the trap...Like all the other Statists...cannot hit them with ANY questions...lest you lose equipment...

The JIG is UP...and they KNOW IT.
Here's my Global Warming poem. It is an homage to Al Gore's poem. Enjoy

A fart is heat
You must realize

Your breath is death
and heated skies

A cow's flatus
Can destroy our earth

what we must all do
is kill the fetus before birth

Not bad eh? NOW DIE!!! You evil humans!!!

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