You abortion foes have been bamboozled

Well it seems all this talk in D.C. about abortion and they are going to get Roe vs Wade reversed really didn't mean it after all. Look what the Trump administration is doing, true it is for a good cause but how do you foes feel about all the bs spewed in D.C. now?

HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days

Apparently reading is not your strong suit.

Try again, dumbass!

What you have here is a nothingburger you are trying to flail into something it is not.
Well it seems all this talk in D.C. about abortion and they are going to get Roe vs Wade reversed really didn't mean it after all. Look what the Trump administration is doing, true it is for a good cause but how do you foes feel about all the bs spewed in D.C. now?

HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days

Roe vs Wade will never be reversed in our lifetime. They would tie it up in court for years and years. Frankly, I encourage the commie leftists to abort and would support subsidizing them as well as the "tube tying" procedure. The gene pool needs cleansing and leftards are the bottom feeders.

Feminazis aborting, queers not able to reproduce? That's a "win, win" all the way around and no "downside" whatsoever...pragmatically speaking.
The expansion of abortion was the Democrats plan all along. Since Hillary didn't get elected, they are going state by state. Many states won't get on board with this evil.
“HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days”

This is a lie.

An embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ – no ‘baby parts’ are being used for research.

CNS ‘news’ is not a reliable source, it’s a rightwing fake news site; the lie it’s trying to propagate is proof of that.

The truth can be found in the Washington Post article:

“The Trump administration has thrown into doubt a multimillion-dollar research contract to test new treatments for HIV that relies on fetal tissue — work targeted by antiabortion lawmakers and social conservatives aligned with the president.


The tissue comes from elective abortions. Researchers say its use has not led to an increase in the prevalence of abortion and has spurred scientific advances that could not have been made otherwise.” ibid

The fact is that the Trump misadministration is jeopardizing important research concerning the treatment of HIV.

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